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Project IOT - report

Internet of Things (Trường Đại học FPT)

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ĐIỀN vào dưới đây nha mấy đứa

1. Introduction | KHOA

1.1 System’s components and peripheral device(png) |Nhớ

Table 1.System components and sensors.

2. Methods and Materials |

- Components and Peripheral Devices |
- System Model and Block Diagram |

3. Electronic Circuit/Hardware Interfacing | NHỚ

Lora-01 and Arduino Uno R3 are used to transmit data to Lora-01 with
ESP8266 CH340 and send the results to the Web Server based on sensor data. In
Figure 3, the electrical circuit diagram of the developed system is shown. The
temperature and humidity sensors communicate with Arduino's Pin3, the
pressure sensor communicates with Arduino's A4 and A5 pins, and the rain
sensor communicates with Arduino's A0. Finally, the data is received by ESP8266
and displayed on the Web server. The interface is further described in Table 3.1
and 3.2.

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Fig 3.Circuit schematic/hardware interfacing

Table 3.1.Interfacing between Arduino Uno and its components (pin-to-pin)

Table 3.2.Interfacing between NodeMCU and its components (pin-to-pin)

4. Software Programming and IoT Server Integration, Setting Up IoT Server

- Programming Flowchart |

- Sensors and Parameter Setup | NHỚ\

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DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor:

The DHT11 sensor operates by measuring changes in resistance based on temperature and
humidity in the air. It uses one sensor to measure temperature and another sensor to
measure humidity. The information is then transmitted to an Arduino UNO, where it is
converted into temperature and humidity values.

Operating Voltage: 3.5V to 5.5V.

Operating Current: 0.3mA (measuring) and 60uA (standby).

Output: Serial data.

Temperature Range: 0°C to 50°C.

Humidity Range: 20% to 90%.

Resolution: 16-bit for both temperature and humidity.

Accuracy: ±1°C for temperature and ±1% for humidity.

Rain Sensor:

The rain sensor operates by using two arrays of electrodes to detect the contact of rainwater.
When rainwater comes into contact with the electrodes, it creates a conductive circuit, and
the Arduino UNO reads the signal from this sensor to determine the level of rainfall.
Information about the amount of rainfall is sent from this sensor to a computer or monitoring

Operating Voltage: 5VDC.

Rain Sensor Plate Size: 54 x 40mm.

PCB Board Size: 30 x 16mm.

Output Signal: Digital TTL (0VDC / 5VDC) and an Analog A0 output that provides a
voltage value linearly related to the amount of water in contact with the sensor.

Mounting: The sensor has fixed bolt holes for easy installation.

Status Indicators: Power and output status indicator LEDs.

BMP180 Pressure and Temperature Sensor:

The BMP180 sensor operates by measuring atmospheric pressure and temperature in the
environment. It uses a pressure sensor to measure pressure and a temperature sensor to

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measure temperature. This sensor is typically used to measure changes in air pressure with
altitude, and from that, you can calculate weather temperature and pressure.

Dimensions: 21mm x 18mm.

Weight: 1.18g.

Supply Voltage: 1.8V to 3.6V.

Low Power Consumption: 0.5uA at 1Hz.

Communication Interface: I2C.

Max I2C Speed: 3.5MHz.

Low Noise: Precision of 0.02hPa (equivalent to 17cm).

Current Consumption: 5μA.

- Setting Up IoT Server | NHỚ

Fig4. Created Web Server

//................. Setup to Connect Your WIFI...............................//

const char *ssid = "Quynh Huong";

const char *password = "131901@123";

ESP8266WebServer Server(80);

5. Results and Discussion

- Prototype Implementation | NHỚ

The weather system presented in the article is developed and implemented based
on block diagram and circuit design using the sensors mentioned in Table 1. The
programming template is written based on data transmission of LoRa with arduino to
NodeMCU with LoRa to achieve its functionality. The implementation prototype is created
by connecting electronic sensors; all components in the system run on a 5V power
supply, except for NodeMCU which uses a 3.3V power supply. Figure 5.1 shows the
prototype of the actual device.

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Fig.5.1 Implemented prototype of the developed system.

- Results from Prototype Testing | NHỚ

To check the results, the data receiver unit from the sensors is placed in the
desired position. After power supply is provided, the system operates as designed and
programmed by changing the temperature or pouring water into the rain sensor. LORA
sends the data to display those sensors, while LORA receives the data and transmits it
directly to the Web Server, displaying the complete values of the sensors.

Fig.5.2 Prototype testing.

6. Conclusion | KHOA


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Block Diagram:

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