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medication Dosage and Route Action and Side effects indications and Nursing

Preparation ar Classificati and Adverse contraindications Responsibilitie

Admi on s and
nistra consideration

Generic >Adult: PO Oral Anthranil Assess

name: loading Dose ic Acid. side effects: indications: The patients who
Mefenamic 500mg Like analgesic efficacy develop
acid ibuprofe -Diarrhea of mefenamic acid severe
>Maintenance dose n is documented for diarrhea and
250mg q6h inhibits -Constipation inflammatory and vomiting for
prostagl non-inflammatory dehydration
Brand name: andin -gas or pain. It’s use for and
Ponstel, and bloating acute pain is well electrolyte
Ponsta affects known; pain after imbalance.
platelet -Headache dental interventions
function. or after traumas are Lab tests:
No -Dizziness significantly With
evidence reduced with Long-term
that it is -Nervousness mefenamic acid. therapy (not
superior Mefenamic acid is recommende
to -Ringing in one of the drugs of d) obtain
aspirin the ears choice for periodic
dysmenorrhea complete
Classificati blood
on: Central Adverse side Contraindications: counts, Hct
nervous effects: Inflammatory and Hgb,
system intestinal disease. and kidney
agent; CNS:Drowsines Active peptic ulcers. function
analgesic’ s, Insomnia, tests.
nsaid; Dizziness, Hypersensitivity to
antipyretic nervousness, aspirin or other Discontinue
confusion, non-steroidal drug
Headache inflammatory agents. promptly if
Renal failure diarrhea,
GI: Severe dark stools,
diarrhea, hematemes
ulceration and is
bleeding; ,ecchymoses,
nausea, epistaxis, or
vomiting, rash occur and
abdominal do not use
cramps, flatus, again. Contact

<CV: phlebitis,
indication Monitor patient
cefuroxime Adults and oral thrombophiebi bronchitis, sinusitis, for signs and
Brand Names teenagers—250 to tis. tonsillitis, symptoms of
Ceftin 500 milligrams Inhibits <Gl diar-rhea, superinfection
ear infections, skin
Generic Name (mg) two times a cell-wall pseudomembra and diarrhea
infections, gonorrhea,
Cefuroxime day nous colitis, and treat aporo.
synthesis, and urinary tract
promoting nausta, infections. priately.
or motic anorexia, • Drug may
instability: vomiting. increase INR
•Contraindicated in
Hematologio and risk of
usually patients
hemolytic bleed ing.
bactericidal hypersensitive to
anemia, Monitor
. drug or other patient.i
thrombocytope cephalosporins
nia, transient
new-tropenia, • Use cautiously in
eosinophilia patients
hypersensitive to
<Skins penicillin because of
maculopapular possibility of
and cross-sensitivity with
erythematous other beta-lactam
rashes, antibiotics.
urticaria, pain,
it-duration, • According to the
sterile CDC, oral
abscesses, cephalosporins aren't
temperature recommended to treat
ele-vation, gonococcal
tissue in-fections.
sloughing at
IM injection
Generic Assess patients
Vitamin A <Adult 100,000 oral side effect for signs of
<For the treatment of
brand name: units daily for -diarrhea vitamin A
vitamin A deficiency.
Retinol, three days followed -headache deficiency
Aquasol A, 50,000 units daily -fatigue (night
Retinyl for two weeks is converted -bone pain blindness;
Acetate, and in the -sleepiness frequent eye,
Retinyl retina to ear, sinus, and
Palmitate. the adverse effect GU infections;
Avoid the use of
11-cis-isom -bone thinning hypersensitivity, dry mucous
er of -hairloss intravenous use, membranes;
retinaldehy -liver damage hypervitaminosis A, rough, scaly
de or -skin irritation malabsorption skin with goose
11-cis-retin syndrome (oral pimple–like
al. therapy), lesions;
11-cis-retin pregnancy photophobia;
al functions (recommended daily and dry eyes)
in the average). prior to and
retina in periodically
the throughout
transductio therapy.
n of light
into the <Assess
neural nutritional
signals status through
necessary 24-hr diet
for vision recall

ble vitamin
A Palmitate

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