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In Gangnam, the upscale Seoul district south of the Han River bisecting the city, one of the area's biggest

industries is evident on people's faces: On the streets, patients are wearing nose guards and bandages, fresh

5 from facial fix-ups. High-rises soar with cosmetic surgery clinic on every floor, and in the subway stations,

floor-to-ceiling advertisements feature images of women's uniformly wide-eyed, youthful faces all with
the message that you, too, can look this way if you go to the right clinic.

South Korea has the highest per capita rate of cosmetic surgery in the world, by one key industry estimate.

Gallup Korea found about one in three South Korean women between the ages of 19 and 29 said they've

10 gone under the knife, though some counts put the number even higher. Most of the surgeries are eyelid

procedures and the vast majority of plastic surgery patients are women.

Cosmetic surgery "is not even a question, a moral question is it good, is it bad? It simply is," says Heather

Willoughby, a professor of women's and cultural studies at Seoul's Ewha Womans University.
Cosmetic surgery tourism attracts so many people - mostly from Japan and China -that Seoul's Incheon

15 airport at one point considered putting a plastic surgery clinic inside a terminal so travelers wouldn't have

to go into the city to finish their procedures. (That proposal was scrapped after opposition from doctors).

But Koreans are starting to question the proliferation of cosmetic procedures. In response to a growing
number of complaints from riders, the Seoul Metro, which runs the capital's public bus and subway
system, announced in November that it will ban advertisements for plastic surgery at its stations.
20 Seoul Metro says the number of complaints has ticked up steadily since 2015, prompting it to take action.
But Willoughby says the problem is much broader. "Much of the ideal [beauty] is industrialized. It's being

created by the beauty industry, by K-pop [Korean pop music], by perhaps even the government, in what

they're selling to the rest of the world as to the ideal Korean beauty," she says.
Bora Ki, who rushes past cosmetic surgery ads every day, calls them "horrible." All of the women look the

25 same," Ki says. "So I think it's not positive."

The sameness she mentions is striking. Willoughby says it reflects the standard beauty ideal prized by
Koreans: ivory skin, big, round eyes with the Western-looking double eyelid and a V-line jaw.
"There's just a sense that to conform, to be part of that norm, you have to look a certain way, act a certain

way," Willoughby says.

30 Kim Sook-in, who makes her living as a porcelain artist, doesn't question cosmetic surgery or the prolific ads

promoting it. "It's every woman's desire to become prettier, so I think it's good thing," Kim says.
Willoughby says Seoul residents especially younger women and girls could stand to see fewer

reminders about how much looks matter.

"When young girls see this over and over

and over, they subconsciously are told they have to be a certain
35 way. So seeing less of it or seeing a greater diversity is a much better and much healthier thing," she says.
These ads are on their way out - but not anytime soon. Because of existing ad buys, the Metro says it
doesn't expect to phase out all the subway's gleaming plastic surgery promotions until 2022.

Source: Hu, Elise. "Plastic Surgery in Seoul." NPR, NPR, 5 Feb. 2018,
compare and contrast the novel and the article:

peoples attitude towards plastic surgery


the in which people conform to


way in which people are influenced by
the their environment
the and
way in which the government influences peoples mind body

the article the novel

women are most plastic

the plastic
likely to have a
surgery is
of their
part lives

, so

surgery girls and

boys have plastic surgeries
really think much of it

All of the (1 24) wouldn't be"normal" if you don't do the plastic


look the same"

women .


you see those advertisements

of those plastic surgery clinics and

the womens faces after the surgery
everywhere in the Underground
In soul thereare
walking so many
women with a rose bandage

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