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Radiation refers to the emission or transmission of energy in the form of waves or
particles through space or a medium. This energy can take various forms,
including electromagnetic waves (such as light, radio waves, and X-rays) or
subatomic particles (such as alpha particles, beta particles, and neutrons).

The instrument used in detecting the presence of radiation is Geiger-Muller
A Geiger-Muller counter is an instrument specifically designed to detect the
presence of ionizing radiation, such as alpha, beta, and gamma radiation. It works
based on the ionization effect produced by radiation when it interacts with matter.

The linear shape of a molecule refers to the arrangement of its atoms in a straight
line, with a bond angle of 180 degrees between them. In the case of carbon dioxide
(CO2), it consists of one carbon (C) atom bonded to two oxygen (O) atoms.

Here's an EXPLANATION of why CO2 has a linear shape:
1. Carbon Atom (C): The carbon atom at the centre of the CO2 molecule forms
two sigma (σ) bonds with the two oxygen atoms. These sigma bonds result
from the sharing of electrons between the carbon and oxygen atoms.
2. Oxygen Atoms (O): Each oxygen atom forms a sigma bond with the central
carbon atom. This means that each oxygen atom shares two pairs of electrons
with the carbon atom.
3. Symmetry: Due to the arrangement of the atoms and the double bonds formed
between carbon and oxygen, the CO2 molecule achieves a linear geometry.
Both oxygen atoms are on opposite sides of the carbon atom, and the molecule
forms a straight line.
4. Bond Angle: The bond angle between the carbon-oxygen-carbon atoms in CO2
is approximately 180 degrees, which is characteristic of a linear molecular

So, in summary, the CO2 molecule is linear because of the arrangement of its
atoms and the presence of double bonds between carbon and oxygen, resulting in
a bond angle of 180 degrees. This linear shape is different from the other
molecules mentioned (CH4, NH3, and H2S), which have different arrangements of
atoms and bond angles, making them non-linear or bent.

The formula of the compound formed between a trivalent metal, M, and a divalent
non-metal, Y, can be determined by balancing the charges of the ions involved.
Since M is trivalent, it has a 3+ charge, and Y is divalent, having a 2- charge.
We need two divalent Y ions for every three trivalent M ions to balance the
So, the correct formula of the compound is M2Y3.

Gaining Electrons: When an atom gains electrons, it takes on additional negative
charges. The number of electrons gained determines the magnitude of the charge.

When an atom gains electrons, it becomes negatively charged because electrons
are negatively charged particles.
Each electron gained adds a negative charge to the atom. In this case, if an atom of
element X gains two electrons, it will have a net charge of -2.
Therefore, the symbol of the ion formed is X .

The correct statement among the options is Cations are smaller than the parent
1. Atomic size generally increases down a group in the periodic table (Option
A is incorrect). This is because as you move down a group, you are adding
more energy levels or electron shells, which leads to an increase in the atomic
2. Atomic size generally decreases across a period from left to right in the
periodic table (Option B is incorrect). This is due to the increasing effective
nuclear charge (the positive charge felt by the outer electrons) as you move
across a period, which causes the electrons to be pulled closer to the nucleus,
thus reducing the atomic radius.
3. Anions are larger than the parent atom (Option C is incorrect). When an atom
gains electrons to become an anion, it increases in size because the added
electrons repel each other, causing the electron cloud to expand.
4. Cations, on the other hand, are smaller than the parent atom (Option D is
correct). When an atom loses electrons to become a cation, the effective nuclear
charge on the remaining electrons increases, pulling them closer to the nucleus.
This results in a smaller atomic radius for cations compared to the neutral

In atoms, electrons are arranged in energy levels or electron shells. These energy
levels are filled in a specific order based on their increasing energy.

The correct order of electronic energy levels is as follows, with the lowest energy
level at the beginning:
1s < 2s < 2p < 3s < 3p < 4s < 3d
Now, let's examine option C: 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d
In option C, the electronic energy levels are listed from left to right, and they
follow the correct order:
1. It starts with 1s, which is the lowest energy level.
2. Next is 2s, followed by 2p.
3. Then, it goes to 3s, followed by 3p.
4. After that, it lists 4s, and finally, it includes 3d.

Option C accurately represents the order of electronic energy levels, following the
principle that lower energy levels are filled before higher ones.

The electron configuration of an element represents the arrangement of its
electrons in various energy levels and orbitals.

For the electron configuration 1s² 2s² 2p⁶ 3s² 3p¹:
1s²: This part indicates that there are two electrons in the 1s orbital, which is the
first energy level (n=1).
2s² 2p⁶: This part indicates that there are a total of eight electrons in the 2s and 2p
orbitals combined, which belong to the second energy level (n=2). There are two
electrons in the 2s orbital and six electrons in the 2p orbitals.
3s² 3p¹: This part indicates that there are three electrons in the 3s and 3p orbitals
combined, which belong to the third energy level (n=3). There are two electrons in
the 3s orbital and one electron in the 3p orbital.

Now, let's identify which element matches this electron configuration:

The presence of electrons in the 3s² 3p¹ portion indicates that the element is in the
third period (period 3) of the periodic table.
The total number of electrons (2 + 8 + 3) is 13, which corresponds to the atomic
number of aluminum (Al).
Therefore, the element with the electron configuration 1s² 2s² 2p⁶ 3s² 3p¹ is
aluminum (Al).

In terms of the periodic table categories:

Block: Aluminum is in the p-block.
Period: Aluminum is in the third period (period 3).
Group: Aluminum is in Group 13, also known as Group IIIA or Group 3.
1s² 2s² 2p⁶ 3s² 3p¹ fits the description; p-block, period 3, group 3.

In the periodic table, all elements within the same group have the same number of
valence electrons.

Elements in the same group of the periodic table have similar chemical properties
because they have the same number of valence electrons. Valence electrons are the
electrons in the outermost energy level or shell of an atom, and they are primarily
responsible for an element's chemical behaviour.

For example, elements in Group 1 (the alkali metals), such as lithium (Li), sodium
(Na), and potassium (K), all have one valence electron in their outermost energy
level. This gives them similar chemical properties, such as being highly reactive
and readily forming +1 ions.

Elements in Group 2 (the alkaline earth metals), such as magnesium (Mg) and
calcium (Ca), have two valence electrons in their outermost energy level, leading
to similar chemical properties but with a tendency to form +2 ions.
So, the number of valence electrons is a key factor in determining an element's
chemical behaviour, and elements in the same group of the periodic table share
this characteristic.

Bromine (option C) is the halogen that is liquid at room temperature. It is the only
non-metallic element that is liquid under normal conditions at room temperature
(around 25 degrees Celsius or 77 degrees Fahrenheit).
The other halogens, such as iodine (A), chlorine (B), and fluorine (D), are gases at
room temperature.

Rare gases, also known as noble gases, are stable because they have a full
complement of valence electrons, typically eight electrons in their outermost
energy level (except for helium, which has two).
This electron configuration gives them a stable and inert nature, making them less
likely to form chemical bonds with other elements. They already have a full outer
electron shell, resembling the electron configuration of a full octet, which is
associated with stability in chemical bonding. This is why option D, have octet
structures, is the correct answer.

The periodic table is organized into several groups or columns based on similar
chemical properties. The alkaline earth metals are a group of elements located in
Group II of the periodic table. These elements include beryllium (Be), magnesium
(Mg), calcium (Ca), strontium (Sr), barium (Ba), and radium (Ra).

Group II elements, also known as the alkaline earth metals, share some common
1. They have two valence electrons in their outermost energy level.
2. They are relatively reactive but less reactive than the alkali metals in Group I.
3. They tend to form +2 ions by losing their two valence electrons.
4. They are shiny, silvery-white metals that are good conductors of heat and

So, when referring to the periodic table, we can find the alkaline earth metals in
Group II, which is the second column from the left.
The ionization energy generally increases across a period (from left to right) in the
periodic table because as you move across a period, the number of protons in the
nucleus increases, leading to a greater attraction between the nucleus and the
electrons. Therefore, to find the series with atoms arranged in order of increasing
ionization energy, you should look for elements that go from left to right in the
periodic table.

Among the options provided:
Option A: Li, Na, K - These elements are in the same group (Group 1), but they go
from left to right in the periodic table. So, ionization energy increases from Li to
Na to K.
Option B: B, Be, Li - These elements are in the same period (Period 2), but they go
from right to left in the periodic table. So, ionization energy decreases from B to Be
to Li.
Option C: O, F, Ne - These elements are in the same period (Period 2), and they go
from left to right in the periodic table. So, ionization energy increases from O to F
to Ne.
Option D: Be, Mg, Ca - These elements are in the same period (Period 2), but they
go from left to right in the periodic table. So, ionization energy increases from Be
to Mg to Ca.

Therefore, option C (O, F, Ne) is the series in which the atoms are arranged in
order of increasing ionization energy.

The high boiling point of water is primarily due to the presence of hydrogen
bonds between water molecules.

Hydrogen bonds are a specific type of intermolecular force that occurs when a
hydrogen atom in one molecule is attracted to a highly electronegative atom (such
as oxygen or nitrogen) in another molecule.

In water (H2O), the oxygen atom is significantly more electronegative than the
hydrogen atoms. This causes the oxygen atom to have a partial negative charge
(δ-), while the hydrogen atoms have partial positive charges (δ+). As a result,
water molecules are polar, and they can form hydrogen bonds with each other.

These hydrogen bonds are relatively strong compared to other intermolecular

forces like London dispersion forces, which exist in non-polar molecules. The
presence of hydrogen bonds leads to stronger attraction between water molecules,
requiring more energy (in the form of heat) to break these bonds and transition
water from its liquid state to a gas, resulting in a high boiling point for water.

In a metallic solid, the forces of attraction are between the mobile valence electrons
and the positively charged nuclei of the metal atoms. This is what gives metals
their unique properties, such as electrical conductivity and malleability.

The delocalized or mobile electrons are free to move throughout the crystal lattice
of the metal, creating a "sea of electrons" that interacts with the positively charged
metal ions (nuclei), holding the solid together through metallic bonding.

The types of bonds present in crystalline ammonium chloride (NH₄Cl).
1. Ionic Bonds: The dominant type of bond in ammonium chloride is ionic. An
ionic bond forms between atoms or groups of atoms when one atom donates
one or more electrons to another atom. In ammonium chloride, the
ammonium ion (NH₄⁺) donates a hydrogen ion (H⁺) to the chloride ion (Cl⁻).
As a result, the ammonium ion becomes positively charged (NH₄⁺), and the
chloride ion becomes negatively charged (Cl⁻). These oppositely charged ions
are attracted to each other by electrostatic forces, forming ionic bonds. The
transfer of electrons is complete, and the ions are held together in a crystal

2. Covalent Bonds: While ionic bonds are dominant, there are also covalent
bonds present in the ammonium chloride molecule. A covalent bond forms
when two atoms share electrons. In ammonium chloride, the covalent bonds
are found within the ammonium ion (NH₄⁺). Within the ammonium ion, there
are covalent bonds between the hydrogen atoms (H) and the nitrogen atom
(N). Each hydrogen atom shares its electron with the nitrogen atom to
complete its outer electron shell.
So, in summary: The primary bond holding the compound together is ionic,
between the ammonium ion (NH₄⁺) and the chloride ion (Cl⁻) and Covalent bonds
are also present within the ammonium ion (NH₄⁺) where electrons are shared
between hydrogen atoms and the nitrogen atom.
Oxygen is diatomic, meaning it exists naturally as molecules composed of two
oxygen atoms bonded together. This molecular form of oxygen is often denoted as
In contrast, sodium (option A), iron (option C), and neon (option D) are not
diatomic elements in their standard states. Sodium and iron are metallic elements,
while neon is a noble gas, and they exist as single atoms, not diatomic molecules,
under normal conditions.

Noble gas molecules are held together by van der Waals forces, specifically
London dispersion forces (also known as London forces or instantaneous dipole-
induced dipole forces).

These forces are relatively weak compared to covalent or ionic bonds but are
responsible for the interactions between noble gas atoms or molecules. Noble
gases, such as helium (He), neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe), and
radon (Rn), exist as monatomic gases in their natural states and do not form
covalent or ionic bonds like other elements. Instead, they exhibit these van der
Waals forces due to temporary fluctuations in electron density around their nuclei.

Nuclear reactions, as the name suggests, take place inside the atomic nucleus.
These reactions involve changes in the composition of the nucleus, such as nuclear
decay, fusion, or fission, and typically do not involve electrons.

Protons and neutrons within the nucleus are the primary particles involved in
nuclear reactions. Therefore, option B, which takes place inside the nucleus, is the
correct statement about nuclear reactions.

To balance the chemical equation C2H2 + yH2 → C2H6 correctly, we need to
ensure that the number of each type of atom is the same on both sides of the
On the left side, we have:
2 carbon atoms (C) from C2H2
2 hydrogen atoms (H) from C2H2
y hydrogen atoms (H) from yH2

On the right side, we have:

2 carbon atoms (C) from C2H6
6 hydrogen atoms (H) from C2H6

To balance the equation, we set up the equation:

2 + 2y = 6
Solving for y:
2y = 6 - 2
2y = 4
y = 4/2

To find the volume of a 0.25 moldm-3 solution of KOH that would yield 6.5g of
solid KOH on evapouration, we will use the formula:

Mass( g)
Molar Mass(g /mol)
First, calculate the moles of KOH in 6.5g of solid KOH:
Molar mass of KOH = (K) 39.0 g/mol + (O) 16.0 g/mol + (H) 1.00 g/mol= 56.0 g/mol

6.5 g
Moles of KOH = =0.1161mol
56.0 g /mol
Now, we want to find the volume of a 0.25 moldm-3 solution of KOH that
contains 0.1161 moles.
We will use the formula:
Volume (dm3)= 3
Concentration(mol/dm )
0.1161 mole 3
Volume = 3 =0.4644dm
0.25 mol/dm
To express the answer in cm3 (cubic centimetres), you can multiply by 1000 since 1
dm3 = 1000 cm3:
Volume = 0.4644dm3×1000cm3/dm3= 464.4cm3
Rounding to three significant figures, the volume of the 0.25 moldm-3 solution of
KOH that would yield 6.5g of solid KOH on evapouration is approximately 464.30

To find the percentage by mass of calcium in Ca(ClO)2, we can use the formula:
Mass of Calcium
Percentage by Mass= ×100%
Molar mass of Ca ¿ ¿

First, calculate the molar mass of Ca(ClO)2:

Calcium (Ca) has a molar mass of 40.0 g/mol.
Chlorine (Cl) has a molar mass of 35.5 g/mol.
Oxygen (O) has a molar mass of 16.0 g/mol.

Molar mass of Ca(ClO)2 = (Ca: 40.0 g/mol) + 2(Cl: 35.5 g/mol) + 2(O: 16.0 g/mol) =
40.0 g/mol + 71.0 g/mol + 32.0 g/mol = 143.0 g/mol

Now, calculate the mass of calcium in one mole of Ca(ClO)2:

Mass of calcium = (1 mol of Ca) × (40.0 g/mol of Ca) = 40.0 g

We can now use the formula for the percentage by mass:

40.0 g
Percentage by Mass= ×100% =27.97%
143.0 g /mol
Rounding to one decimal place, the percentage by mass of calcium in Ca(ClO)2 is
approximately 28.0%.
Charles' law, also known as the law of volumes, describes the relationship
between the volume and temperature of a gas while keeping pressure and the
amount of gas constant. It states that the volume of a gas is directly proportional
to its temperature in Kelvin (K) if pressure and the amount of gas remain constant.

Mathematically, it can be expressed as V/T = k, where V is volume and T is

temperature in Kelvin. This law is one of the fundamental gas laws that helps
describe the behaviour of gases under different conditions.

Evapouration is the process by which a liquid changes into vapour or gas phase at
its surface, typically at a temperature below its boiling point. During
evapouration, molecules at the liquid's surface gain enough kinetic energy to
overcome the attractive forces of the liquid phase and enter the gas phase. As a
result, liquid molecules are lost to the vapour phase, leading to a decrease in the
volume of the liquid in an open container over time.

The other options, Brownian motion (A), diffusion (B), and sublimation (D), do not
necessarily lead to a decrease in the volume of a liquid in an open container.
Brownian motion and diffusion involve the movement of particles within a liquid
but do not result in a net loss of liquid volume. Sublimation involves the transition
of a substance directly from the solid phase to the gas phase and typically does not
occur in most common liquids.

Option D; frequency of collision between gaseous molecules.
The pressure exerted by a gas is a function of the frequency of collisions between
gaseous molecules. The pressure of a gas is determined by the force exerted by gas
molecules on the walls of the container due to their collisions. When gas molecules
collide more frequently with the container walls, the pressure increases.

This frequency of collision is related to the kinetic energy and speed of the gas
molecules (option B), as well as the number of gas molecules (related to the total
volume of the gas - option A).

The mass of each gaseous molecule (option C) does affect the kinetic energy of the
gas molecules, but it is not the primary factor determining pressure. It is the
collective behaviour of gas molecules, including their speed, number, and
frequency of collision, that determines the pressure exerted by the gas.

The arrangement of the gases in increasing order of diffusion rate based on their
molar masses:
1. SO2 (Sulfur Dioxide):
Molar mass = 32 (sulfur) + 16 (oxygen) + 16 (oxygen) = 64 g/mol
2. O2 (Oxygen):
Molar mass = 16 (oxygen) + 16 (oxygen) = 32 g/mol
3. NH3 (Ammonia):
Molar mass = 1 (hydrogen) + 1 (hydrogen) + 1 (hydrogen) + 14 (nitrogen) = 17
4. H2 (Hydrogen):
Molar mass = 2 (hydrogen) = 2 g/mol

Now, let's arrange these gases in increasing order of diffusion rate:

1. Slowest Diffusion Rate: SO2 (64 g/mol) - Sulfur Dioxide has the highest molar
mass among the given gases, making it the slowest to diffuse.
2. Slower Diffusion Rate: O2 (32 g/mol) - Oxygen has a lower molar mass
compared to SO2 but higher than NH3 and H2, so it diffuses slower than NH3
and H2.
3. Faster Diffusion Rate: NH3 (17 g/mol) - Ammonia has a lower molar mass
than both SO2 and O2, so it diffuses faster than them but slower than H2.
4. Fastest Diffusion Rate: H2 (2 g/mol) - Hydrogen has the lowest molar mass
among all the given gases, making it diffuse the fastest.

So, the correct order of diffusion rates, from slowest to fastest, is:
SO2 > O2 > NH3 > H2.
Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the molecules of a gas.
In a gas, molecules are in constant motion, and their kinetic energy is related to
how fast they are moving. When we measure the temperature of a gas, we are
essentially measuring the average kinetic energy of the gas molecules. The higher
the temperature, the greater the average kinetic energy of the molecules, and vice

The other variables listed—density (A), pressure (B), and volume (D)—are related
to the behaviour of gases, but they do not directly measure the average kinetic
energy of the gas molecules.

When heat is absorbed during a chemical reaction, the reaction is said to be
endothermic. In an endothermic reaction, energy is taken in from the
surroundings, often in the form of heat. This results in a decrease in the
temperature of the surroundings and an increase in the internal energy of the
system undergoing the reaction.

Endothermic reactions are characterized by a positive change in enthalpy (∆H)

because the products of the reaction have a higher enthalpy than the reactants.
Conversely, in an exothermic reaction (option C), heat is released into the
surroundings, resulting in an increase in the temperature of the surroundings and
a decrease in the internal energy of the system. Exothermic reactions have a
negative change in enthalpy (∆H) because the products have a lower enthalpy
than the reactants.

Aqueous solutions with a pH greater than 7 are considered basic or alkaline.
Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) is a basic salt, and its aqueous solution will have a
pH greater than 7. The presence of carbonate ions (CO3 ) in the solution can act as
a base and increase the pH.

The other options, FeCl3(aq), CuSO4(aq), and KNO3(aq), are not typically
associated with solutions having a pH greater than 7. They are either neutral or
acidic in aqueous solution.

When sulfuric acid (H2SO4) reacts with calcium carbonate (CaCO3), it undergoes
a chemical reaction. The reaction can be understood by examining the chemical
equations involved:
H2SO4(aq) + CaCO3(s) → CaSO4(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)
In this balanced chemical equation:
H2SO4 (sulfuric acid) is an acidic compound that donates hydrogen ions (H+) to
the reaction.
CaCO3 (calcium carbonate) is a carbonate compound that contains the carbonate
ion (CO32-).

When H2SO4 reacts with CaCO3:

1. The hydrogen ions (H+) from sulfuric acid (H2SO4) react with the carbonate
ions (CO32-) from calcium carbonate (CaCO3) to form carbon dioxide gas (CO2)
and water (H2O).
2. The calcium ions (Ca2+) from calcium carbonate (CaCO3) combine with the
sulfate ions (SO42-) from sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to form calcium sulfate (CaSO4),
which remains dissolved in the aqueous solution.
The result is the liberation of carbon dioxide (CO2) gas, which is often observed as
bubbles. This reaction is commonly used in various applications, including in labs,
industry, and even in nature (such as the formation of cave stalactites and

Therefore, sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is the correct choice because it reacts with
calcium carbonate (CaCO3) to liberate carbon dioxide (CO2) through this chemical
Sodium chloride (NaCl), commonly known as table salt, is a compound that
crystallizes without water of crystallization. It forms a simple, ionic crystal lattice
structure composed of sodium ions (Na+) and chloride ions (Cl-), and it does not
incorporate water molecules into its crystal structure.

The other compounds listed, such as MgSO4 (magnesium sulfate), Na2CO3

(sodium carbonate), and FeSO4 (iron(II) sulfate), are known as hydrates because
they crystallize with a specific number of water molecules (water of
crystallization) incorporated into their crystal structures. These water molecules
are loosely bound to the compound and can be removed by heating, leading to a
change in the compound's physical properties.

A substance is considered impure if its melting point range is wide. A pure
substance typically has a sharp and well-defined melting point, where it
transitions from a solid to a liquid phase at a specific temperature.

When impurities are present in a substance, they disrupt the regular packing of
the particles, leading to a broader melting point range. The broader the range, the
more impurities are likely present in the substance.

The pressure typically does not have a significant effect on the solubility of a solid
in a given solvent. Pressure mainly affects the solubility of gases in liquids, such
as the dissolution of gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide in water. In the case of
solid solutes in a solvent, the nature of the solute (A), the nature of the solvent (B),
and temperature (D) are the primary factors that influence solubility.
Temperature, in particular, often has a notable effect on the solubility of solids in
liquids, with most solid solutes being more soluble at higher temperatures.

When the temperature is reduced at equilibrium for the given reaction N2O4(g) ⇌
2NO2(g) with ∆H = +x kJ/mol, we need to consider Le Chatelier's Principle.

Le Chatelier's Principle states that if you disturb a system at equilibrium, the

system will shift its position to counteract the disturbance and partially counteract
the change. In this case, reducing the temperature is the disturbance.

The reaction N2O4(g) ⇌ 2NO2(g) is an endothermic reaction because ∆H is

positive (+x kJ/mol). This means that the forward reaction (from left to right) is
favoured at higher temperatures, as it absorbs heat to proceed.

So, when we reduce the temperature:

Option A: The concentration of N2O4(g) will increase. This is because the system
will shift in the direction that absorbs heat, which is the reverse reaction (from
right to left) to counteract the decrease in temperature. As a result, more N2O4(g)
will be produced.
Option B: The concentration of N2O4(g) will not decrease; it will increase.
Option C: The pressure exerted by the gases may change, but it is not the primary
factor to consider here. Changes in pressure typically depend on the stoichiometry
of the reaction and the number of moles of gas on each side of the equilibrium. In
this case, both sides have the same number of moles of gas (1 mole), so a change in
temperature won't necessarily lead to a significant change in pressure.
Option D: The pressure exerted by the gases may remain constant or change
slightly, but it is not the most significant effect of changing the temperature in this
particular reaction.

So, the correct answer is option B; The concentration of N2O4(g) increases when
the temperature is reduced at equilibrium.

The cells that produce electrical energy from chemical reactions are:
I. Lead-acid battery II. Dry cell III. Daniell cell
Lead-acid batteries (I) and dry cells (II) are commonly used types of batteries that
convert chemical energy into electrical energy when they undergo chemical
reactions. The Daniell cell (III) is another type of electrochemical cell that generates
electrical energy from chemical reactions.

So, the correct answer is option B; I, II, and III produce electrical energy from
chemical reactions.

At the cathode during electrolysis, option D; cation is discharged, is the correct
During electrolysis, an electric current is passed through an electrolyte solution or
molten compound, causing chemical reactions to occur at the anode (positive
electrode) and the cathode (negative electrode). The cathode attracts positively
charged ions, which are referred to as cations. At the cathode, these cations gain
electrons and are reduced (receive electrons), leading to the formation of a solid
substance or a gas, depending on the specific electrolyte and reaction.

Electrolytes are substances that can conduct electricity when dissolved in water
(aqueous solution) or when molten.

Let's examine the given substances:
I. PbBr2(l) - This is lead(II) bromide in the liquid state. Ionic compounds like
PbBr2 can conduct electricity when they are dissolved in water or melted. So, it is
an electrolyte.
II. NaCl(aq) - This is sodium chloride dissolved in water, which is a typical
example of an electrolyte. It dissociates into Na+ and Cl- ions in solution, allowing
it to conduct electricity.
III. NaCl(s) - This is solid sodium chloride, which does not conduct electricity in
its solid state. Ionic solids like NaCl only become electrolytes when they are
dissolved in water or molten.
IV. C6H12O6(aq) - This is glucose (a sugar) dissolved in water. Glucose is a
covalent compound and does not dissociate into ions in solution. Therefore, it is a

Based on this analysis, the substances that are electrolytes are:

I. PbBr2(l) II. NaCl(aq)
So, the correct answer is option A; I and II only.

To determine which species is reduced in the given redox reaction:
I2(aq) + 2S2O32-(aq) → 2I (aq) + S4O62- (aq)
We can assign oxidation states to each element/ion in the reaction:
In I2, iodine typically has an oxidation state of 0 because it's a diatomic molecule.
In S2O32-, the oxidation state of sulfur (S) is +2, and each oxygen (O) is -2.
In I , iodine has an oxidation state of -1.
In S4O62-, the oxidation state of sulfur (S) is +2, and each oxygen (O) is -2.

Now, let's track the changes in oxidation states:

In I2, iodine goes from 0 to -1.
In S2O32-, sulfur goes from +2 to +2 (no change), and oxygen goes from -2 to -2 (no
In I , iodine goes from 0 to -1.
In S4O62-, sulfur goes from +2 to +2 (no change), and oxygen goes from -2 to -2 (no
From the above analysis, we can see that iodine (I2) goes from an oxidation state
of 0 to -1, which means it gains electrons. When an element goes from a higher
oxidation state to a lower one, it is reduced.
So, the species that is reduced in the given reaction is I2(aq).
The separation of petroleum fractions depends on the differences in their (option
D) boiling points.
Petroleum consists of a mixture of hydrocarbons with varying chain lengths.
Fractional distillation is the primary method used to separate these hydrocarbons
into different fractions based on their boiling points. Each fraction represents a
range of hydrocarbons with similar boiling points, allowing for the isolation of
different products such as gasoline, diesel, and various petroleum-based
The reaction between ethanoic acid (CH3COOH) and aqueous sodium hydroxide
(NaOH) results in the formation of sodium ethanoate (CH3COONa) and water
The chemical equation for this reaction is:
Sodium ethanoate is the sodium salt of ethanoic acid and is formed through a
neutralization reaction between the acid and the base.

Bromine water (Br2 dissolved in water) is commonly used to test for the presence
of unsaturation in organic compounds. It undergoes a chemical reaction with
compounds that contain double (alkenes) or triple (alkynes) bonds.

Among the options provided, (option A); Benzene, is the organic compound that
would decolourize bromine water (Br2(aq)).
Benzene is an aromatic compound with a ring structure and contains alternating
double bonds. It can undergo addition reactions with bromine, causing the
bromine colour in bromine water to be decolourized as it reacts with the double
bonds in benzene.

To determine the number of isomers for C3H6Cl2, we need to consider the
different ways in which the atoms can be arranged within the molecule.
C3H6Cl2 has the following structural formula: H2C=CH-CH2Cl.

Now, let's consider the possible isomers:

1. 1,1-Dichloropropane: In this isomer, both chlorine atoms are attached to the
same carbon atom. The structure is H2C=CH-CH2Cl.
2. 1,2-Dichloropropane: In this isomer, the two chlorine atoms are attached to
adjacent carbon atoms. The structure is H2C=CH-CH2Cl.
3. 2,2-Dichloropropane: Both chlorine atoms are attached to the same carbon
atom, but it's a different carbon atom than in isomer 1. The structure is
4. 1,3-Dichloropropane: In this isomer, the chlorine atoms are attached to the first
and third carbon atoms. The structure is H2C=CH-CH2Cl.

Thus, there are 4 isomers of C3H6Cl2.

The compound in question is: (CH3)2CHCH2(NH2)CHOOH.
1. It has a chain of five carbon atoms, so it's a pentane derivative.
2. There is an amino group (-NH2) attached to the fourth carbon atom.
3. There is a carboxylic acid group (-COOH) attached to the fifth carbon atom.

Now, let's construct the IUPAC name:

The amino group is located on the fourth carbon atom, making it a 4-amino
pentanoic acid.
Additionally, there is a methyl group (CH3) on the second carbon atom.
So, the correct IUPAC name for the compound is 2-amino-4-methylpentanoic acid.

43 A The reaction that is common to all hydrocarbons is Combustion.
Combustion is a chemical reaction in which hydrocarbons (compounds composed
of carbon and hydrogen) react with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide (CO2) and
water (H2O) as products. This reaction is a characteristic property of
hydrocarbons and is often used to obtain energy from them, as in the burning of
fossil fuels. Combustion is not specific to any particular type of hydrocarbon and
occurs for all of them.
The other options, such as addition, polymerization, and condensation, involve
specific types of chemical reactions that do not apply universally to all

To determine the empirical formula of a hydrocarbon from the percentage
composition, you need to find the simplest whole-number ratio of carbon (C) to
hydrogen (H) atoms. Given that the compound contains 92.3% carbon, we can
assume the remainder of the compound's composition is hydrogen.

First, find the percentage of hydrogen:

Percentage of hydrogen = 100% - Percentage of carbon
Percentage of hydrogen = 100% - 92.3% = 7.7%
Now, convert these percentages to moles:
For carbon (C), we can assume that you have 92.3 grams of carbon (because 92.3%
means 92.3 grams in 100 grams of the compound), and since the molar mass of
carbon is 12.0 g/mol, we have:
Moles of C = 92.3 grams ÷ 12.0 g/mol = 7.69 moles

For hydrogen (H), you can assume that you have 7.7 grams of hydrogen, and since
the molar mass of hydrogen is 1.00 g/mol, you have:
Moles of H = 7.7 grams ÷ 1.00 g/mol = 7.7 moles
Now, find the simplest whole-number ratio by dividing both moles by the
smallest number of moles, which is approximately 7.7:
Moles of C (7.69 moles) ÷ 7.7 = 1
Moles of H (7.7 moles) ÷ 7.7 = 1
The simplest whole-number ratio is 1:1, which means there is one carbon atom for
every one hydrogen atom. Therefore, the empirical formula of the hydrocarbon is

The main function of limestone (calcium carbonate, CaCO3) in the blast furnace is
to Remove impurities.
Limestone serves as a flux in the blast furnace. When heated, it decomposes to
produce calcium oxide (CaO), which reacts with impurities in the iron ore (mainly
silica, SiO2, and alumina, Al2O3) to form calcium silicate (CaSiO3) and calcium
aluminate (CaAl2O4). These impurities are then removed as slag, leaving behind
purified molten iron.
So, limestone's primary function is to remove impurities by forming slag and
aiding in the separation of impurities from the iron during the iron-smelting
process in the blast furnace.

Ethene (also known as ethylene) is one of the primary raw materials used in the
plastic industry for the production of various types of plastics, including
polyethylene. It serves as a monomer, which can be polymerized to create plastic
polymers with different properties and uses.

Methane and hydrogen are not typically used as raw materials for plastics, and
calcium is not a common raw material for plastic production.

Thermoplastic materials are characterized by their ability to soften and melt when
Unlike thermosetting plastics, which undergo irreversible chemical changes upon
heating and harden, thermoplastics can be heated, molded, cooled, and then
reheated and remolded multiple times without undergoing chemical degradation.

This property makes thermoplastics versatile and widely used in various

applications, such as plastic molding and 3D printing.

Bronze is an alloy made primarily of copper (Cu) and tin (Sn). It is known for its
durability, strength, and corrosion resistance, making it useful for a variety of
applications, including sculptures, musical instruments, and historical artifacts.

The correct statement about fine chemicals is that they are typically produced in
relatively small amounts.
Fine chemicals are high-quality chemical substances used for various applications,
including pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and speciality chemicals. They are
produced in smaller quantities compared to bulk chemicals and are known for
their high degree of purity and specificity for particular uses. Fine chemicals are
often custom-synthesized to meet specific requirements in industries where
precision and quality are essential.
Non-biodegradable pollutants are substances or materials that do not naturally
break down or decompose in the environment over relatively short periods of
time. Unlike biodegradable pollutants, which can be broken down by natural
processes into harmless or less harmful substances, non-biodegradable pollutants
persist in the environment for extended periods, often causing pollution and
environmental damage.
Examples of non-biodegradable pollutants include certain types of plastics, heavy
metals, synthetic chemicals, and radioactive materials. The accumulation of non-
biodegradable pollutants in the environment can have detrimental effects on
ecosystems, human health, and wildlife.

Plastic is classified as a non-biodegradable pollutant. Unlike materials like animal
hide, paper, and wood, which can decompose and break down naturally over
time, plastics are synthetic polymers that do not readily biodegrade. Plastic waste
can persist in the environment for many years, causing pollution and
environmental harm.
Efforts are being made to reduce plastic pollution through recycling and proper
disposal methods due to its long-lasting and non-biodegradable nature.


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