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Risk Management- Including Basel-II

and related NRB Directives

जोखिम व्यवस्थापन - Basel-II र
सम्बन्धित NRB ननर्दे शनहरू सहहत

By Mahesh Pandey
Banking Risk बैंकिङ्ग जोखिमहरू
• Credit Risk
• Credit risk is the risk that a borrower or counterparty will fail to meet their obligations according to the
agreed terms, resulting in economic loss to the financial institution.
• कर्जा र्ोखिम भनेको ऋणी वज सम्झौतजको दोश्रो पक्षले सहमततकज सताहरू अनुसजर आफ्नो दजयित्व पूरज गना
असफल हन िजउँछ।
ु े र्ोखिम हो, र्सले यवत्तीि सं स्थजलजई आतथाक नोक्सजनमज पुर्‍
• Default: Willful and Unwilful
• Concentration एकजग्रतज
• Recovery असुली
Operational Risk सञ्चालन जोखिम
Operational Risk is the risk of direct or indirect loss, or damaged reputation resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems or
external events. Operational risk has always been inherent to financial institutions and exists in all their activities. Operational risk is a broad field and can be
sorted into numerous sub-categories, such as IT risk, outsourcing risk and operational risk in market activities.
• The major sources for operational risk are:
• Inadequate procedures and controls,
• External and Internal frauds,
• IT related activities and system failures,
• Damage to physical assets,
• Execution, delivery, and process management
स्ञ्चालन जोखिम प्रत्यक्ष वा अप्रत्यक्ष हानन, वा अपयााप्त वा असफल आधतररि प्रकियाहरू, व्यन्ततहरू र प्रणालीहरू वा बाह्य घटनाहरूिो पररणामस्वरूप
क्षनतग्रस्त प्रनतष्ठािो जोखिम हो। पररचालन जोखिम ववत्तीय संस्थाहरूमा सिैं अधतननाहहत रहे िो छ र नतनीहरूिा सबै गनतववधिहरूमा अवन्स्थत छ। पररचालन
जोखिम एि फराकिलो क्षेत्र हो र यसलाई िेरै उप-श्रेणीहरूमा िमबद्ि गना सकिधछ, जस्तै ITrisk, आउटसोर्साङ जोखिम र बजार गनतववधिहरूमा पररचालन
• पररचालन जोखिमिा प्रमि
ु स्रोतहरू हुन ्:
• अपयााप्त प्रकिया र ननयधत्रण,
• बाह्य र आधतररि ठगी,
• IT सम्बन्धित गनतववधिहरू र प्रणाली ववफलता,
• भौनति सम्पवत्तिो क्षनत,
• िायााधवयन, ववतरण, र प्रकिया व्यवस्थापन
Market Risk (बजार जोखिम)
Market risk is defined as the risk of losses resulting from movements in market prices that adversely affect the value
of on- and off-balance-sheet positions of financial institutions. Financial institutions may be exposed to market risk in a
variety of ways. Market risk takes various forms:
• Foreign exchange risk
• Position risks arising from interest rate related financial instruments and equities,
• Concentration risk in the trading book as well as in the banking book.

बजार जोखिमलाई बजार मूल्यमा भएिो उतारचढावबाट हुने नोतसानीिो जोखिमिो रूपमा पररभावित गररधछ जसले
ववत्तीय संस्थाहरूिो अन-र अफ-वालेधस-शीट न्स्थनतहरूिो मूल्यलाई प्रनतिूल असर गछा । ववत्तीय संस्थाहरू ववर्भधन
तररिामा बजार जोखिममा पना सतछन ्। बजार जोखिमले ववर्भधन रूपमा उत्पधन हुन सतछ:
ववर्दे शी मुद्रा जोखिम, संस्था भर वस्तु जोखिम,
• ब्याजर्दर सम्बधिी ववत्तीय सािन र इन्तवटीहरू (नगर्द र डेररभेहटभ र्दव
ु ै) बाट उत्पधन हुने न्स्थनत जोखिमहरू,
• व्यापार बुि र बैंकिङ बुिमा एिाग्रता जोखिम।
Liquidity and Funding Risk

• Liquidity risk is the risk that a financial institution loses its ability to fund its assets or to meet its
obligations as they come due without incurring unacceptable cost or losses.
• तरलता जोखिम भनेिो िुनै ववत्तीय संस्थाले अस्वीिाया लागत वा हानन नभइा आफ्नो िजाा लागानी गना वा
र्दानयत्व परू ा गना सतने क्षमता गम ु ाउने जोखिम हो।
• Liquidity risk encompasses various aspects: Intraday liquidity risk is the risk the financial institution
becomes unable to settle its financial obligations in due time during the day; Funding liquidity risk is the
risk that the financial institution is unable to settle obligations when due without seriously affecting either
its daily operations or financial condition.
• Funding liquidity risk derives from a maturity gap between assets and funding, resulting from the maturity
transformation embedded in commercial banking business. Market liquidity risk is the risk that a financial
institution cannot easily cover its liquidity needs by liquidating a position through securities lending or
selling at the market price because of inadequate market depth, price deterioration or market disruption.
Market liquidity risk materializes in asset and derivative markets; Funding cost risk is the risk that a
financial institution can replace maturing funding only at higher costs to fund its assets.
Interest Rate Risk व्याजर्दर जोखिम
• Interest rate risk is the exposure of a financial institution’s condition to the adverse movement in
interest rate. Changes in interest rates affect an institution’s earnings and also affect the underlying
value of the institution’s assets, liabilities and off-balance-sheet instruments.

• ब्याजर्दर जोखिम भनेिो ब्याजर्दरमा हुने प्रनतिूल उतारचढावले बैंि तथा ववत्तीय संस्थालाइा पाना सतने
असरलाइा जनाउँ छ। ब्याजर्दरमा हुने पररवतानले संस्थािो आम्र्दानीलाई असर गछा र संस्थािो सम्पवत्त,
र्दानयत्व र ब्यालेधस र्सट बाहहरिा सािनहरूिो अधतननाहहत मल्
ू यलाई पनन असर गछा ।
NRB Says: To Manage Risk BFIs should:

• Prepare proper Organizational Structure

उखित सं गठनजत्मक सं रिनज तिजर गने
• Develop and Implement the required Strategies, Policies and
Procedures आवश्िक रणनीतत, नीतत र कजिायवतिको यवकजस र कजिजान्विन
• Continuous Risk Assessment and Measurement गने
• Continuous Risk Monitoring and Reporting
तनरन्तर र्ोखिम मूल्िजङ्कन र मजपन गने
तनरन्तर र्ोखिम अनुगमन र ररपोयटाङ गने
• Contingency Planning for Crisis Management
सं कट व्िवस्थजपनको लजतग आकखस्मक िोर्नज तिजर गने
• Limits and indicators for controlling
तनिन्रणकज लजतग सीमज र सूिकहरू ति गरी लजगू गने
• Develop and implement the Internal Control system आन्तररक तनिन्रण प्रणजलीको यवकजस र कजिजान्विन गने

BFIs must Develop and Implement Risk Management BFI ले र्ोखिम व्िवस्थजपन गना र्ोखिम व्िवस्थजपन फ्रेमवकाको
Framework to Manage Risk
यवकजस र कजिजान्विन गनुप ा छा, िसमज तनम्न कुरजहरू पदाछनः
Active Board and Senior Management Oversight
सयिि बोर्ा र वररष्ठ व्िवस्थजपन तनरीक्षण
Risk Management Department(s) and Various Committees
र्ोखिम व्िवस्थजपन यवभजग (हरू) र यवतभन्न सतमततहरू
Policies and Procedures नीतत र प्रयििजहरू
Appropriate Management Information System (MIS) उपिुक्त व्िवस्थजपन सूिनज प्रणजली (MIS)
Comprehensive Internal Controls and Limits व्िजपक आन्तररक तनिन्रण र सीमजहरू
जोखिम व्यवस्थापन Risk Management
1 - Context: Understand organizational objectives and external and internal environment.
2 - Identify: Find, Recognize, and describe risks and opportunities. Write a risk report.
3 - Analyze: Understand and determine nature/level of a risk or opportunity. Determine the risk or
opportunity's potential impact or likelihood.
4 - Evaluate: Review existing mitigation strategies & determine whether the risk or opportunity is
acceptable, confirm impact & likelihood, prioritize risks.
Likelihood scale: 1-Low, 2-Medium, 3-High
Risk Impact: 1-Minor, 2-Moderate, 3-Substantial, 4-Serious, 5-Severe, 6-Business-Critical
5 - Respond: Modify the risk by mitigating, avoiding, transferring, or accepting the risk or pursue
6 - Monitor: Continually check and update status of risk to identify change from the response level
required or expected.
7 - Report & Communicate: Inform and engage stakeholders on the current state of risks and
opportunities and their management.
जोखिम व्यवस्थापन प्रकिया
1 - सन्दभा: सं गठनजत्मक उद्देश्िहरू र बजह्य र आन्तररक वजतजवरण बुझ्नु।
२ - पयहिजन: र्ोखिम र अवसरहरू िोज्नु, पयहिजन गनुा र वणान गनुा र्ोखिम ररपोटा तिजर गनु।

३ - यवश्लेषण: र्ोखिम वज अवसरको प्रकृतत/स्तर बुझ्नु र तनिजारण गनु।
ा र्ोखिम वज अवसरको सम्भजयवत प्रभजव वज
सम्भजवनज तनिजारण गनु।

4 - मूल्िजङ्कन: अवखस्थत न्िूनीकरण रणनीततहरूको समीक्षज गनुह
ा ोस् र र्ोखिम वज अवसर स्वीकजिा छ यक छै न भनेर
तनिजारण गनुह
ा ोस्, प्रभजव र सम्भजवनज पुयि गनुह
ा ोस्, र्ोखिमहरूलजई प्रजथतमकतज ददनुहोस्।
सम्भजव्ितज मजपन: १-कम, २-मध्िम, ३-उच्ि र्ोखिम प्रभजव: १-सजनो, २-मध्िम, ३-पिजाप्त, ४-गम्भीर, ५-गम्भीर, ६-
5 - प्रततयििज: र्ोखिम न्िूनीकरण, बेवजस्तज, स्थजनजन्तरण, वज र्ोखिम स्वीकजर ।
6 - अनुगमन: आवश्िक वज अपेखक्षत प्रततयििजबजट भएको पररवतान पयहिजन गना र्ोखिमको अवस्थजको तनरन्तर र्जँि गनुा
र अद्यजवतिक गनु।

7 - ररपोटा र सं िजर: र्ोखिम र अवसर र ततनीहरूको व्िवस्थजपनको वतामजन अवस्थजको बजरे मज सरोकजरवजलजहरूलजई
सूखित गनुा सजथै उक्त प्रयििजमज समजबेस गनु।

जोखिम व्यवस्थापन/ Basel Accord/ NBR Directives
िो महत्व तथा आवश्िकतज

• Promote the trust of the public in the overall banking ❖ समग्र बैंयकङ र यवत्तीि प्रणजलीमज र्नतजको यवश्वजस प्रवर्द्ान
and financial system. गना।
• Protect and promote the rights and interests of ❖ तनक्षेपकतजा, ऋणी र अन्ि सरोकजरवजलजहरूको अतिकजर र
depositors, Creditors and other Stakeholders.
यहतको सं रक्षण र प्रवर्द्ान गना।
• Provide quality and reliable banking and financial ❖ स्वस्थ प्रततस्पिजाको मजध्िमबजट आम र्नतजलजई गुणस्तरीि र
intermediary services to the general public through
healthy competition . भरपदो बैंयकङ र यवत्तीि मध्िस्थ सेवजहरू प्रदजन गना।
❖ कपोरे ट सुशजसन र पजरदखशातज कजिम रजख्न र उच्ि नैततक
• Maintain Corporate governance and transparency
and ensure high ethical standard. स्तर सुतनखित गना।
• Reduce risk of failure of banking system. ❖ बैंयकङ प्रणजली असफलतजको र्ोखिम कम गना।
❖ उच्ि स्तरको समजवेशीकरण र सजक्षरतजको सजथ कुशलतजपूवक ा
• To Ensure efficiently working financial system with कजम गने यवत्तीि प्रणजली सुतनखित गना।
high level of inclusion and literacy.
❖ यवतभन्न स्रोतहरूबजट उत्पन्न हन
ु े यवतभन्न प्रकजरकज
• Reduce Various types of Risk arising from various
Sources. र्ोखिमहरूलजई कम गना।
Basel II सम्बधिी व्यवस्था
• Understanding Basel II
• Basel II is the second of three Basel Accords. It is based on three main "pillars": minimum capital
requirements, regulatory supervision, and market discipline. Minimum capital requirements play the
most important role in Basel II and obligate banks to maintain certain ratios of capital to their risk-
weighted assets.
• Because banking regulations varied significantly among countries before the introduction of the Basel
Accords, the unified framework of Basel I (and subsequently, Basel II) helped countries standardize their
rules and alleviate market anxiety regarding risks in the banking system. The Basel Framework currently
consists of 14 standards.
• The Basel Committee is made up of 45 members from 28 countries and other jurisdictions, representing
central banks and supervisory authorities. It has no legal authority to enforce its rules but relies on the
regulators in its member countries to do so. Those regulators are expected to follow the Basel rules in
full but also have the discretion to impose even stricter ones.
बासेल II
• बजसेल II तीनवटज बजसेल सम्झौतज मध्िे दोस्रो हो। िो तीन मुख्ि "स्तम्भ" मज आिजररत छ: न्िूनतम पूंर्ी
आवश्िकतज, तनिजमक सुपररवेक्षण, र बर्जर अनुशजसन। न्िूनतम पूर् ँ ी आवश्िकतजहरूले बजसेल II मज सबैभन्दज
ँ ीको तनखित अनुपजत कजिम
महत्त्वपूण ा भूतमकज िेल्छ र बैंकहरूलजई उनीहरूको र्ोखिम-भजररत सम्पखत्तहरूमज पूर्
रजख्न बजध्ि बनजउँछ।
• बजसेल एकर्डसा लजगू हन ु ु अखि दे शहरू बीि बैंयकङ तनिमहरू अत्िन्त तभन्न भएकजले, बजसेल I (र पतछ, बजसेल
II) को एकीकृत रूपरे िजले दे शहरूलजई ततनीहरूकज तनिमहरू स्टजण्र्र्ा बनजउन र बैंयकङ प्रणजलीमज र्ोखिमहरू
सम्बन्िी बर्जर खिन्तजलजई कम गना मद्दत गिो। बजसेल फ्रेमवकामज हजल १४ मजपदण्र्हरू छन्।
• बजसेल सतमतत 28 दे शहरू र अन्ि क्षेरजतिकजरबजट 45 सदस्िहरू तमलेर बनेको छ, र्सले केन्रीि बैंकहरू र
सुपरीवेक्षणक अतिकजरीहरूको प्रतततनतित्व गदाछ। िससग ँ िसको तनिमहरू लजगू गने कुनै कजनूनी अतिकजर
छै न तर त्िसो गनाकज लजतग िसको सदस्ि दे शहरूमज तनिजमकहरूमज भर पछा। ती तनिजमकहरूले बेसल
तनिमहरू पूणा रूपमज पजलनज गने अपेक्षज गररएको हन्ु छ सजथै अझ कर्ज तनिमहरू लजगू गरी यववेकशील तनिमन
गना पतन तनिजमकहरू स्वतन्र छन् ।
Basel II Requirements

• Building on Basel I, Basel II provided guidelines for the calculation of minimum regulatory capital ratios and
confirmed the requirement that banks maintain a capital reserve equal to at least 8% of their risk-weighted
• Basel II divides the eligible regulatory capital of a bank into three tiers. The higher the tier, the more secure
and liquid its assets.
• Tier 1 capital represents the bank's core capital and is composed of common stock, as well as disclosed reserves
and certain other assets. At least 4% of the bank's capital reserve must be in the form of Tier 1 assets.
• Tier 2 is considered supplementary capital and consists of items such as revaluation reserves, hybrid
instruments, and medium- and long-term subordinated loans. Tier 3 consists of lower-quality unsecured,
subordinated debt.
• Basel II also refined the definition of risk-weighted assets, used in calculating whether a bank meets its capital
reserve requirements. Risk weighting is intended to discourage banks from taking on excessive amounts of risk
in terms of the assets they hold. The main innovation of Basel II in comparison to Basel I is that it takes into
account the credit rating of assets in determining their risk weights. The higher the credit rating, the lower the
risk weight.
Basel II Requirements
• Basel I मज तनमजाण गदै , Basel II ले न्िूनतम तनिजमक पूंर्ी अनुपजतको गणनजको लजतग ददशजतनदे शहरू प्रदजन गर्‍ िो
बैंकहरूले उनीहरूको र्ोखिम-भजररत सम्पखत्तको कखम्तमज 8% बरजबर पूर् ँ ी ररर्भा कजिम रजख्ने आवश्िकतजलजई प
• Basel II ले बैंकको िोग्ि तनिजमक पुर् ँ ीलजई तीन तहमज यवभजर्न गदाछ। यटिर र्तत उच्ि हन्ु छ, त्िसको सम्पख
त्ितत सुरखक्षत र तरल हन्ु छ।
• यटिर १ पूर् ँ ीले बैंकको मुख्ि पूर्
ँ ीलजई प्रतततनतित्व गछा र िो सजझज स्टक, सजथै िुलजसज ररर्भा र केही अन्
सम्पखत्तहरू तमलेर बनेको हन्ु छ। बैंकको कखम्तमज 4% पूर् ँ ी ररर्भा यटिर 1 सम्पखत्तको रूपमज हन ु पु दाछ।
• यटिर 2 लजई पूरक पूर् ँ ी मजतनन्छ र िसमज पुनमूल्ा िजंकन ररर्भा, हजइतिर् उपकरण, र मध्िम र दीिाकजलीन अिीनस्
ऋण र्स्तज वस्तुहरू समजवेश हन्ु छन्। यटिर ३ ले तनम्न गुणस्तरको असुरखक्षत, अिीनस्थ ऋण समजवेश गदाछ।
• Basel II ले र्ोखिम-भजररत सम्पखत्तहरूको पररभजषजलजई पतन पररष्कृत गर्‍िो, र्ुन बैंकले आफ्नो पूर् ँ ी ररर्
आवश्िकतजहरू पूरज गछा यक गदै न भनेर गणनज गना प्रिोग गररन्छ। र्ोखिम भजर तनिजारणको उद्देश्ि बैंकहरूल
ततनीहरूको सम्पखत्तको सन्दभामज अत्ितिक मजरजमज र्ोखिम तलनबजट तनरुत्सजयहत गनाको लजतग हो। बजसेल I क
तुलनजमज बेसल II को मुख्ि नवीनतज िो हो यक िसले ततनीहरूको र्ोखिम वर्न तनिजारण गना सम्पखत्तहरूको िेतर्
मूल्िजङ्कनलजई ध्िजनमज रजख्छ। िेतर्ट रे यटङ र्तत उच्ि हन्ु छ, र्ोखिमको वर्न कम हन्ु छ।
Regulatory Supervision and Market Discipline

• Regulatory supervision is the second pillar of Basel II and provides a framework for national regulatory
bodies to deal with various types of risks, including systemic risk, liquidity risk, and legal risks.
• The market discipline pillar introduces various disclosure requirements for banks' risk exposures, risk
assessment processes, and capital adequacy. It is intended to foster greater transparency into the
soundness of a bank's business practices and allow investors and others to compare banks on equal
Regulatory Supervision and Market
• ननयामि सुपररवेक्षण बासेल II िो र्दोस्रो स्तम्भ हो र यसले प्रणालीगत जोखिम, तरलता जोखिम, र िानूनी
जोखिम सहहत ववर्भधन प्रिारिा जोखिमहरू सामना गना रान्ष्िय ननयामि ननिायहरूलाई एि रूपरे िा
प्रर्दान गर्दा छ।
• बजार अनश ु ासन स्तम्भले बैंिहरूिो जोखिम एतसपोजर, जोखिम मल् ू याङ्िन प्रकिया, र पँज
ू ी पयााप्ततािा
लाधग ववर्भधन िुलासा आवश्यिताहरू प्रस्तत ु गर्दा छ। यो बैंििो व्यवसानयि अभ्यासहरूिो सुदृढतामा अझ
बढी पारर्दर्शाता बढाउन र लगानीितााहरू र अधयलाई समान आिारमा बैंिहरू तल ु ना गना अनम ु नत हर्दने
उद्र्दे श्य हो।
Limitation of Basel II
BASEL II, the second set of banking industry regulations developed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, introduced in 2004, aimed to improve upon the original Basel I framework. While
BASEL II brought several advancements, it also had some limitations. Here are some key limitation points:
Operational Complexity: Implementing BASEL II required a significant increase in operational complexity for banks. The framework introduced more sophisticated risk measurement and
management practices, leading to challenges in data collection, modeling, and system integration.
Resource Intensity: Compliance with BASEL II imposed substantial resource requirements on banks. Smaller institutions, in particular, faced difficulties in meeting the necessary infrastructure and
expertise demands.
BASEL II has been criticized for potentially exacerbating economic cycles. The reliance on internal models to calculate risk could lead to a procyclical effect, where banks might reduce capital reserves
during economic upturns and increase them during downturns, amplifying the financial cycle.
Model Risk:
The use of internal models for risk measurement exposes the system to model risk. If models fail to accurately reflect actual risks, there can be significant consequences, as seen during the 2007-
2008 financial crisis when some risk models did not adequately capture the complexity and interconnectedness of financial instruments.
Lack of Standardization:
BASEL II allowed for more flexibility in risk measurement, which resulted in a lack of standardization across banks. This made it difficult to compare risk assessments and capital adequacy ratios
between institutions, reducing transparency and making it challenging for regulators to assess the overall stability of the financial system.
Dependency on External Credit Rating Agencies:
BASEL II relied on external credit rating agencies for assessing the credit risk of certain assets. Depending on external entities for credit assessments raised concerns, especially after the financial
crisis, where the reliability of credit ratings was questioned.
Pro-cyclical Effects on Lending:
The risk-sensitive nature of BASEL II could lead to pro-cyclical effects on lending. During economic downturns, banks might become more risk-averse, reducing lending activities precisely when the
economy needs credit the most.
Inadequate Stress Testing:
BASEL II did not mandate comprehensive stress testing requirements initially. This lack of emphasis on stress testing left a gap in assessing how well banks could withstand adverse economic
Inadequate Focus on Liquidity Risk:BASEL II initially placed less emphasis on liquidity risk compared to credit risk. This was identified as a significant gap during the 2007-2008 financial crisis, where
liquidity issues played a crucial role in the collapse of some financial institutions.
It's worth noting that BASEL II has undergone revisions, such as the introduction of BASEL III, which aimed to address some of these limitations and enhance the resilience of the banking system.
Provisions of NRB Unified Directives
नेपाल राष्ि बैंििो एकििृत ननर्दे शनिा व्यवस्थाहरू
✓ O=k|f=lgb]{zg g+= !÷)*)Go"gtd k'FhLsf]if ;DaGwL Joj:yf 1. Provisions Relating to Capital Adequacy
✓ O=k|f=lgb]{zg g+= @÷)*) shf{ k|jfx, juL{s/0f tyf shf{ gf]S;fgL ;DaGwL Joj:yf 2. Provisions Relating to Classification of Loans/advances and Loan
✓ O=k|f=lgb]{zg g+= #÷)*) Psn u|fxs tyf If]qut shf{ ;fk6 / ;'ljwfsf] ;Ldf lgwf{/0f ;DaGwL Joj:yf 3. Provisions Relating to Single Borrower and Limitation of the
✓ O=k|f=lgb]{zg g+= $÷)*) n]vfgLlt tyf ljQLo ljj/0fx?sf] 9fFrf ;DaGwL Joj:yf Sectoral Credit and Facilities
4. Provisions Relating to Accounting Policies and Format of Financi
✓ O=k|f=lgb]{zg g+= %÷)*) hf]lvd Joj:yfkg ;DaGwL Joj:yf
✓ O=k|f=lgb]{zg g+= ^÷)*);+:yfut ;'zf;g ;DaGwL Joj:yf 5. Provisions Relating to Mitigation of Risks in Transactions of
✓ O=k|f=lgb]{zg g+= &÷)*);'kl/j]IfsLo lgb]{zg nfu"ug]{ sfo{ tflnsf ;DaGwL Joj:yf Licensed Institutions
6. Provisions Relating to Good Corporate Governance
✓ O=k|f=lgb]{zg g+= *÷)*) nufgL tyf ;xfos sDkgL ;DaGwL Joj:yf
7. Provisions Relating to Timeframe for Implementation of
✓ O=k|f=lgb]{zg g+= (÷)*) tYofÍ ljj/0f ;DaGwL Joj:yf Regulatory Directives Issued in connection with Inspection and
✓ O=k|f=lgb]{zg g+= !)÷)*);+:yfks ;]o/ gfd;f/L jf vl/b÷laqmL jf xs x:tfGt/0f ;DaGwL Joj:yf Supervision
8. Provisions Relating to Investment
✓ O=k|f=lgb]{zg g+= !!÷)*);x–ljQLos/0f shf{ ;DaGwL Joj:yf
9. Provisions Relating to Filing of Statistical Returns by Licenced
✓ O=k|f=lgb]{zg g+= !@÷)*) shf{ ;"rgf tyf sfnf];r
" L ;DaGwL Joj:yf Institutions to Nepal Rastra Bank
✓ O=k|f=lgb]{zg g+= !#÷)*) clgjfo{ df}Hbft÷j}wflgs t/ntf ;DaGwL Joj:yf
10. Provisions Relating to Transfer or Sale of Promoters Shares of
licensed institutions
✓ O=k|f=lgb]{zg g+= !$÷)*) zfvf÷sfof{no vf]Ng] ;DaGwL Joj:yf 11. Provisions Relating to Consortium Financing
✓ O=k|f=lgb]{zg g+= !%÷)*) Jofhb/ ;DaGwL Joj:yf 12. Provisions Relating to Credit Information and Blacklisting
13. Provisions Relating to Compulsory Reserve/Statutory Liquidity
✓ O=k|f=lgb]{zg g+= !^÷)*) ljQLo ;|f]t ;+sng ;DaGwL Joj:yf
14. Provisions Relating to Opening of Branch/Offices
✓ O=k|f=lgb]{zg g+= !&÷)*) ljkGg ju{ tyf tf]lsPsf If]qdf k|jfx ug'{kg]{ shf{ ;DaGwL Joj:yf 15. Provisions Relating to Interest Rates
✓ O=k|f=lgb]{zg g+= !*÷)*) :t/f]Gglt x'g], sfo{If]q lj:tf/ jf ;+s'rg tyf ufEg]÷ufleg] ;DaGwL Joj:yf 16. Provisions Relating to Collection of Financial Resources
17. Provisions Relating to Lending to Deprived Sector
✓ O=k|f=lgb]{zg g+= !(÷)*);DklQ z'4Ls/0f tyf cft+sjfbL sfo{df ljQLo nufgL lgjf/0f ;DaGwL Joj:yf
18. Provisions Relating to Amalgamation, Merger and Upgrading
✓ O=k|f=lgb]{zg g+= @)÷)*) ljQLo u|fxs ;+/If0f tyf ljQLo ;fIf/tf ;DaGwL Joj:yf 19. Provisions Relating to Know Your Customers
✓ O=k|f=lgb]{zg g+= @!÷)*) ljljw Joj:yf 20. Provisions Relating to Subsidiary Companies
21. Miscellaneous Provisions

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