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jungles grassy plains and the dark

depths of the oceans to meet and learn

surprising facts about the magnificent

animals that lived here jeffrey has

struggled with being masculine for all

of his life he's had a lack of drive and

purpose and mission he has no aggression

inside of him he's more like a coward he

can't seem to sit down and focus on his

work for all the porn that jeffrey

watches he still has a low sex drive his

body accumulates fat more in the places

that women would like his hips and

breasts but worst of all jeffrey does

nothing to even try to improve


adonis is a masculine man full of

testosterone his muscle mass is high his

body fat percentage is low his libido is

through the roof this is a way that a

man should feel the testosterone courses

through his veins and because of that

adonis can sit down and focus on his


exactly how a man should live

this may be the first time in history

that a lot of young men teenagers men in

their twenties have got low testosterone

now fair enough you know what i'm just

going to be brutally insulting

here the majority of men deserve this

the majority of men deserve to have low

testosterone because they live like

idiots they live like jefferies they go

to sleep at like 3 a.m they eat like

lots of sugar they just drink like they

literally just sat there inside of their

homes and they just drink

alcohol if these guys are doing that

they deserve to have up health

they deserve to have up hormones

that's not me being like insulting or

disrespectful or horrible everything is

cause and effect and if you are doing

particular actions you deserve the

particular consequences of that so

there's certain guys like a big majority

of guys who are living like idiots who

deserve to have ill health symptoms but

the sad reality is that there's a lot of

guys who are actually doing the right

things you're on self-improvements

you've been trying to improve your sleep

you're exercising you're lifting heavy

weights you're not eating as much sugar

or processed foods you barely even drink

so why are your testosterone levels

lower than every other man in your

entire bloodline what should you do

about it chances are you're watching

this video on testosterone you've

probably watched a bunch of other videos

on testosterone 2 and i remember when i

was like doing some research you know

you get into those moods where you're

somewhat like really obsessed over a

certain thing so at one point it's sleep

another point is like you know the

perfect workout routine and right now

it's testosterone when i was currently

like obsessed over testosterone i would

watching when you search for it on

youtube you watch all these videos which

say like are the benefits of

testosterone how to raise your

testosterone naturally and they all say

the same things and it was so

anti-climatic when i'd watched this

video hoping to get some new information

and it would literally just say like the

ways to improve your testosterone are to

sleep and to lift heavy weights and to

have a clean diet and not drink and yeah

that's about it and then they'd give you

every now and then it's like oh you can

buy my ashwagandha supplements

like a link in the description go

yourself go yourself like all

these bro such a sensitive

topic and all these like youtubers were

trying to sell me when i was like i

was sat there with titty masks

bro i'm making this video right now it's

like gonna teach you how to get higher

testosterone my levels with like i

didn't ever get tested when i was a

teenager i got tested recently we'll

talk about that but when i was a

teenager i was way way way more feminine

and you know this could potentially be

incorrect but chances are that my

estrogen when i was going through

puberty was way higher than it should

have been and my testosterone was way

lower so i was one of the the unlucky

few about 40 to 50 of men who developed

literal breast mass through

puberty so through puberty essentially

if you've got like you know great

genetics and everything's going right

you should be pumped full of

testosterone you should start to look

like a young man at age 16 you should

start getting like facial hair muscle

mass deeper voice at age 16 i still look

like a little boy and suddenly i started

getting like man boobs even though i

wasn't like fat fat and the majority of

young men like 50 of young men can

relate to this visualize that in your

mind right now visualize boys like

teenage boys all around the world and

like 50 of them

are developing

breast mass like literally what's

supposed to happen to women why are our

hormone levels so up i remember

feeling so self-conscious i

didn't wear normal clothes for a while

because my man boobs were

showing that was tight like i remember

this one time i wore an orange t-shirt i

was age 17 and one of my friends pointed

it out in front of everyone oh you can

see hums his nipples through his shirt

and it's like they were poking out and

they were like sensitive and like

when you're growing like t hell

bro how is that when you really

think about it the time that we should

have been growing muscle and becoming

more masculine we should have been

pumped for testosterone

something is very very very wrong in

modern society and there's you know

there's 10 different reasons why we

could go with you know there's oestrogen

in the plastics of like the water

bottles and this in the air or

there's too many things and it's very

stressful to talk about this especially

with those sort of like big societal

things like oh well there's estrogen in

the tap water and in plastics and if

that feels somewhat unavoidable and in

soaps and you know shampoos and even in

toothpaste and all this like random

that's negatively affecting our hormones

it's a very very sad reality for modern

young men i remember even age 17 18

being on youtube like trying to search

for answers and you know this is the

first time i was like really getting

into lifting and you hear that when

you're lifting weights you need

testosterone to build muscle so you want

more testosterone and you're trying to

you know research how i literally

remember going through those videos

which said the benefits of testosterone

or you know the symptoms of low

testosterone and you might be able to

relate to this when they would talk

about the symptoms of low testosterone i

had this like feeling of insecurity

humiliation embarrassment as you know

they list negatives of low testosterone

so it was like you'll develop breast

mass you'll be less manly you'll develop

like higher body fat percentage and

you'll struggle gaining muscle and

you'll have lower drive and libido and

all you know all this like and brain fog

and all these like negative symptoms i

would be sat there whilst they're

listening that feeling so

humiliated because that symbolized my

experience maybe it was a testosterone

issue maybe not but like i can tell you

something very personal when i started

having sex when i was age 19 20 and i

was like you know being a party boy

and i was going out to like parties and

clubs and i was hooking up with girls

for more than 10 girls more than imagine

that imagine bringing 10 different you

know over the course of months like

bringing you know kissing a girl

everything bringing her back to your

place you've done like the hard work

you're ready to have sex with her and

you literally can't even get

hard you've got like a girlfriend and

you literally struggle to stay hard with

a if there's one thing like you're

supposed to do is obviously like you

know there's other things and everything

but like the one thing that symbolizes

us come on truthfully is like our dick

it means a lot to us being able to like

get hard and have like a healthy penis

and we're not supposed you know i'm

weird as for talking about this

we're not supposed to talk about this as

guys are we we were supposed to keep it

quiet and just kill ourselves

instead there's a lot of people watching

this a lot of jeffreys like

judgmental watching this

who are like making fun of me and

laughing at me right now oh he he

couldn't get hard he had mental health

problems yeah and then when it's like

men's mental health month these

will post it on instagram

like oh make sure you just shut the

up you care about men's mental health

we've got to talk about these sensitive

topics because it's these topics talks

of testosterone talks of like sex which

is the reason why men have mental health

problems because we're not allowed to

talk about these things because we'll

get judged by dumbasses by jefferies by

hostile aggressive bullies there are

certainly psychological problems at the

time when you know i was having sex and

my dick wasn't getting hard with a bunch

of girls certainly you know i had levels

of like performance anxiety but 100

there was also testosterone issues at

the time and like elevations of estrogen

and you know there's going to be some

nerd critiquing me right now and saying

oh well actually it's it's estradiol

up okay we're going to talk in like

simple understandable ways because we

aren't scientists here so i've went

about a journey for the last six to nine

months which i think you might be

interested in i got my testosterone

checked in 2021 near the end of the year

in october and then also in november so

about a 30-day gap in between and both

of the results were actually pretty much

exactly the same you know the big like

data and i had to explain it and

everything it's kind of complicated

because testosterone is way more

complicated than just like what your

testosterone number was so mine was like

444 nanograms per deciliter but you need

to understand like a bunch of other

nerdy but we'll just go with the

assumption that generally whatever your

total testosterone is generally will

show you like a good understanding of

everything else and of course like

you've got to look into like free tests

and get all these complicated we're

just gonna go with the total number

because we aren't scientists and we just

kind of kind of assume that it relates

to the symptoms that we're talking about

so my total testosterone in october and

also in november was around 440

nanograms per deciliter which i was told

was in the healthy range when i talked

about that online people criticized me i

literally made a video saying i want

more testosterone people who were like

like more plates more dates that big

youtuber he criticized me a bunch of his

fans criticized me a bunch of people

called me crazy for saying that i wanted

more testosterone because i was in the

normal range the normal range in the uk

or in most countries in western

countries is between 250 nanograms to

around 950. if you are in the middle of

this you're deemed healthy shut the

up go live your life kill yourself you

don't give a mine was 440. i was in

the normal range but they don't tell you

that the range is based up of like men

of all ages and health so the number

that i got the testosterone that was

inside of my blood was normal and

healthy for probably a 50 to 60 year old

but because of these like kind

of sexist like standards i was deemed

healthy and normal and i'm crazy for

wanting to improve my testosterone

levels think about how that is and

think about the worst part of this is

that there's no solidarity with this

that like we should rise up together as

brothers and say like yeah that is

unacceptable that there's all these like

soft who are like nerds

talking about like oh no but but it's in

the healthy range you know you need to

like shut the up i always consult

your dog shut the up my doctor's

fat okay i know i sound like a crazy guy

right now because you're not supposed to

ever criticize doctors because they're

really special bro

your doctor's fat and he's got man boobs

and he doesn't exercise how are we

taking testosterone like advice

from a guy who literally has low tests

himself i got this test 440 broth i knew

that that was the number i really tried

for it to not negatively affect me

because the power of belief in my

opinion is very very important and you

don't want to like

ingrain something inside of your

subconscious i know this sounds like

very pseudo science but i personally do

believe it's very very important of like

how you see yourself is generally what

will happen to even real things like

testosterone so if i have the belief

okay i've got low testosterone you'll

pick up on more of the low testosterone

symptoms does that make sense i know

this is kind of a side tangent but the

worst thing that i could have done at

the time was like really say to myself

like oh gee whiz i've got no

testosterone i'm gonna get all these

negative symptoms i fought against that

i used like male aggression like this

sense of like anger against it to say

like no this you know what i've got

high testosterone and it's cringe as

bro i'm gonna tell you the truth

right i'm gonna tell you something

that's so cringy so you know

that i'm not lying about this

because everyone's gonna think i'm

cringe i literally started

saying them into my mind i'm an alpha

male i'm a leader i've got a high test

i've got high test i've got a high test

everyone's gonna cringe oh he's

so cringy bro

it worked i just got re-tested now i've

made changes some changes but like

really what have i even changed because

when i got the the original test i was

already living like a healthy life that

standard advice everyone said oh well

where are you sleeping eight hours where

you lifting yes what the yes

i was bro i was on

self-improvement for a year and a half i

tracked my sleep relentlessly i had like

a ring on 24 7 that would track

my sleep and i fully dedicated myself to

i would go to bed at 9 00 pm every

single night full on like military

routine were you lifting yes i was

were you getting involved i tried

getting sunlight bro i'm in the uk but i

was taking vitamin supplements that it's

one of the best things i mean if you're

in the uk you know you go

outside in the sun if you can but it's

not going to be enough so it's taking

vitamin d supplements things up you know

i did a good amount of research for this

and my numbers were low now i'm supposed

to be fine with where i'm at this is

where most people even people who were

just agreeing with me for all this video

i'm gonna start disagreeing with me so

my number now i got tested just about a

week ago my number has increased

drastically my total testosterone is up

to 734 i was visualizing 724 so that was

like what i was saying to myself for the

last few months or the last like 60 days

or something i was saying okay it was

just the random number i made up in my

mind i was saying i've got 724 nanograms

per deciliter of testosterone i got 734.

that's a bit weird isn't it i literally

like i don't know if you understand

visualizations but i literally was like

just kind of like saying like you know

like falsely believing to myself yeah

i've got 724 nano liters per whatever

the the metric is and i scored 734.

and you can say oh well yeah coincidence

or oh pseudoscience or something you can

say and yeah okay it is it is a

coincidence it is pseudoscience but

it's my benefit

so i visualized that for a while i

scored 734 my free testosterone is very

high it was on the upper end of the

limit it was it was above the upper end

i also got my vitamin d tested as well

that was on like the healthy range but a

bit on the lower end it was like 30

whatever the the numerical like a unit

was it's probably better if it was maybe

double that 734 so that's a big increase

that's why an increase of about 70

there's a lot of things that go into

testosterone so 100 maybe the reason i'm

in thailand right now and the extra i

mean the sun is the vitamin d which i

got tested and that was on the lower end

but you know it can just be random just

fluctuations but that's a big increase

from 444 and i got tested twice by the

way i got tested twice and both times in

october and november i got around 400

and something so i got tested twice 400

was probably about the real number that

i was on and this time i got 734 big

increase the number one thing that i

changed which i wanted like really

really like drill into you because you

watched the other videos right so i

could make another normal

testosterone video like make sure you're

lifting heavy weights i can say the same

as everyone else and i'll get more

views if i did that and i'll get like

less criticism because everyone's like


it checks out on the research the

research says sleepy so yeah 100 do

those things 100

sleep well dedicate more than eight

hours to bed this is something i learned

from the book why we sleep by matthew

walker you have to allocate more hours

to bed than you actually want to sleep

there's a quick side note but like

you'll really benefit this could

literally change your life everyone says

okay get seven to eight hours of sleep

but sleep is not the same as hours in

bed everyone allocates like eight hours

to bed seven hours to bed if you

actually like tracked your sleep

meticulously you'll realize that i was

in bed is not the same as i was actually

asleep because you actually wake up for

like a large portion of the night like

30 minutes 16 minutes 90 minutes

sometimes so in general you need to

allocate like literally more like nine

to maybe 10 hours to bedtime to actually

get around eight hours of actual sleep

this is a quick side note that's

something i've learned which has been

very helpful so i don't want to go over

the basic advice that you've heard you

can go click on any other testosterone

video and they'll tell you you know

healthy diets and stuff and again 100

you should do those things i'm gonna do

those things for the rest of my life

what i want to do is speak to you about

the power of belief which seems really

wishy-washy i'm not like some

hippie weirdo i don't have anything to

sell you like i know my buy my

course or any i don't have anything to

tell you i'm just telling you what's

worked for me i'm telling you right now

i am quite like a logical no bs kind of

guy and so wishy-washy advice i've

always hated it and i know this is gonna

sound like very spiritual and

wishy-washy there is something weirdly

effective about the power of like belief

like what you believe

it's look

the placebo effect you've heard that

before the placebo effect is the power

of belief scientists you know when

they're trying to make like a treatment

or a medication what they do is they

have to make sure that their treatment

that they're trying to work on is more

effective than the placebo effect this

is actually hard for them to do it's

actually like a big thing if a scientist

comes out with something which is more

effective than the placebo effect the

placebo effect is kind of like if you're

given a pill that says okay it has this

effect that you know it'll stop this

headache or it'll make you lose weight

you know you're fully told by a

scientist okay this this pill will do

this you believe it you take the pill

and it has the effect but the pill was

nothing it was like literally just like

an empty pill it didn't have medication

inside of it what you believe is

extremely powerful if you believe that

you have low testosterone and even if

that's true by the way if you believe

that you've got low testosterone you'll

pick up on more of the symptoms because

you know it'll be in your mind right so

i've got losses and i've got low

testosterone every time i go to the

mirror i'll see like i'll see like i'm

getting more fat around my chest i'll

see like i'm gaining fat around my

stomach and stuff and like my voice is

going higher pitch you pick up on those

things because you believe it but if you

just suddenly almost like a dumbass like

an idiot convince yourself like i'm

saying this in a good way like an idiot

convince yourself that you've got high

testosterone and you research some of

the symptoms so the symptoms is like

okay well you put on muscle mass easy

and you're like yep i've got high

testosterone i've got high testosterone

i've got high tension you're going

through the mirror and you're like yeah

see see i'm putting on so much muscle

mass wow like you you're like making

yourself believe it in a really silly

like almost like normies and jeffries

will consider this cringe but you're

doing this obviously for your own

benefit and you'll pick up more

on those like positive you know high

testosterone things inside of you like

oh yeah see my voice is deep i know it

sounds cringe but when you can you keep

this belief in your mind i've got high

testosterone my testosterone is

increasing it's getting higher and

higher because i'm doing the right

things it's like you'll pick up on the

symptoms of higher testosterone because

you know you're looking out for them so

you further solidify the belief and when

you further solidify the belief it seems

like your body literally reacts to it

i'm gonna really bro i never do this if

you watched a bunch of my videos i never

ever link anything else in the

description in terms of like resources

and science and i hate doing that i

hate this culture of like we're supposed

to find like sources for the that

we talk about i've always hated that i

just find it cringe that all these nerds

are like they'll say oh well you know at

15 minutes you said this sentence can

you give me a source for that shut the

up bro do i look like a nerd for

you but this one time i'm gonna link

something in the description i'm gonna

go and find the podcast by this dr

andrew huberman he's popped off he's a

very very good guy he's like a very very

very high quality podcast he's like a

big like proper scientist doctor kind of

guy and he talks over like a bunch of

like scientific research there is one

particular study that i'm gonna explain

to you in my words and i'll link the

exact part where he talks about it so if

you want to listen to his sort of like

proper scientist way listen to him if

you want to listen to my soul bro

science just dumbed down explanation

listen to me the power of belief even

scientists are brain like

there was a study that this scientist

talks about and he links like you know

the full study okay a person is given

two milkshakes one of the milkshakes is

a healthy one it's high protein low low

carbs low fat whatever i said really

healthy and the other milkshake is wait

you know one of those like unhealthy

ones like like high fat high sugar you

know really really high calories and

everything right they drink each

milkshake so they drink one milkshake

and then their body is analyzed you know

like those in your body like things

change depending on the macros that

you've ate so for example if you drink

something with a lot of sugar your

insulin spikes and all the hormones in

your body start like going up or down

and if you drink something like protein

then like other things inside of your

body your muscle protein like all this

like inside of your body changes

depending on what you consume right the

participant drinks the first milkshake

the protein one and inside of the body

the protein like whatever was inside of

the milkshake has the effect on their

body as assumed they wait a little bit

the participant then drinks the second

milkshake the high sugar high fat one

whatever like you know whatever whatever

was in this milkshake they do the

analysis of what's inside their body the

hormones and all this stuff and as

expected their insulin skyrockets

essentially their body processed more

calories because the milkshake was more

calories so far it's common sense they

had a healthy shake and their body

responded to it in a healthy way the

body got essentially healthier they had

an unhealthy shake their body got one


it was the same milkshake

they were given the same milkshake twice

but their body literally responded to it

in a different way they put on more

calories and more fat just because they

were told the second milkshake was more

unhealthy that should blow your

mind because we've been told in this

modern day we've been told you know

trust the practical real world scientist

don't listen to like you know this

wishy-washy kind of pseudo science and

like imagination and visualizations that

seems very silly and i've always anytime

someone used to talk about

visualizations and affirmations broke i

thought they were dumbasses i

thought that's weird as get away

from me with your i am a strong

confident but i always thought that was

cringe bro and now i wake up

every single day i am a strong confident

bro i wake up every single day literally

saying to myself yep i'm i'm strong and

i'm confident and i've got high

testosterone please and it works

and there's another story that the same

the same scientist andrew huberman i

think it's in the same podcast he

mentions hotel staff you know the the

ladies who work in hotels where they'll

go and like clean each room when you

really think about it they do like an

incredible amount of exercise imagine

like an eight hour sometimes ten hour

shift of going through hotels changing

the bed sheets and literally going from

room to room with like a massive like

you know they've got those big trolleys

that you're like you can steal from

every now and then they post these big

trolleys go into the room clean the room

mop the floors or whatever change the

bed sheet then they go to the next room

the next room the next room they're

literally active like they're on their

feet for literally eight hours right

every single day they split up into two

groups so these hotel staff these hotel

like cleaners they split up into two

groups one group nothing is changed

they're our control group the other

group are told just how much exercise

they're actually getting so they're you

know they sat down and they're

instructed look you do 15 000 steps a

day and you're pushing like this much of

this trolley and you you know you change

the bed like this we've estimated that

your total calorie burns for the day is

700. it's way more more than you thought

it was they're really told okay you're

burning way more calories than you think

you are and then very importantly both

groups were very controlled for their

diet and their exercise outside of this

study what do you think happened so

nothing changed literally nothing

changed out of these two groups of women

these cleaners apart from one was just

told yeah you burn a lot of calories

nothing else was changed they fully

fully you know like they control

everything else and of course you know

you can't control that one woman has

like sex five times in one random day

and she's burning way more

calories or one woman just ended up like

eating less on a random day of course

you can't change everything but

generally they're told this this group

of women burned way more fat they lost

way more weight simply by just being

told you're burning a lot of calories

they burnt more calories they lost more

weight the other group of women the

other group of cleaners didn't lose any

extra weight even though they were doing

the exact same amount they didn't lose

anything extra simply the power of

belief the power of like new information

of being told yep what you're doing is

going to have this effect on you made

that effect a reality scientists are

pretty much just now really discovering

the real power of belief i hope now

after i've spoke about these two like

studies and i'm sure like the podcast

that i'm gonna link he'll have it all

like all the nerdy if you wanna go

like yeah check the sources if you're a

geek but hopefully that adds

some validity to what i'm saying here

the power of belief is extremely

important and once again in terms of

improving your testosterone

do the right things don't drink alcohol

don't eat much sugar get some sunlight

have some competition have sex speak to

attractive women lift heavy weights get

good amount of sleep okay we know those

things we've always known those things

and no one goes any further than that

but i think the one missing key for the

majority of young men if you've been

watching those videos and you've always

felt like a level of like

dissatisfaction because you're like okay

i do all them and but i still feel like

i've got low testosterone the one final

thing is to start utilizing the power of

belief to literally like brainwash

yourself to say yup i'm doing the right

thing so i have high testosterone i am

experiencing the symptoms of high

testosterone look at that some extra

muscle that's come to me because i've

got higher testosterone when you go to

the gym this is kind of separate but

when i go to the gym me and my friend

chris back home in warrington we really

started doing this with each other when

we were literally because we spoke about

these studies and the power of belief

after we would do our workout we would

literally say to each other bro you

smash that bench press today your chest

is going to get bigger and he's like

yeah yeah 100 my chest is going to get

bigger because of this i really saw you

push hard on those tricep extensions you

went to failure so your tricep going

gonna get bigger look they're already

bigger right now we're almost like

brainwashing each other because we

understand that this is how this

actually works best case scenario this

is gonna get deep inside best

case scenario we got hyped like this by

our parents when we were like little

babies and children when you're a little

child it would have been so

awesome if your your parents when you

did something like okay you just stood

up they're like oh my god yes you're so

strong look how well you're you're

standing up and you like catch a ball or

you know you like throw a ball and it's

a it's a like throw as you

know little child would but they're like

oh my god yes you're so good at throwing

you would have become better why because

think about it that's your caregiver

that's like okay the person your brain

and your body is attached to you're a

little kid that's your caregiver that's

very important right well if they're

like hyping up after you've done

something and saying like you're so good

at this then you're gonna be more

positively encouraged to be good at it

to try it again because you know you've

just seen your caregivers smiling that

does something like a little baby like

evolutionarily it makes them feel really

safe and loved but if you had more

critical parents the kind of parents

were when you threw the ball we're like

no no throw it further come on you can

do better than that no that was a bad

throw that's not how you spelled that

word well

what's that gonna do to your beliefs

about yourself we can sit here

and get very sad about the beliefs that

we have ingrained from childhood and

from our experiences in school i think

those things are very important but but

all we can do like the best thing we can

do is think productively think

positively and ask ourselves okay what

are the best most beneficial thoughts

beliefs and attitudes for me to hold

right now this is very weird specific

practical advice these are things like

these general beliefs the word for me

which really means a lot is force these

beliefs you have to force inside of

yourself because generally the automatic

thoughts that our brain processes about

ourselves aren't so positive generally

our brains are more critical because of

things like you know bad mental health

and social media and like you know if

you've been going to the gym for a while

but there's a billion guys who are on

instagram who've got six packs and

they're always posting like towel

pictures with his eyebrow like this

dumbass hamza in a stinky bathrobe you

know there's all these other guys and so

when you see yourself in the mirror like

and you've been going to the gym for a

while you look like a piece of and

you know compared to other people now of

course you've made fantastic progress

you look phenomenal compared to

what you look like but compared to some

big bodybuilder you look like and

that's the nature of social media and so

your brain processes and says yep i'm

not muscular at all in fact my physique

is actually trash compared to all these

other guys that i'm seeing your brains

automatically visualizing against you

your brain is automatically believing

things that are bad for you you have to

consciously and almost forcefully


say these things you have to like

manually as if it sounds like

cringe but go look at yourself in the

mirror and literally just like force the

words out of your mouth and literally

say yes i have high testosterone i have

the symptoms of high testosterone muscle

look at this muscle yeah look at this

like lower body fat look at like my

jawline i've got the symptoms of high

testosterone because i slept really well

yesterday so i'm gonna have higher

testosterone today i hit like that

really really good leg workout today so

look at my legs my legs are gonna grow

today i'm eating this high protein meal

right now chicken and rice this is gonna

go straight to my quads and i'm

gonna get bigger and stronger because of

this you process these thoughts manually

forcefully into your mind and just see

what happens do this for the next couple

of months i know that this sounds like

wishy-washy stupid advice but it

truly truly transformed my life and i

will never go back to not purposely

forcefully like visualizing for myself i

really really hope it works for you to

do the hard work especially when you

don't feel like it

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