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Hi my name is Jim Bard…

And inside this video I’m going to show you how a “forgotten hormone” inside the male body…

Something that medical experts are referring to as “testosterone’s twin”…

Can quickly and naturally allow your body to produce surging levels of healthy testosterone well
into your fifties, sixties, seventies, and beyond…

So that you can start living every single day as the powerful, confident Alpha Male God
intended you to be.

In fact, once you begin to activate this forgotten hormone inside your body…

You’ll be shocked by how easily you’re able to melt away body fat…

How you effortlessly build powerful, lean muscle mass…

How you regain the sex life and libido you had when you were a teenager…

And how you suddenly have more energy, focus, and mental clarity than you’ve had in years.

Before I tell you what this “forgotten hormone” is however…

You should know that many in the medical and pharmaceutical industries HATE me for sharing
this information.

That’s because not only does this video blow the lid off one of the biggest medical cover-ups of
the last twenty-seven years…

It also shows you a proven, step-by-step way to start producing more testosterone than a
raging bull during mating season…

Something that works no matter if you’re in your thirties or your eighties…

And once you know how these simple steps work…

You’ll never need to use another testosterone injection, gel, or pill again.

In fact, not only do these dangerous testosterone therapies increase your chances of early
death by 30% (more on that in a moment).

They’re also a MASSIVE waste of money…

Because your body won’t truly benefit from increased testosterone unless you’re also naturally
producing the twin-hormone I’ll be telling you about today.

That’s why big medicine is FURIOUS that this video is even on the web…

And why it’s important you watch this right now, before it gets censored.

Because after you follow the simple and proven steps I share…

Which are backed by research from Mass General Hospital and the prestigious New England
Journal of Medicine…

You are going to fundamentally transform your body and your mind forever.

Just like Dennis R in Michigan.

Ken T in New York.

And Jerry F in Louisiana, who says…

“As a fifty-five-year-old male, I see advertisements for testosterone products constantly. I’ve
tried a few, but never gotten great results. It didn’t seem to matter how much I went to the
gym, or even when I tried to eat clean. I thought losing my body and my drive was just a result
of aging.

After watching your video however and learning about the forgotten hormone that’s
testosterone’s twin, it was like a light bulb went off in my brain. Suddenly I realized why I hadn’t
been getting results. And by following the simple steps you laid out, I was able to quickly and
easily create the body I wanted.

I feel so empowered now, like I’m unstoppable. Not only am I covered in muscle, I just feel calm,
energized, and powerful. I mean really powerful. It’s hard to explain but I feel like I can do
anything, or take on any challenge in life, and that I’ll win every single time. I might sound
cheesy, but this made me a man again. A REAL man. Thank you!”

Now I’m sure you’re anxious to see how you can transform your body just like Dennis, Ken, and
Jerry did…
So let’s go ahead and get started.

As I mentioned before, my name is Jim Bard.

I’m 66 years old…

And today I finally have the body of my dreams.

I’m toned, I’m muscular, there’s no body fat on me…

And not only do I look good…

I FEEL better than I did when I was 36.

Plus my sex drive is out of this world too…

Unlike most guys my age, I don’t suffer from E.D. or sexual dysfunction.

And my libido is what my wife likes to call “unquenchable.”

Now I’m not going to lie…I love turning heads everywhere I go…

And whether it’s women in their late twenties stopping in the street to check me out…
Or the men who approach me in the hallways at work, desperate to know my secret…

It feels pretty damn good to be where I am today.

I’m not telling you any of this to brag though…

But rather because I want you to know that all of this is possible for you as well.

In fact, it doesn’t matter what your current physical condition is…

Whether you’re out of shape, have no muscle, have no energy, and have no libido…

Once you use the testosterone improving methods I’ll be sharing inside this video…

Your entire life will change, and FAST.

Trust me, because I know from experience…

This is me five years ago…

That’s a pretty big contrast to the shape I’m in today, right?

Well back then I thought my best days were all behind me…

My beer belly was so bad it looked like there was a balloon stuck underneath my shirt…

And honestly, it had probably been at least 10 years since I’d been able to have an erection
without the help of a “little blue pill.”

Plus when you add in the fact that I was constantly exhausted, suffering from ongoing brain fog,
and could never even sleep through the night…

You can understand why my life was pretty miserable.

Of course it hadn’t always been this way…

In my youth I’d been a strong guy, with a sex drive that could last all night…

But the older I got, the more my body seemed to break down…

And I found that my mood was becoming increasingly less stable too.

That’s why, when I started hearing ads on the radio for testosterone replacement therapy…

I jumped at the opportunity and immediately booked a doctor’s appointment.

I mean after all, the testosterone replacement ads seemed like they were speaking directly to

They talked about stuff like declining libido, lack of energy, weak erections, poor sleep,
depression, and decreasing strength…

All things I was experiencing…

And that you may be experiencing right now too.

So I started getting testosterone shots from a local clinic once every two weeks…

And I’ll be honest, I did see some results.

It seemed like my belly was shrinking…

I definitely had more energy and more sex drive…

And I was feeling stronger as well.

For a brief moment, I felt like maybe things were going to be okay…

Like I was going to get my “old self” back…

The version of myself who was powerful, unstoppable, and filled with confidence.

Unfortunately however, this hope and optimism was extremely short lived...

Because just three months after starting on the testosterone therapy replacement shots…

I found myself lying on the floor of my family room, an inch from death’s door.

I’d had a massive heart attack…

Which, doctors would later conclude, had been caused as a direct result of the testosterone
injections I’d been receiving.

According to the ER doctors….

The testosterone injections had been causing my blood to clot…

And these blood clots were blocking the blood flow to my heart…

Leading to the heart attack that almost did me in.

At the time I was surprised by all of this…

But I’d soon discover that there’s an increasingly large amount of research showing how
dangerous testosterone replacement shots, gels, and drugs can be.

In fact, a recent study published in the Journal of American Medical Association found a 30
percent increased risk of death, heart attack, and stroke in men who take testosterone
replacement drugsi…

While a similar study from UCLA found that men who take testosterone replacement drugs
have twice as many heart attacks as those who don’t.ii
Now I don’t know about you…

But something that can increase your chances of dying by 30%...

Or double your chances of a heart attack…

Sounds like it should be avoided by the plague, not prescribed to patients.

And as I lay there in the hospital bed…

I felt ANGRY that the doctors had given me something so dangerous without batting an eye…

And I felt HOPELESS…

Because this time it really did seem like my life was over…

And like I was going to be weak and impotent for the rest of my life - even if I did fully recover
from my heart attack.

So at this point, I was pretty close to throwing in the towel…

Of just accepting that my best days were behind me forever.

Honestly, that would have been the easier way out…

But that wasn’t the way I was raised…

I’d been taught from an early age that when things get tough, a real man gets TOUGHER…

And so when I got home from the hospital…

I started spending every waking minute I could looking for ways to increase my testosterone
naturally and safely.
Those last two words, “naturally” and “safely” were key to me…

Because while it was clear to me that none of testosterone drugs were worth the risk…

It also seemed logical to assume that if I could somehow get my body to produce more
testosterone naturally and without drugs…

I could potentially get all of the benefits without any of the risky side effects.

So I began to learn everything I could about testosterone…

Including what it actually was, how the body produces it, and why it’s so important to male

I’m going to share what I discovered right now…

And I want you to pay close attention…

Because as you’re about to see…

This research is what led me to a major testosterone enhancing breakthrough…

Something that can help you to rapidly and permanently transform your body…

Melting away fat and packing on muscle as you do it.

So the first thing you need to understand is what testosterone actually is.

Testosterone is a sex hormone that men produce primarily in our testicles…

And it regulates our sex drive, our bone mass, or body fat levels, our muscle mass, and our
energy levels.

We start producing high levels of testosterone during puberty…

And you’re probably expecting me to say that as we age, our bodies stop producing as much

And that leads to a lot of the problems us guys face later in life.

Here’s the thing though.

That’s not true.

One of the most shocking things I discovered while researching testosterone…

Is that testosterone loss is NOT a natural part of aging.

In fact, according to scientists at the University of Sydney in Australia

Age, in itself, has no effect on testosterone levels in older men.

You see, these scientists recruited 325 men who were over the age of 50…

And they found that for those men who were in good health…

They had the same testosterone levels as men in their twenties.iii

Now that’s pretty surprising stuff right?

Because all the ads we see online and hear on the radio talk about “low T” as some kind of
condition that occurs with aging.

Well there I was, staring at research that proves this is absolute baloney…

And that it’s really just another marketing gimmick from big pharma and big medicine to try
and bleed our wallets dry.

While this discovery was startling however…

It did beg a really big question…

Which was that, if the physical declines we men experience aren’t caused by low testosterone…

What ARE they caused by?

So I kept digging and kept researching…

I bought subscriptions to every single academic and medical journal I could find…

And spent virtually every waking moment over the next six months becoming an expert on

It was through this research that I uncovered the “forgotten hormone” I mentioned at the
beginning of this video…

And it’s this forgotten hormone that finally allowed my body to safely and naturally regain
muscle mass while shedding body fat.
This forgotten hormone is called estradiol…

And it’s a form of estrogen.

Now if that surprises you, I get it.

In fact, I was shocked too.

In all of the muscle and testosterone websites I’d visited in the past…

And in all of the testosterone supplements I’d researched…

Everyone was saying that the key to bigger muscles was to block estrogen.

After all, estrogen is a “female hormone” right?

Something that destroys muscles and makes us less manly.

Well that’s what I thought…

Which is why I was so shocked as I started uncovering a mountain of research…

All of which showed that unless your body produces both testosterone AND estradiol…

You simply will never experience the transformation you’re after.

And if you want proof about what I’m saying…

Consider what Dr. Joel Finkelstein at Mass General Hospital and his team discovered.

Dr. Finkelstein and his team investigated testosterone and estradiol levels in 400 men between
the ages of 20 to 50 years of age…

All 400 of the men were given a testosterone gel…

But half of the men were also given an increase of estradiol.

The researchers were shocked to find that the group who used both testosterone and estradiol
together had by far the biggest gains in lean muscle mass, muscle size, and leg press strength.

Plus it was only the testosterone and estradiol group who saw major decreases in body fat and
much higher levels of libido and erectile function.
Dr. Finkelstein’s research was so surprising that it was published in the New England Journal of
Medicine, which is the most prestigious medical journal in the world...

And the research was even sponsored by the National Institutes of Health and the National
Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

So why did this happen?

How could it be that a “female hormone” could be the key to increased testosterone levels in

Well as the researchers discovered…

The male body naturally converts a small amount of the circulating testosterone in our blood
streams into estradiol…
And while our testosterone levels don’t decline as a result of aging…

It could well be that our estradiol levels do.

What this means is that no matter how much testosterone we’re producing…

If we’re not also producing estradiol, we’ll continue to lose muscle mass, and our libido.

It’ll look as though we have “low t”…

And in fact, our testosterone levels will even start to go down…

Because the body naturally regulates how much is in our system…

And if we’re not using the testosterone we produce…

Then our bodies will stop producing testosterone in the first place.

That’s pretty crazy right?

I mean who would have thought that the key to more testosterone was to also have an
adequate supply of estrogen in the blood stream?

It was hard to wrap my mind around this fact…

But as I continued researching I uncovered study after study showing that estradiol is a crucial
“step 1” to producing more testosterone.

For example, in a 2015 study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and

Which involved 788 participants over the age of 65 years who suffered from sexual dysfunction
and diminished vitality…

It was found that a higher level of both testosterone AND estradiol were needed for increased
sexual desire, erectile function, and sexual activity. iv

And in a 2014 study that was published in Renal and Urology…

Which was conducted by Baylor College of Medicine and included 423 men…

It was found that men with higher levels of both testosterone and estradiol had double the
levels of libido and erectile function than those who just had high testosterone. v
Now I won’t bore you with all of the studies I found, but the point is there were a LOT…

And at this point I realized that I really might be on to something…

Because while there were tons of natural ingredients out there that were supposed to help
increase testosterone…

No one ever talked about ingredients what could produce estradiol too.

And so I started my search for the holy grail…

A list of natural ingredients that could increase both testosterone production and estradiol
production too.

At first my list contained several hundred ingredients…

But after I eliminated every ingredient that wasn’t backed by hardcore, clinical studies…

Or shown to be safe…

I was left with just 10 ingredients.

I’m going to give you my list right now…

And then right after I do that, I’ll show you how to add them to your diet in the perfect blend…

So that you produce just the right amount of both testosterone and estradiol…

And get the rock-hard muscles (and other body parts) that you’ve been missing.

Ingredient #1: Tribulus Terrestris.

You may have heard of Tribulus before…

It’s one of the most popular testosterone-boosting ingredients on the market…

And it’s popular for a reason – it really does help with testosterone.

For example…

In a 2012 study published in the journal AYU…

Which was randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled.

Men who took Tribulus regularly saw a “78.11% improvement” in sexual health along with a
16.3% increase in

Meanwhile in another recent study, this one published in the journal of Phytomedicine…

Tribulus increased testosterone levels by 52%.vii

And in a 2016 study published in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy…

When 30 male patients who were 50+ started taking tribulus extract regularly…

There was a “statistically significant” improvement in testosterone levels and sexual


More importantly…

Tribulus can also help men to produce healthy and normal levels of estradiol.

In fact, according to a 2013 study published in the International Journal of Fertility and

Taking Tribulus for 21 days led to an increase in estradiol production that helped treat patients

A finding which was further confirmed in a study published in the Journal of Pharmaceutical

Ingredient #2: Fenugreek Extract

Fenugreek is another natural ingredient that’s known to increase testosterone…

And just like Tribulus, there’s a ton of research that backs up these claims.

For example, in double-blind, randomized, and placebo-controlled study published in the

International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism…

Taking fenugreek regularly was shown to increase total testosterone and bioavailable

While leading to “significant improvements in muscle mass and power” and reduced body fat. xi

This research is further backed up by another double-blind, randomized, and placebo-

controlled study that was published in the journal Phytotherapy Research…
Where it was again found that fenugreek increased male testosterone levels dramatically…

While also leading to “a significant increase in sexual arousal and orgasms.”

Plus just like Tribulus…

Numerous major double-blind and randomized studies have found that Fenugreek also helps
support the body’s natural production of estradiol…

Making it another powerful one-two punch for men looking to transform their bodies.

Ingredient #3: Epimedium

Epimedium is also known as “horny goat weed”…

And it’s popular in supplements that are marketed as “natural E.D. pills.”

It turns out there is some truth to these claims…

As research shows that Epimedium does increase blood flow to the penis and lead to stronger,
longer-lasting erections.xii

It also improves testosterone production, as was proven in the Journal of Andrology...

And new research is showing that the ingredient can help the body turn testosterone into
estradiolxiii xiv…

Making it a “secret cheat code” if you want bigger muscles and less body fat fast.

Ingredient #4: Eurycoma Longifolia

In a randomized, double-blind, and placebo controlled study with 109 men…

Those who took E. longifolia for 12 weeks “showed higher scores in overall erectile function,
sexual libido, and sperm motility.”xv

And in another recent study from 2014, that was published in the International Journal of
Preventative Medicine…

And also double-blind, placebo-controlled, and randomized…

The participants who took E. longifolia for 6 weeks had dramatically elevated levels of
testosterone and muscle strength.xvi
Plus just like the other ingredients I’ve mentioned…

E. longifolia has been shown to help the male body produce and regulate healthy levels of
estradiol xvii xviii…

Which is probably why it’s such a powerful natural testosterone booster in the first place.

So to sum up…

The 4 ingredients that increase both testosterone and estradiol are Tribulus Terrestris,
Fenugreek, Epimedium, and Eurycoma Longifolia.

But before you go ordering any of them online…

Let me share the 7 additional ingredients you’ll also want to start using regularly for maximum

Those ingredients are: Alpha-Lipoic Acid, Coleus Forskohlii, D Apartic Acid, Saw Palmeto,
BioPerine, and Boron.

Now the reason these additional ingredients are important is that they’ll further increase your
body’s testosterone production…

So that you get the optimal levels of both testosterone and estradiol.

This is important…

Really important…

Because you want your body to be producing testosterone and estradiol at a ratio of about 20
to 1.


You’ll produce more estrogen than your body needs…

Which in turn can cancel out the effects of estradiol.

In other words, there’s a bit of a “Goldilocks ratio” here…

And it’s important to get things just right.

Actually, that’s one of the reasons why 99% of the testosterone boosting supplements you find
on the market won’t get you the results you want…

Either they contain estrogen blockers and you don’t get enough estradiol…

Or the ingredients aren’t included in the right ratios, and your body produces too much

And once I realized this…

I decided to test out my own “testosterone boosting” formula…

Something that would deliver the perfect balance of testosterone and estradiol…

And do it safely, naturally, and effectively.

So I spent three months sourcing the purest and best forms of each of these ingredients from
all over the world…

I even partnered with the chemistry department at my local university…

So they could test the purity of every ingredient I was using and make sure they were safe.

Then, once I finally had my formulation…

The only thing left was to test it on myself…

By making myself a human guinea pig.

So I started taking my blend of testosterone and estradiol enhancing ingredients every


And then I waited anxiously to see what would happen.

For the first two days or so, there weren’t any noticeable changes…

And I started to grow worried that perhaps this had all been a waste of time.

But I knew that I needed to stick with my “formula” for at least a week…

So I kept taking my balanced blend of ingredients each morning…

And by Day 6, things started happening FAST.

I was sleeping better and had WAY more energy throughout the day…

My mind was clearer than it had been in forever…

And by the end of the first week, my belly had also shrunken noticeably…

And both my arms and my chest were starting to show noticeable muscle definition.

It was really exciting stuff…

And by Day 14, I could hardly contain the feeling of pure joy I was experiencing.

Not only were my muscles REALLY starting to show themselves…

My sex drive was picking up too.

I even started getting spontaneous erections again, something that hadn’t happened in over a

And when I took my wife to the bedroom, we were both startled by how ferocious I was.

It was like I was an animal, and I even found I had more control over when I climaxed.

With each week that passed, the changes in my body got better and better…

It honestly felt like I was turning back the clock because I looked and felt younger…

And people were starting to take notice.

The guys at my office, many of them who were in their thirties and forties, all began asking me
what my secret was…

They wanted to know if I was on a new workout plan, or a new diet…

And when I told them that I wasn’t even going to the gym or eating in any special way…

But that I’d simply found a biological hack that allowed my body to produce oceans of healthy
testosterone practically on demand…

A lot of them were skeptical.

So I started giving my testosterone and estradiol formulation to all of the guys in my office who
wanted to try it…
And within a month, we had to be one of the fittest workplaces in America.

I mean every guy who used the specific ratio of ingredients I’d discovered saw MAJOR results…

And as the word spread about what was going on, I started getting phone calls and emails from
men all over the country…

All saying they’d heard about my “testosterone enhancing secret” from a friend, or a friend-of-a

And asking if I would share it with them as well.

Well I wanted to help all of these men, but I realized I couldn’t do it on my own…

So I partnered with a team of chemists and health experts…

Found a GMP and FDA Compliant manufacturing facility here in the United States…

And we went to work combining the 10 ingredients into small, easy to swallow capsules…

Something that any guy could take two times a day….

And that would bring him the powerful and muscular body he’d been dreaming about…

Revolutionize his sex life and this energy levels…

And do it all safely and naturally.

We’ve decided to call this formulation Maximum Male…

-6 Bottle Graphic-

Because when you use it, you finally live up to your maximum level of potential…

Becoming an unstoppable force of nature…

The kind of man who takes what he wants, when he wants it, and without anyone standing in
his way.

So at this point you’re likely wondering how you can get your hands on Maximum Male as
quickly as possible…

As well as how regularly you should use it for the absolute best results.
The truth is that it’s still tough for most men get their hands on Maximum Male…

Unlike 99% of the other “testosterone supplements” on the market…

My formulation only uses the highest quality ingredients…

Which I have flown in fresh from all over the world.

Additionally Maximum Male contains ZERO fillers...

And it’s the only testosterone enhancing supplement available that’s been specifically designed
to support a 20:1 ration of Testosterone to Estradiol…

All of which means it can take up to three months to make each batch of Maximum Male.

Plus because Maximum Male has been shown to help increase muscle mass, sex drive, and
energy in virtually all men who use it…

No matter whether you’re in your twenties or your seventies…

Pretty much everyone who tries Maximum Male keeps asking for more of it…

Because they fall instantly in love with their new bodies and the way they feel.

Not only that, but Maximum Male is also becoming very popular with body builders, athletes,
and fitness experts…

And many doctors are even recommending it to their patients as a safer way to increase
testosterone compared to injections and gels…

Which is fantastic because it means Maximum Male is helping to potentially save lives…

But it also puts yet another strain on my already limited production capabilities.

Like I mentioned, it already can take up to 3 months to produce every batch of Maximum

And as the demand keeps rising, the production keeps going up too…

Making it harder and harder to keep any in stock.

As a result of all of this…

I frequently am out of stock and don’t have any Maximum Male available for the public.
But with that being said…

I also don’t want any man to suffer from the symptoms of aging…

Or to feel like the best days are behind them, or that their bodies are declining…

Especially when it doesn’t have to be that way at all.

That’s why in the next few moments I’m going to share a rare opportunity to get your hands on
a brand-new bottle of Maximum Male…

As part of my Male Empowerment Program.

Before I do that though, let me return to that second question…

Which is “how much Maximum Male will I want to take?”

That part is pretty straightforward…

Simply take 2 capsules per day for at least 30 days.

The reason it’s important to take Maximum Male for at least 30 days is simple…

While the ingredients inside this breakthrough supplement have been shown to start working in
as little as 3 days…

Many of the major studies I mentioned found that the effectiveness of the ingredients inside
Maximum Male only increase overtime.

In other words…

While you may quickly feel like you have more energy…

That you’re getting powerful and long-lasting erections spontaneously throughout the day…

That you can lift more weights at the gym and see bigger muscle gains as a result…

If you keep taking Maximum Male for a month or longer…

The results you see will only become that much better.

That’s why most health experts recommend you choose at least 3 bottles of Maximum Male…
And 6 bottles if you want to be completely safe…

-6 Bottle Image-

Then take it for at least 90 days…

That way you can get the absolute best results possible…

By fueling your raging libido, energy, and muscle growth.

That’s exactly what’s happened for the thousands of people who have already said “YES!” to
Maximum Male.

People like Ron R in Memphis.

Jared P in Oklahoma City…

And Robert K in Orlando. Robert says…

“In my early forties I noticed that I wasn’t putting on muscle like I used to, and that my belly was
starting to stick out. Over the next few years it seemed like I kept getting fatter and weaker. My
doctor said I had “low T” and I didn’t question him. I just started using the gel he prescribed to
me and things did start to improve. But I was also worried about the long-term health and side
effects of using testosterone replacement therapy.

When I saw your video online, I decided to give Maximum Male a shot. I definitely didn’t have
high hopes or expectations, but I figured I’d just see. That was a great decision!

I’m now getting all of the same benefits as I was from my prescription gel, but without any of
the health concerns. This stuff really works too! I’m packing on lean muscle and my belly fat has
gone the way of the buffalo. Thank you so much for sharing this. I think every man should use
your product.”

Those real-life testimonials and before/afters are just a few of the hundreds I’m receiving each
month from Maximum Male customers…

And you should know that Maximum Male is only available on this website…
And only while there are supplies in stock.

The reality is that I’m constantly facing legal threats from others in the supplement and
pharmaceutical drug industries…

Everyone is FURIOUS that I created a product that actually works…

And that doesn’t cost thousands of dollars a year, like prescription gels and shots do.

I’m fighting back against all these a-holes every single day…

But the truth is they have a LOT more money than me, and I don’t know if I’ll be able to hold
them off forever.

So don’t wait on taking action and reinvigorating your body and your mind with Maximum

Maximum Male is the absolute best path to becoming the most powerful, strong, and high-
functioning version of yourself…

And it’s something that will make a big difference in your life now…and for years to come.

Just imagine how good it will feel when you’re turning heads everywhere you go…

When you become the center of attention at the office, at social events, at family gatherings…

Because everyone can’t stop asking how you’ve been able to transform your physical

And you just ooze out confidence because you know you’re a truly powerful man.

All it takes are two capsules per day…

And you’ll never be the same again.

Of course that’s not to say that Maximum Male is your only option…

There are plenty of other testosterone supplements on the market…

But they do come with some problems.

For one thing, most of them don’t make it clear where their ingredients come from or if they’re
high quality…
While in comparison, every batch of Maximum Male is certified by an independent, third-party

To ensure that what you see on the label is what’s actually inside.

Plus none of these other testosterone supplements have been engineered to deliver the ideal
ratio of testosterone and estradiol in your body...

Which means not only will they not bring you the results you want…

They could even be dangerous to your physical health!.

Then there’s testosterone replacement therapy…

Things like gels and shots…

But besides the facts that these options can cost you $300 or more per month – over $3,600 a

There are also the horrifying side effects like heart attacks, stroke, and even death…

Which, I can tell you from experience….

Simply aren’t worth the risk.

So when you consider that none of these alternatives are even close to as appealing as
Maximum Male…

You can understand why I originally set the investment in Maximum Male to $149 per bottle…

Which I honestly think is extremely fair.

That’s pretty comparable to what you’d pay for other testosterone supplements that are less
than 30% as effective…

And it’s also a lot cheaper than a single month of testosterone replacement therapy, and
without the dangerous side effects.

Yet while $149 really is a great deal…

The truth is that this isn’t about making a profit for me.

Of course, the money to pay my legal defense against big pharma would be nice…
But at the end of the day…

My ultimate goal is help other men.

I truly believe that God gave me a second lease on life after my heart attack…

And that I would be disrespecting Him if I became greedy, or tried to withhold what I
discovered from others.

That’s why I’m offering Maximum Male to the general public for the first time through my Male
Empowerment Program…

And why if you act right now, and make the life-changing decision to join the thousands of
others before you…

You can secure possession of Maximum Male for just $69 per bottle.

And that’s just the start…

I understand that this isn’t just about immediate energy or better libido…

You want results that last for the LONG RUN.

And because I want to ensure that you become more powerful and stronger each day, month-

I’ve created a special discounted package plan…

Where you can get 6 bottles of Maximum Male…

-6 Bottle Graphic-

For only $49 per bottle…

A total of $294.

This special discounted package is only being offered to you today though this website as part
of my Male Empowerment Program however…

And only while supplies last.

Plus you’ll also get free shipping today, which is another $9.99 value…
But both the special multi-bottle discount and the free shipping are limited.

When I run out of bottles of Maximum Male again, it could take up to three months before
another batch is available.

So click the 6 bottle package (or any other package you choose) below the video right now to
secure your order.

This is hands-down one of the smallest but most important investments you’ll ever make in
your health, vitality, and well-being.

A single bottle of Maximum Male will have you feeling more energized than you have in years…
you’ll notice your libido starting to pick up too…and that you’re looking more ripped and

Three bottles will do the same thing, but the effects will be amplified dramatically…

And with 6 bottles of Maximum Male…your body will be permanently transformed for the

So at this point I’m sure you’re pretty excited…

And you’re wondering “how do I get started?”

Just click the yellow button below right now and choose the package of Maximum Male that’s
right for you.

You’ll then go to the secure checkout page where you’ll enter your order details…

And within 5 business days from now…

You’ll receive Maximum Male at your front door in a discreet package.

So go ahead and click the button below now to secure Maximum Male while there are still
bottles available.

This should be one of the easiest decisions of your life as well…

Because your investment is also covered by a 180 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee.

It works like this…

Start using Maximum Male now…

Start noticing how you’re no longer feeling fatigued…

How your belly fat is just melting away…

How much stronger and powerful your “drive” is.

And if for any reason you’re not happy with your results using Maximum Male…

Simply email or call my U.S. Based Customer Support Team 24/7…

And you’ll receive a prompt and immediate refund with zero questions asked.

Plus you don’t even need to return your bottles – they’re yours to keep as my way of saying
“thanks” for putting your faith in me and my product.

You have nothing to lose here except the older, weaker version of yourself.

It’s a 100% risk free investment…

So go ahead and click the button you see below now to get started with improving physique
and your life.

This presentation is now ending and the choice is ultimately yours…

One of your options is to stop watching this video, and continue on with your day.

That’s absolutely your right, but what will change if you make that decision?

How are you going to feel in a month, six months, or a year from now…

If you don’t take actions today, and you keep losing more and more of your manhood.

That truth is that people often wait too long to act…

Yet if you do nothing, then nothing will change.

That’s why I want you to consider the better, easier path…

Which is to click the button you see below the video now, while there are still supplies in

And to start taking two capsules of Maximum Male every single day.

You have no risk here at all…

The only “work” you need to do is swallowing your capsules each day…

Then just sit back and relax as the unique formula I’ve created goes to work increasing your
testosterone production and estradiol production…

So that you put on lean muscle mass so easily it’ll almost feel like magic.

Right now you can get Maximum Male for just $69 per bottle…

And for even less than that if you get one of my more popular packages.

Plus you’re also being covered by that 180 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee…

Which means there’s no reason not to try this breakthrough out for yourself today.

When supplies run out of Maximum Male though…

It could be three months until I get more in stock…

And when my Male Empowerment Program ends…

The price goes back up to $149 per bottle…

So that I can at least break even…

Instead of losing money on each bottle (like is happening currently)…

All of which means you really must act now…

This is your decisions, and the video is now finished.

Thank you for watching and God Bless you.


Jim Bard.

[7 Second Pause]

Hey, you still with me?

No worries, I realize that we covered a lot of stuff.

So right now, let me go ahead and answer some of the most common questions you may have…

That way you can make the decision to invest in Maximum Male with 100% confidence.

1. Who is Maximum Male for?

Maximum Male is for men who want to increase muscle mass, strength, and performance.

It’s also for guys who are looking to improve their sexual performance and libido…

And who want more energy and mental focus.

All of this means that everyone from twenty-five year olds to seventy-eight year olds can
benefit from Maximum Male…

Making it one of the most important male empowerment supplements on the market.

2. What Are The Ingredients Inside Maximum Male Again?

Maximum Male contains four ingredients that are shown to increase testosterone and estradiol
in the body…

Tribulus Terrestris, Fenugreek Extract, Epimedium, and Eurycoma Longifolia.

As you’ll remember, estradiol production is crucial for men who want to build muscle and
improve libido…

But your body also needs to maintain a testosterone to estradiol ratio of about 20:1.

That’s why I’ve included 6 additional ingredients into the formulation to help balance out this

And give you the optimal amount of testosterone.

Those ingredients are: Alpha-Lipoic Acid, Coleus Forskohlii, D Apartic Acid, Saw Palmeto,
BioPerine, and Boron.

Now I’ll be the first to tell you that these ingredients in themselves are common to a lot of
testosterone supplements.

But there are a few major differences between Maximum Male and other formulations…
The first is the fact that Maximum Male is the only supplement that balances testosterone and
estradiol at the “golden” ratio of 20:1…

And also unlike most supplements…

The ingredients inside Maximum Male are very pure and high quality…

And are even verified by an independent third-party laboratory…

Which means you can trust that what’s on the label is also inside each capsule.

3. How Long Does It Take to See Results Using Maximum Male?

Every person is different and results will vary…

But typically people start reporting a noticeable difference within the first week…

And the longer you take Maximum Male…

The more your results will be amplified.

4. What Are the Terms of the Guarantee Again?

Maximum Male is covered by a 180 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee.

That means that after you’ve ordered Maximum Male today…

You have a full six months to decide if it’s right for you.

If you’re like the thousands of people who already take Maximum Male regularly…

You’ll be THRILLED by the results you see.

But if you’re not happy for any reason…

Simply call or email my customer service team at any time…

And you’ll get a full refund of your investment with zero questions asked.

5. How Long Will Maximum Male Be Available?

I can’t really say with certainty.

While my goal is to get Maximum Male into the hands of as many men as possible…
The truth is that folks in the supplement and drug industries are FURIOUS about this product...

And they are trying every means possible to silence me…

And I don’t know how long I’ll be able to fight them off…

Which is why I’d urge you to get Maximum Male today…

Especially since it comes with a 180 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee…

Which means you have absolutely zero risk.

6. Okay, I’m Excited to Try Maximum Male. How Do I Order?

This part is easy!

Just click the button you see below…

Choose the package of Maximum Male that’s right for you...

Then complete your order.

After that Maximum Male will arrive to your door in about 5 business days from now, and it
comes in a discreet package.

Plus there’s no risk at all because of that 180 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee.

So go ahead and order now…

And I look forward to hearing about your experience with Maximum Male.

















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