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For those who don’t know me I operate on

the internet under the name of Joe
Lampton mostly for my Twitter / Telegram
audience and with my real name Vlad Obu
for the Romanian audience on various
social networks.

I’ve started business in my early 20’s,

became rich, had sex with over 500 women,
became very famous in my home country
of Romania. Some may also know me for
my affiliation with the Tate brothers and the
WAR ROOM or the scandal which lead to my
false incarceration in 2023 for “human
trafficking” (Which is bullshit haha) .

As you might assume, because I’ve made a
lot of money and accumulated lots of
notoriety, I know a thing or two about
STATUS, POWER and how to become

I’ve also sat with many successful/famous

people from all over the world and got to
understand how life works. Not gonna lie, I
had very good mentors and started very
young in my journey.

This being said, lets get started.


The first thing you should focus on when
we’re talking about social status is the way
you present yourself to the world.
Regardless of your current cash flow you
must make sure that:

A.You have enough muscle mass.

B.You take care of your hair.
C.You dress clean.

Looking competent, masculine, a little bit

tough is crucial and quite easy.

If you’re not rich don’t try to be flashy, just
dress in all black. Have a normal short
haircut, don’t try to be “trendy”.

If you dress in a black, plain t-shirt with a

normal hairstyle and you take a picture,
that picture will look okay in 3 years as well.
But if you’re trying to look “trendy” you’ll
cringe in a few years looking back at

Having long hair is associated with being a
pussy, a nerd. Only a small percentage of
men actually look nice with long hair. Yeah
Jorge Masvidal and Jason Mamoa look
great with any hairstyle including long hair.
You’re probably not them.

Having muscles is also good for you.

Without steroids you can either be:
-Ripped/6 pack looking like a fighter
-Muscle mass and fat, looking like a
Both are good. Try to not be skinny fat. Or
too fat. Or too skinny.

Of course there’s exceptions to these “rules”.

If you’re super tall and skinny you’ll be
attractive in the eyes of women especially if
you have good facial structure etc. Find
your own unique style that works for you.
Another hack that helps you look better are
tattoos. Not small ass shitty tattoos, I’m
talking full arms, chest etc.

Good shape + Tattoos = You’ll look
attractive in the eyes of women plus you
won’t look like a victim when other men see

As for getting in shape, don’t

overcomplicate it:

-Chicken/Tuna Cans/Salmon/ Beef

-Some carbs such as potatoes / rice
-Protein powder and creatine

4 times in the gym + 2/3 times per week


Fighting or Sprints.


If you don’t get results cause your genetics

sucks get some TRT idk.



A. Martial arts

Inside of your crew, at school, in social

settings, you’ll always have a bigger degree
of respect if you learn how to fight.

Usually, people will be more tempted to

bully you, make fun of you, disrespect you if
you they know in the back of their minds
that you’re a pussy/you don’t know how to
defend yourself. This is why it’s useful to
learn boxing/MMA and spar as much as
possible. It gives you a little bit more balls.
And others will be less tempted to try it with

B. Verbal Warfare

I wrote a tweet recently. I said:

“Nobody talks about this but

Learning how to be dominant and verbally

aggressive is WAY more important than
being a boxer, “combat ready”.

Almost of the time, NOBODY ACTUALLY

FIGHTS with their fists anyway.

But it’s always mind games, banter, jokes,

bullying, psychological warfare.

The leaders, even in the street life or in


Are never the best “martial artists”

It’s the people who fuck you up mentally.

Who can manipulate others and brainwash
them. Who can destroy your confidence
with 2 jokes then raise up your morale with
one wisely said sentence.

Think of it kid.

The idea is that, if you want to increase the

respect levels you get, you must be the man
who is able to DOMINATE THE ROOM.
Become good at making fun of others, of
being persuasive, of having people worship
you etc.

Of course, you will be seen as an authority if

RESULTS, WOMEN etc. but you should be able
to be THE MAN even before you’re actually
the man. I had my little crew of people even
before all the success. Even as a beginner in
the game you should be able to impose
your will on others. Don’t wait until you have
the results. Results have to find you being a
G. It’s like Tate was saying

“A dork who makes money is just a RICH


Money just amplifies what you already are.
If you can get 10 hoes as a broke boy, you
can get 100 as a rich person. If you can get
5 people to listen to you as a nobody, you’ll
get 1000 people as a rich person. Start
being effective NOW.

When I was a teenager, I sat in the streets

with people who were way older and crazier
than me. I saw how they conducted myself
then applied it in my own universe, in my
group and at school.

Try to infiltrate yourself amongst individuals

who know how to behave and are
respected. “Steal” their style and apply it in
your own world.

C. Women

If your woman respects you a lot, your

friends will respect you too. It’s a flex to have
a DOWN ASS BITCH who’s always there for

Before getting lots of bitches, cover the

base. Get yourself some wifey who has your
back. Prioritize character traits. Get
someone who is wired this way. Good soul.
Not some hoe who is hard to handle.

Saw that TV SERIES “Narcos”? To be honest I

don’t watch Netflix but it was on TV while I
was incarcerated. Pablo Escobar’s wife was
a woman like this, good soul, good wife who
would do anything for him. Then he also
had other hoes, famous chicks etc. but just
for fun and entertainment.


First of all you shouldn’t listen to your
parents unless they’re super rich and
successful. If they’re normal people just go
your own way. Yeah, respect them, love
them, but avoid their advice. Listening
religiously to them will probably just lead to
you becoming someone you’ll hate.

Furthermore, accept the following fact. You
will never be able to impress people who
have different values than you. I had this
millionaire friend who was always criticised
by his dad. His dad would compare him to
his other son who studied in a well know
university and was working some corporate
job. He’d say “Ohh you’re just a thug… ohhh
you didn’t finish a good university” blah
blah. My friend was trying to reply by flexing
his money. But his dad would still consider
him a failure. I explained to my friend “Your
dad has different values. He respects
people working jobs and finishing school.
You’re a rich person without a degree. It's
useless to try and impress him. Just love
him the way he is. Who cares what he
things, the vast majority of the people who
meet you will respect you instead”. The
conclusion is the following: you have 2

A. Listen religiously to your parents, get their

genuine appreciation, but hate yourself

B. Do what you want to do, maybe your

parents wont agree with it but you’ll love
yourself and others will too.

Had another friend who wanted to be an
actor. But his mom was a doctor and forced
him to emulate her. He ended up finishing
med school in his late 20’s. His mom was
happy but he wasn’t. He started acting
school at 33 because he concluded that
he’d rather have his mom disagree than
look in the mirror and feel like a failure.

When you make money, you should buy
gifts to your parents, call them as much as
possible and try to have a good relationship
with them.

In 2020 I was in Cluj, a Romanian city, with

some girls and a few of my friends. The Tate
brothers were in another city Iasi. They
drove there because they recently bought a
blue Ferrari, forgot the exact model, and
wanted to drive it throughout Romania.

Tristan saw that I was in the opposite part of

the country and told me to stay there
because they’ll also come. Anyway I went to
their hotel suite and we started drinking. Me,
my friends, them and some girls.

At some point Tristan started talking to one
of my friends who told him he’s not talking
to his dad anymore because his dad
abandoned their family.

Then Tristan sat and told him that he’d give

all his money away just to see his dad
another time. He taught my friend that he
should call his dad the next day and make
peace with him. Love him the way he is,
because he’ll regret not doing so when he’ll
get older.

The idea is to understand that when you’ll

be old, you’ll regret not having a close
relationship with your parents. You must
accept them the way they are. It’s the best



As I’ve said earlier, you should get a main
chick. It will help you in your journey.
Another perspective you should understand
is that men have testosterone and are
competitive. Every guy who works under
you, with you, is around you wants or will
want, sooner or later, to shine bright, even
brighter than you.

Women are different they’re not in a
competition with men. Which means you
can rely on a woman who loves you more
than you can rely on a friend.

When people go to prison 5 years, their

wives come with cigarettes and clothes. Not
some “friend”.

I’ve heard this on a podcast from 2014-2015
when Dame Dash was invited at the
BREAKFAST CLUB (hip hop radio show).
Dame Dash is Jay-z’s former business
partner; he mentored Kanye West and
others. He was saying that he likes to work
with women because they’re less prone to
betrayals, they don’t have testosterone.

Now, most women you’ll meet won’t

probably be “wifey material”. You have to
test shit out, experience more. If you have
sex with 20 women, you will probably find a
good blueprint that can later become an
important piece on the chessboard. A good
girl means she’s:

-Your biggest fan

-Supports you in hard time/when you’re
-Doesn’t get bored by staying the house
when you’re “boring” and working
-Wants you to succeed and respects your
work ethic
-Doesn’t like you spending money on
bullshit or having destructive habits

-Is a generous person, type who’d order a
pizza and insist you have a half of it at least
-Didn’t have too many sexual partners in
the past
-Isn’t obsessed with clubs / going out/
drugs / alcohol
-Isn’t a feminist / LGBTQ worshiper who
thinks all men are shit and women should
exploit them
-Wants a family
Doesn’t hang out with hoes /women who
get fucked in one night stands etc.

These are just some random examples that

came to my head right now, but I guess it’s
common sense and we all know
instinctually what a good woman is.

Now, we have to admit the fact that, as

men, after we cover the base of the
pyramid and we have love, we also want
fun, pussy, hoes etc

Also, we have to accept the fact that, the
more a woman loves you and obeys you,
the less sexually attracted you’ll be to her.
This why you’ll probably be interested in
other girls as well. You know the saying:


In order to have access to all kinds of
women, you need to stack as many
qualities as possible.

-Get in shape
-Get popular
-Get rich
-Be funny
-Be a leader in your Universe
-Learn game

“Game” is basically understanding
intersexual dynamics and applying it well. I
won’t go into boring details because I want
to keep this short and concise. In order to
learn game you must do the following

- Flirt with the girls you meet in real life,

everyone except the ones who are with your
-If your friend has a girlfriend, try to fuck
girls she’s friends with
-Approach girls you see on the
-Approach girls on Instagram
-Go on as many dates as possible, with
every type of woman
-Go embarrass yourself and makes
mistakes.. it’s the only way in which you can
-The earlier you start, the better

Nowadays you can get new girls in 3 ways:

-Social circle / real life

- Internet
-Combination of social circle and internet

If you want to get the best girl you need the
third way.

A lot of girls who replied a bit on Instagram

didn’t get in my bed before they saw me in
real life. Same club, same venue, mutual
friends etc.

Also what helped me with was the fact that

if I had sex with one of them, I’d pursue
others from her extended circle, her
acquaintances. Don’t listen to these losers
who say “FUCK HER BEST FRIEND”. If she’s
actually her best friend, she won’t give you
pussy. But someone WHO KNOWS HER and
to meet with you.

Women are sheep, they want what others

want. And they want what the people they
look up to have. I’ll give you an example.

If girl A who is considered hot buys a certain
pair of sneakers, the girls who consider her
an authority will also want the same pair.
She made that brand cool. It’s the same
when it comes to sex. If I fuck a hot girl, and
she talks about it and people find out, other
girls who know her are more predisposed to
reply to me.

Furthermore, it’s a big mistake to be

extremely low key when it comes to women.
Yeah of course, if you fuck shitty women, it’s
better to not appear with them publicly, but
if they’re hot, let them post you on their
social media. The more girls post with you,
the more chances of fucking the other
chicks who know them.


Let’s assume that you’re in shape, you dress
well, you have a girlfriend who loves you, of
course you have a solid cashflow, friends
and you’re able to attract women. The next
step, if you want more INFLUENCE and REAL
STATUS is to get CLOUT.

Clout means being known outside of your

CIRCLE. Being known by LOTS of people.
Getting recognised on the streets, in the
malls, in clubs etc.

This represents a massive hack and
improves every other aspect from above.
Disclaimer: You don’t wanna be known if
you’re broke/a loser. You don’t wanna be
the popular clown. You don’t need attention

In my case I started getting attention when I

was already successful. As oppose to an
“influencer” who documents everything
from a very early age, I did not do so. The
first articles/news on TV with me portrayed
me in a way that was in my advantage.
They said I’m rich, I had lots of girlfriends, I’m
in high end circles etc.

This is a useful weapon to have. Imagine
you are with a woman on the first date, and
you get stopped for pictures.

Or you go to a party and all the people

stare at you. It’s a flex, and maeks her
respect you more. Especially, if the girl is
super hot and arrogant, she’s used to being
THE MAIN EVENT wherever she goes. You’re
slowly lowering her ego if you’re the one
getting MORE ATTENTION. Everyone she
knows has money. Imagine if you have
MONEY AND CLOUT. It’s a powerful

Of course, you should not want to be some
A list celebrity in your country because this
comes with too many disadvantages, too
much stress, every little mistake gets
punished hard, you have to be very careful

The people who are A listers can’t even

write to women because it gets in the news,
every message can harm their reputation
etc. You gotta be at a level where girls know
you, they might screenshot your messages,
but you also have the freedom to operate
without major consequences. GOTTA FIND

Ways to get more clout in 2024:

-Become friends with people who are

already in the spotlight
-Do TikTok
-Spend money and flex on Instagram
-Do a podcast and invite famous people in

I did all of the above. First I started flexing on
Instagram. Then I became friends with the
Tate brothers when they were well known in

Then I did TikToks and IG reels, then I started

a popular podcast in my country, then I
spread out short clips on IG reels/TikTok.

Plus the TV / Newspapers coverage I got by

default, without asking for it or actually
doing something to get it.

If you enjoyed my FREE EBOOK

Just know I also have a FREE TELEGRAM


Join here ⬇️

By the way

A massive hack in order to get to the next

level as a man is to BE SURROUNDED BY

This is why I created RICH GANG.

People asking me stupid questions about
RICH GANG all the time so I’ll explain the
basics so u know before u message me:

- RICH GANG is my private community

- Members are mostly from
- Meet ups every week in every country, we
have members everywhere. Guys meet for
dinners, sparring, club etc. U don’t have to
pay extra for these meet ups
- we do large events multiple times per
year in different locations
- when u enter the community you get
access to all the group chats which have
different topics such as ONLINE MONEY (lots
of subgroups about this, multiple business
- you have courses on all of these topics +
live streams from the past where we
discussed about each topic
- plus we do new livestreams all the time so
u can jump in and talk to me and others

- Many members have already moved with
each other and started working together. Or
moved in cities where’s there’s a lot of RG
members. This way they improved their
social life and do stuff in a bigger groups

Lots and lots of advantages if you’re inside.

If you’re not a different man after 6 months
of RICH GANG I’ll give u your money back

It’s impossible to not be on a whole different

level if you’re active and actually talk to
people, make alliances, go out of your
comfort zone and apply the knowledge

In order to join DM me on Telegram


If you don’t have profile pic or you’re stupid I

might block you depending on my mood.

More details:


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