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JESS3 Mail - You kill that which nourishes you

5/27/12 10:22 PM

Jesse Thomas <>

You kill that which nourishes you

5 messages Leslie Bradshaw <> To: Jesse Thomas <> I hurt beyond words. I'm not interested in talking with you until you do a sharp 180. I will handle RSS newsletter Tuesday and an update on Rad. Continue to check in with me if you need anything professional. L. Jesse Thomas <> To: Leslie Bradshaw <> I'm trying to have a productive convo with you and you self destruct. Why do you assume I'm not on point? If I bring something to you, take it seriously and don't get so defensive.
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Sun, May 27, 2012 at 1:05 AM

Sun, May 27, 2012 at 2:46 AM

Leslie Bradshaw <> To: Jesse Thomas <> Your language isn't productive so I don't agree with you there.

Sun, May 27, 2012 at 2:50 AM

I am not self destructing. Rather I am choosing not to be disrespected by you over email or over the phone. I am happy to help see through reasonable requests when they are framed in a way that makes strategic sense and have respectful and professional tones. Your emails surrounding this topic have been neither.
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Leslie Bradshaw <> To: Jesse Thomas <>

Sun, May 27, 2012 at 3:17 AM

I want to also underscore: Your lack of appreciation for the other 2883927291726 things I do is unfortunate. Less for me and more for you. That you can't keep perspective is, again, unfortunate.
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Jesse Thomas <> To: Leslie Bradshaw <> Blah blah blah

Sun, May 27, 2012 at 11:34 AM

Why do you love to play the victim? Everything out of your mouth is so melodramatic... I appreciate the things you do, but you keep making crucial mistakes... Like not knowing what the email signup on our blog is for? That makes me nervous.. That's your problem not mine. I'm not ok that you are clueless about crucial things. I am on point with everything I do, I have eyes in the back of my head. I can look at a design for 5 seconds and see errors.

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JESS3 Mail - You kill that which nourishes you

5/27/12 10:22 PM

You can keep playing the victim and push us further apart.. Or snap in line and do as you are told. Either works for me, I'm over this drama. I'm developing products and services that are worth a fortune. Come with me if you like, but on my terms not yours. Your attitude isn't doing you any favors. Any stock you ever get from me will be phantom because of your riducilious attitude. Your hanging up on phone calls and telling me I can only say one thing is nonsense. Sure you are stressed out, but you have gone off the deepend with how you talk to me. Your the one who fucked up MTV, intel/ces, Samsung/SXSW, discovery channel and countless other projects you managed closely. I could lose you and start over and be better off for it... Do not test me. My job is generating new business, marketing the agency and scouting talent. I create a reputation for being a creative genius when I was in my early twenties. The only thing you are good at is client service and some strategy stuff. Everything else (the Sheryl Sandburg category of stuff) you SUCK at. News flash; you have managed more failures than you can count on your 2 little hands. Your not as good as you think you are......... That being said, you do a ton of cool stuff and I like you around. Your batting average is horrible, but your fight is there and I have always been inspired to make you better. I just can't put up with your attitude anymore. I don't need that stress in my life. And I certainly don't need it in my personal life. Your the one fucking up... Not me. I'll do whatever the fuck I want to. If you want to stick with me, you better be ready to listen more. You continuely make bad decisions, like not realizing the blog rss newsletter was needed? Or hiring stupid people like ----- and ...... so many fucking losers too many to write in this email. You thought I was wasting money sending around the shirts.... You keep betting against me, and I keep winning. Sucks for me because your playing with my chips. Fucking -------------, that little fucking loser- I TOLD/demanded you to fire him and instead you make him a Nike employee. I fought that tooth and nail, you decided you knew better and now look where we are! Fucking loser! Both of you! I'm the mother fucking CEO, you have gotten too ahead of yourself and are starting to go rogue. This isn't gonna end nicely for you. You act like I'm not the CEO, and that is your final straw. I'm ok with errors but not when some subordinate makes them. That's you... Your my subordinate and you are making BAD business decisions. News flash your refresh dc talk sucked and I had people texting me like wtf... I can go on and on. You put a lot of effort in, but still have a really low batting average. I'm trying to give you the shot to be great, but you not only failed at SXSW/samsung technically but you had the balls to disrespect me in person and side with the loser team? Whoa. You lost so much respect and money from me that day. You have a huge debt to repay me before you get any stock in this brand. Your lucky you still have the position your in. No deals will be signed until you get back in line or figure out what out what you want to do. I on the other hand am single handily building a billion dollar brand. And I have 100% of the company to show for it. You haven't come up with a single big idea.. Or product idea in the entire time I've known you. And to top it off, you think you are a process hacker?!??! Whoa. You took a perfect system and made it worse, wasted money to the point of running out and have the nerve to disrespect me. Your actions at SXSW was the straw that broke this camels back. I will never ever let that go. YOU FUCKING SUCK AT INTERACTIVE STRATEGY! News flash; that's my company specializes in. You are the furthest thing from a hacker. Kiss the ring and listen to my billion dollar guidance, or walk away with nothing. Fuck you for defying my authority and managing this company further into debt. I'm over the old Leslie. I've really tried to be patient with you and give you a chance, but your attitude will be the death of you/us. 2 rules, 1. You don't get to hang up on your boss. Especially when he's telling you something you don't want to hear. 2. When I make a decision like "-------- should not go to work at Nike" or " Samsung better be ready when I walk into the convention center" or "I don't want -------- fat face in the ESPN ratings making of video" etc, you better listen. From the emails I get from Shannon at MTV or matt at samsung... Your in denial that you suck at interactive. Page 2 of 3

JESS3 Mail - You kill that which nourishes you

5/27/12 10:22 PM

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