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Negotiation role plays

- 6 months break go to traveling from September.

- worked in Gloucester

you are meeting them next week to discuss the offer:

Place of work-
- Days and hours- full-time willing to work more than hours
- pay- hoping for 20000 per year but the 20000 will be Manchester or Birmingham
- bonus- you should get a bonus
- Holidays- as many holidays as possible you will need enough holiday to travelling
in the future.
- company car- I dint like electric car
- start date- start date and start in February
- laptop
- working form home- one or two days per week
- travel- in Gloucester Anderson office public transport to get to work.
- probation period- understand all staff 6 months probation period
- duties- boring junior duties, data collection
- Accommodation- you want to have your own office. you don't like working in open
plan as you find it difficult to concentrate.
-payment- direct debits go out in the middle/ end of the month so you d'like pay
day to be close to this
-bike- you want a bike through the company bike
- References- you dont see why you should provide a aim

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