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At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. Define Global media.
2. Identify the most common media today.
3. Cite specific example/situation how media works in globalization
4. Discuss the effects of globalization on media

Global Media
Global communication is the term used to describe ways to connect, share, relate and
mobilize across geographic, political, economic, social and cultural divides.
In a globalized world, effective communication is a necessity. When friends, relatives, and
colleagues need to reach all corners of the world, it is easy to see the importance of global
communications in the world today.

Different types of media

Media can be broken down into two main categories: broadcast and print. The Internet has
also emerged as a major player, as a rapidly-growing number of people globally get their news,
movies, etc. online.
Print Media includes all types of publications, including newspapers, journals, magazines,
books and reports. It is the oldest type, and despite suffering since the emergence of the
Internet, is still used by a major proportion of the population.
Broadcast Media refers to radio and TV, which came onto the scene at the beginning and
middle of the 20th century respectively. Most people still get their news from TV and radio
broadcasts – however, experts predict that it will not be long before online sources take over.
Over the past twenty years, cable news has grown in importance.
The Internet – specifically websites and blogs – are rapidly emerging as viable and major
channels of communication as more and more people seek news, entertainment and
educational material online. The term ‘viable,’ in business, means capable of generating profits
for many years.
Virtually every part of the Internet has become a medium of communication – most free
email services have little boxes that display ads and other messages. The Internet as we know
it today did not really take off until the 1990s. In 1995, just 1% of the world’s population was
online, compared to over 49% today. The notion of the Internet started in the 1960s in the USA
during the Cold War, when the military and scientists were worried about a missile attack,
which could knock out the telephone system.

Most common media today

The leading social networks are usually available in multiple languages and enable users to
connect with friends or people across geographical, political or economic borders.
Approximately 2 billion internet users are using social networks and these figures are still
expected to grow as mobile device usage and mobile social networks increasingly gain traction.
The most popular social networks usually display a high number of user accounts or strong
user engagement. For example, market leader Facebook was the first social network to surpass
1 billion monthly active users, whereas recent newcomer Pinterest was the fastest
independently launched site to reach 10 million unique monthly visitors. The majority of social
networks with more than 100 million users originated in the United States, but European
services like VK or Chinese social networks Qzone and Renren have also garnered mainstream
appeal in their areas due to local context and content.
Social network usage by consumers is highly diverse: platforms such as Facebook or Google+
are highly focused on exchanges between friends and family and are constantly pushing
interaction through features like photo or status sharing and social games. Other social
networks like Tumblr or Twitter are all about rapid communication and are aptly termed
microblogs. Some social networks focus on community; others highlight and display user-
generated content.
Advantages of Social Media for the Society
1. Connectivity. People from anywhere can connect with anyone. Regardless of the location
and religion, the beauty of social media is that you can connect with anyone to learn and share
your thoughts.
2. Education. Social media has a lot of benefits for the students and teachers. It is very easy
to educate from others who are experts and professionals via the social media. You can follow
anyone to learn from him/her and enhance your knowledge about any field. Regardless of your
location and education background you can educate yourself, without paying for it.
3. Help. You can share your issues with the community to get help and giddiness. Whether
it is helping in term of money or in term of advice, you can get it from the community you are
connected with.
4. Information and Updates. The main advantage of the social media is that you update
yourself from the latest happenings around in the world. Most of the time, Television and print
media these days are biased and does not convey the true message. With the help of social
media, you can get the facts and true information by doing some research.
5. Promotion. Whether you have an offline business or online, you can promote your
business to the largest audience. The whole world is open for you, and can promote to them.
This makes the businesses profitable and less expensive, because most of the expenses made
over a business are for advertising and promotion. This can be decreased by constantly and
regularly involving on the social media to connect with the right audience.
6. Noble Cause. Social media can also be used for the noble causes. For example, to promote
an NGO, social welfare activities and donations for the needy people. People are using social
media for donation for needy people and it can be a quick way to help such people.
7. Awareness. Social media also create awareness and innovate the way people live. It is the
social media which has helped people discover new and innovative stuffs that can enhance
personal lives. From farmers to teachers, students to lawyers every individual of the society can
benefit from the social media and its awareness factor.
8. Helps Govt and Agencies Fight Crime. It is also one of the advantages of the social media
that it helps Governments and Security Agencies to spy and catch criminals to fight crime.
9. Improves Business Reputation. Just like it can ruin any business reputation, It can also
improve business sales and reputation. Positive comments and sharing about a company can
help them with sales and goodwill. Since people are free to share whatever they want on the
social media, it can impact positively when good words are shared.
10. Helps in Building Communities. Since our world has different religions and beliefs. Social
media helps in building and participating in the community of own religion and believes to
discuss and learn about it. Similarly, people of different communities can connect to discuss
and share related stuffs. For example, Game lover can join games related communities; car
lover can join communities related to cars and so on.
Disadvantages of Social Media for the Society
1. Negative Impact on Children
Meanwhile, a new study has found that children would be happy if social media didn’t exist,
with over half of them experiencing abuse or having their confidence knocked by websites. In
fact, two thirds of schoolchildren said they’d feel happy if it had never been invented and 71%
of them had followed in the footsteps of celebrities like Ed Sheeran and the Kardashians by
taking a break from social networking altogether. Several studies have also found a link
between increased social networking use and a higher incidence of anxiety and depression.
2. No life without a phone
This might come as a surprise to some people, because the popular perception is that
youngsters are glued to their phones and obsessed with taking selfies. But it’s that very
perception – and the very real reality of the pressure they face to fit in – that’s pushing kids to
change the way they approach technology. It promotes Individualization.
3. Reduces Family Intimacy
Texting, Facebook, Twitter, etc. separate us from our families more than we actually think it
does. When a family is spending family time together and watching a movie, in reality, most
children are on their phones rather than watching the film with their parents. Social Media
4. Lacks emotional connection
The quality of a conversation when using social media is unpleasant because you cannot
sense the emotion or interest from the other person. It makes you wonder if they mean what
they say.
5. It changes lifestyle habits, and it is sleep disruption
Since using a social network is all done on some computers or mobile devices, it can
sometimes motivate too much sitting down in one place for too long. Staring into the light from
a computer or phone screen at night can negatively affect your ability to get a proper night
6. Privacy problems
Sharing your online location or getting in trouble at work because of tweeting something
inappropriate or sharing too much with the public can cause you some issues that sometimes
can’t ever be solved.

Media's Role in the Globalization Process

The media technologies are intended to reach a large audience by mass communication.
Today the media play a key role in enhancing globalization. ... The important role in
globalization process has Internet, which connects all the countries around the world.
Globalization is a process by which various cultures, societies and economies through a
global network of trade and communication become integrated in all respects.
Media refers to the different means of communication like radio, television, internet etc. It
plays a very important role in shaping human mind. Mass media is a section of the media
determined to reach a greater audience. Most globalization theorists believe that media has
played an important role in acceleration of globalization. With the increase in the importance of
economic, cultural and technological integration between countries, it has a great impact on
our society’s personal lives.

Media and Globalization (a video clip: The Media Industry and Globalization)

Influences of Globalization on Media

It is because of globalization that today there is an increased access to a broad range of
media. (Impact of Globalization on Media)
Globalization has a great influence on the media and further its impact on us. The most
visible effect of globalization is wide spread communication. The introduction of newspapers,
magazine, internet and TV has immensely helped to spread information and has helped people
to come together from all over the world.
The impact of globalization on media has its own advantages and disadvantages but however
the advantages are much more than the disadvantages. As mentioned above one can see that
the process of globalization has led to opening up of people mind towards not just the walls
within which they stay but also be aware of what’s happening around the world. Ever since
mass media came into existence companies have used this as a means to communicate to let a
large no. of people aware about their products. On the other hand even the people watching it
or reading about it are in a position to gain maximum benefit as with the help of media they will
be able to decipher between good or bad as per their requirements.

How media works in globalization

Role of internet in the media globalization.
In political field internet serves as a medium to connect the media and the viewers. A lot of
people are unable to go through the newspapers every day because of either very busy
schedule or ignorance or because of travelling. Therefore, people read about the elections
about the various political issues through the internet
The role of internet has a lot to contribute to the economical aspect or impact of the media.
With the share market and the online trading and banking facilities people have started shifting
from the conventional ways of doing things to this modern easier and hustle-free method.
The role of internet in the cultural and traditional aspect is quite prominent. Globalization has
an immense effect on the cultures of the different countries. It has always had a very deep
impact on the cultural identity. The free flow of information, speedy progress in the field of
technology, transportation and communication has converted this world into a “global village”.
The reductions in costs and better facilities and variety of choices have changed the tastes of
individual and societies leading to a stronger integration. The use of internet through the media
provides an inter mix and exchange of ideas and thoughts between countries.

Role of television in the media globalization

The television acts as an eye opener to the viewers. The impact is progressive on the
society. In today’s world almost every house has an access to television and over the years the
accessibility has increased immensely. United Kingdom tops the list with an average television
rate of 28 hours per person per week.
When the press media had not come into picture, people used to communicate by writing
letters and sending them through direct mails. The beginning of press media came as an
information revolution. This press media has become a source for promoting, projecting and
supporting the process of providing information. It assists the journalists in networking and the
globalization has led to revolution of news circulation, printing, editing and reportage.
The role of the press media is diverse and it focuses on all the issues concerning out daily
lives and well-being. It plays role in educating the people on political parties, international
happenings, entertainment glamorous celebrity gossip and sport events. After the press
media there was the discovery of radio and television. This led to a different kind of revolution
as press media restricted one to just read but radio and television appealed to another sense as
it had both visual and audio sense. A recent poll states that about 59% of America’s population
obtains the world news on television out of which 37% is through cable and 22%through
broadcast. The younger generations watch television regularly and there are points in the year
when they watch it more than the average.
In terms of political aspects, the television has a lot to add to. The viewers can be made
aware of the political issues sensitive topics concerning the nation. The television can provide
its viewers with important facts and information concerning the democracy and the political
system which can help us make better decisions. At the same time, it gives us the overall picture
of what is happening in the rest of the world.
The economical aspect is highlighted by the television through advertisements and the news
channels giving updates on the share market, brokers and stocks. The advertisement in a way
makes us consumers and helps to make us aware of all the suitable options available for us in
the market. This is not just restricted to advertisements of clothing or grocery but at the same
time about pension plans and banks.
The Cultural and traditional issues are focused by the television through movies, serials,
reality shows and advertisements.

Role of radio in the media globalization

Radio is one of the easiest and cheapest media sources. It is easily available in most part of
the country. The biggest advantage of the radio as a means of media globalization is that it can
be understood by even an illiterate person and can cater to a larger number of people.
Moreover, it has a greater impact on the rural as they are able to connect to the radio easily.
Therefore, the importance of radio in the society is indispensable.
In the political and economic aspects, the role of radio is slow and steady. However, in the
rural areas it has a great impact. The rural people are greatly influenced by the news and
information shared by the media through radio. In fact, this helps them to understand the
political system and the advertisements make them aware about the various products. Radio
in today’s world is a platform for advertisement. In fact, it generates a lot of income and adds
to the economy of the media. It provides the listeners with enumerable options available in the
market but at the same time highlights the ill issues of the societies and methods to eradicate
Radio also provides a platform for the cultural and traditional exchange. For example, the
radio channels provide music of different parts of the world and hence this leads to one nation
understanding the music of the other. Music reflects the culture and the tradition of the area to
a large extent.


Media has always played a very important role in our society and for a long time it remained
one of the methods of controlling people and their recreational time. The media hence
provides different types of information in different ways in the form of newspaper, internet,
television, magazine, radio etc. In fact, it’s a very essential and simplified way to inform or
simply to entertain the audience.
Just by sitting at home one can get the entire news of the world by any medium like radio, tv
or internet, this is possible only because of globalization. Globalization in media has also made
us aware about the economic and political conditions of a particular country but also provides
us with entertainment of all sorts.


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