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Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine (2023) 16:284–294

Pediatric Hip Arthroscopy: a Review of Indications and Treatment

Helen Crofts1 · Mark McConkey1,2,3 · Parth Lodhia1,2,4

Accepted: 24 April 2023 / Published online: 31 May 2023

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2023

Purpose of Review The use of hip arthroscopy has expanded substantially over the last decade, including in pediatric and
adolescent populations. Indications for hip arthroscopy in the pediatric population continue to be refined and research of
outcomes following hip arthroscopy has increased. The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of current indica-
tions for hip arthroscopy in the pediatric population and the outcomes for each indication.
Recent Findings Hip arthroscopy is used in the treatment of a range of pediatric hip conditions, spanning from the infant to
young adult. In femoroacetabular impingement, hip arthroscopy in young adolescents has shown improvement in patient-
reported outcome measures, high return to sport rates, and low complications. Intra-articular hip pathology secondary to
Legg-Calve-Perthes and the persistent deformities following slipped capital femoral epiphysis can be managed with primary
hip arthroscopy, and outcomes show significant improvements in patient-reported outcomes. Arthroscopy can be used safely
as a reduction aid in developmental hip dysplasia, and as a primary treatment for borderline hip dysplasia in adolescents. In
septic hip arthritis, arthroscopic drainage is a safe and effective treatment.
Summary Hip arthroscopy is used in the pediatric and adolescent population in the management of femoroacetabular
impingement, Legg-Calve-Perthes disease, the sequelae of slipped capital femoral epiphysies, developmental hip dysplasia,
and septic arthritis. Research for each of these conditions shows that arthroscopy is a safe and effective treatment when
performed for the correct indications, and results are comparable to open surgical options.

Keywords Hip arthroscopy · Pediatric · Adolescent · Femoroacetabular impingement

Introduction shorter operative times, shorter hospital stays, and better

visualization of intra-articular anatomy [65••, 84].
The indications for hip arthroscopy continue to be refined Conditions of the hip in pediatrics are common and include
and the use of the procedure continues to grow [83]. Poten- the spectrum of developmental dysplasia, septic arthritis,
tial benefits over open procedures include less invasiveness, Legg-Calve-Perthes disease (LCPD), slipped capital femo-
ral epiphysis (SCFE), femoroacetabular impingement (FAI),
* Parth Lodhia juvenile arthritis, and trauma. Early use of hip arthroscopy in pediatric patients was reported by Gross for developmental
Helen Crofts dysplasia, septic arthritis, LCPD, and SCFE [85]. Other early uses of arthroscopy included the treatment of osteochondral
Mark McConkey lesions resulting from SCFE and juvenile arthritis [86, 87]. Although the literature is not as robust as in the adult popula-
tion, there has been increased interest in the use of arthros-
Department of Orthopaedics, University of British copy as the primary treatment of multiple pediatric hip condi-
Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
tions and as an adjunct to address intra-articular pathology.
Vancouver Hip Institute, Vancouver, Canada Outcome reporting has increased, with good short to mid-
Pacific Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, North Vancouver, term results for a range of indications. This review provides
Canada an overview of hip arthroscopy in the pediatric and adolescent
Fraser Orthopaedic Institute, population with a focus on indications and outcomes.
Nelson’s Crescent, New Westminster, BC 403‑233, Canada

Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine (2023) 16:284–294 285

Patient Evaluation the modified Dunn lateral [45 degrees flexion] (Fig. 1) and
false-profile view of Lequesne and de Seze (78). In very
Clinical evaluation starts with taking a thorough history. young patients, ultrasound for developmental hip dyspla-
Identifying the chief complaint, the duration, and onset sia is the primary modality. Ultrasound is also useful in the
of symptoms, and evaluating for any history of trauma are diagnosis of septic arthritis for evaluation of joint effusion
important starting points. A history of any known previous and potential aspiration. The benefits of computed tomog-
pediatric hip conditions should be elicited. Evaluation of raphy (CT) scan should be balanced with risk of radiation.
whether the pain is from intra-articular or extra-articular CT provides more details on bony anatomy than radiographs
pathology aids diagnosis. Intra-articular pathology typically and is frequently used in FAI and DDH evaluation. Magnetic
presents with anterior hip or groin pain and may radiate to resonance imaging (MRI) provides the most detail about soft
the knee [78]. Mechanical symptoms, such as snapping tissue and intra-articular anatomy. In young patients where
or catching, can suggest either an intra-articular or extra- cumulative radiation dosing is a concern, it is especially
articular pathology [78]. Precipitating factors, sports history, important. Recent evidence suggests three dimensional (3D)
overall medical history, and any attempted treatments should MRI can be used to evaluate osseous morphology in FAI
be included. and could replace the need for 3D CT scans, which would
Physical examination is similar to adults in patients over be especially beneficial in young patients [79].
12 years of age [78]. Assess the gait (Trendelenburg or
ataxic) and weight bearing status. Observe the position of
the leg and evaluate for leg length discrepancy. Record hip Technique
range of motion, starting with the normal limb, in flexion,
extension, abduction, adduction, and internal and exter- Hip arthroscopy can be performed in the supine or lateral
nal rotation. Obligate external rotation with flexion of the position. Supine positioning on a fracture table without a
hip may be seen in FAI and SCFE [78]. Decreased inter- perineal post is the preferred technique of the authors [89].
nal rotation may indicate intra-articular pathology. FAD- In very young children, they may be positioned on a radio-
DIR (flexion, adduction, internal rotation) is a provocative lucent table without a post and the surgical assistant can
test for impingement. FABER (flexion, abduction, external provide gentle traction on the leg as needed [81, 82•]. Por-
rotation), Thomas, Scour, and posterior impingement tests tals are established under fluoroscopic guidance, starting
should be performed. Examination of the spine and knee, with the anterolateral portal [80]. The mid-anterior portal is
plus a detailed neurologic exam, helps identify other poten- established under direct visualization. Standard hip arthros-
tial causes of hip pain or gait disturbance. copy equipment can be used in adolescents and older chil-
dren. In younger and small children, a specific 2.7-mm mini-
hip arthroscope may be required [81]. After an interportal
Imaging capsulotomy is performed with an arthroscopic blade or
radiofrequency wand, a diagnostic arthroscopy is performed
Radiographs including anterior–posterior (AP) and frog leg evaluating the labrum, status of ligamentum teres, articular
lateral views are a starting point for many diagnoses and cartilage, and the presence of cam or pincer morphology
no further imaging may be required. Specific views when (Fig. 2). Further management depends on the indication for
assessing for femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) include which the arthroscopy is being performed. Post-operative

Fig. 1  Modified Dunn views

of an adolescent male with
femoroacetabular impinge-
ment. A Pre-operative images
demonstrating cam morphology
and B post-operative images
after femoral osteochondro-
plasty with resection of cam

286 Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine (2023) 16:284–294

care will be dictated by the procedure performed and may intra-articular pathology such as labral tears and osteochon-
involve spica casting in the case of reduction of a dislo- dral defects.
cated hip in dysplasia, use of a drain in septic arthritis, or a
period of non-weight bearing and crutches for treatment of Development of FAI
impingement. Early hip range of motion and physiotherapy
is an important part of recovery. FAI may develop in adolescents secondary to SCFE, or
iatrogenically after periacetabular osteotomy for develop-
mental hip dysplasia [5–7]. Overgrowth of the femoral capi-
Specific Indications tal epiphysis not related to other hip pathology likely con-
tributes to the majority of FAI and there is growing evidence
Femoroacetabular Impingement to suggest that young athletes are at risk for development of
cam-type deformities [8•, 9, 10]. Adolescent male basketball
Assessment and Diagnosis players compared to age-matched controls had higher alpha
angles during and after closure of the proximal femur physis
Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) is a common cause on MRI [11]. A systematic review and meta-analysis found
of hip pain and limited sports participation in adolescents. male adolescent athletes to be at 1.9–8 times increased risk
Multiple studies have shown that cam morphology is a risk of developing cam morphology by skeletal maturity [12].
factor for development of hip osteoarthritis [88]. Diagno- The sports at highest risk of developing cam morphology
sis is based on symptoms, clinical findings, and imaging were basketball and hockey [12]. Adolescent soccer players
demonstrating early contact between the femoral head and also appear to have higher prevalence of cam morphology
acetabulum during hip motion [2]. Asymmetric hip pain, compared to non-athlete controls [9, 13, 14]. In adolescent
decreased hip range of motion, activity-related pain, and male athletes, cam morphology appears to develop prior to
mechanical symptoms are all suggestive of FAI. On exami- closure of the proximal femoral physis particularly at the
nation, there may be obligate external rotation with hip flex- time of peak growth velocity, with evidence supporting a
ion and positive impingement signs. Imaging includes stand- dose–response relationship with involvement in sports activ-
ard AP and lateral radiographs with additional Dunn and ity [8•, 15, 19]. Repetitive mechanical loading on an open
false-profile views. MRI arthrogram is helpful for evaluating physis during growth leading to epiphyseal hypertrophy

Fig. 2  Arthroscopic intra-oper-

ative images of an adolescent
male left hip with femoroac-
etabular impingement showing
A a labral tear pre and B post
repair in addition to C cam
morphology and D post femoro-
plasty of cam morphology

Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine (2023) 16:284–294 287

has been proposed as an explanation for cam development deformity recurrence [24, 25]. Outcomes after hip arthros-
[16, 17]. Prospective and cohort studies of adolescent ath- copy for FAI in adolescents have shown improved post-
letes show that cam morphology primarily develops during operative patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs), low
growth starting at 12–14 years of age [17, 18]. Despite evi- revision rates (2–5%), low complication rates, and high rates
dence that male athletes participating in specific sports are at of return to sport (84.9%) [26, 27]. In addition to PROMs,
higher risk of developing cam morphology, there is no clear minimal clinically important differences (MCID) and patient
understanding as to who will go on to become symptomatic acceptable symptom states (PASS) are met with high rates
and therefore it is difficult to recommend activity modifica- in the pediatric population up to 5-year follow-up [28••, 29,
tions or specific physical therapy as preventative measures 30••]. As FAI is seen at higher rates in the athletic popula-
[17]. Despite numerous studies of male adolescent athletes, tion, return to sport is an important indication of surgical
there is minimal research investigating the development of success. Numerous studies have found high rates of return
FAI in females. In a study of the prevalence of cam-type to sport after hip arthroscopy in the adolescent population
deformity in professional women hockey players, there was (78.1–93%) [25, 31•]. Long-term studies are needed to
a positive correlation between age of menarche and alpha investigate the rates of osteoarthritis and conversion to total
angle [20]. In a retrospective review of female adolescent hip arthroplasty in the adolescent population undergoing hip
single sport athletes with a diagnosis of FAI, athletes par- arthroscopy for FAI.
ticipating in running, soccer, and hockey had significantly
higher alpha angle than dancers [21]. Further research is Legg‑Calve‑Perthes Disease
needed to clarify the development and risk factors of FAI
in female adolescent athletes. Pincer morphology on the Assessment and Diagnosis
acetabulum was not associated with sport participation dur-
ing adolescence in a cohort of male and female athletes [19]. Legg-Calve-Perthes disease (LCPD) is a self-limiting pro-
cess that develops as a result of ischemia in the capital femo-
Treatment and Outcomes ral epiphysis of pediatric patients [35]. Initial diagnosis is
made by clinical presentation and hip radiographs. As the
Treatment of FAI in adults with hip arthroscopy has shown fragmentation stage resolves, and re-ossification and remod-
good mid- to long-term results and the use in pediatric FAI eling occur, mechanical hip pain may develop secondary to
is increasing [3, 4]. Physiotherapy continues to be first-line loose bodies, labral tears, or impingement from a misshapen
treatment, with those failing non-operative management femoral head. MRI is useful in identifying intra-articular hip
being considered for hip arthroscopy. Surgical management pathology and should be performed in those with persistent
is based on individual pathology with femoroplasty for cam hip pain after a trial of conservative treatment, although it
morphology, acetabuloplasty for pincer morphology, and may not identify the full extent of the pathology that can be
repair or debridement of labral tears. Timing of surgery is seen on arthroscopy [35].
controversial, although is usually delayed until closure of the
proximal femoral physis to avoid damaging the growth plate. Indications and Treatment Outcomes
In adolescent patients with open physes undergoing hip
arthroscopy for FAI, there is a theoretical risk of recurrence In many patients, LCPD is well managed non-operatively
and growth restriction [23]. In patients with an open physis with restricted weight bearing, analgesics, and physiother-
and communication of the cam morphology with the physis, apy, resulting in excellent results and preserved hip range of
it has been suggested to stage the procedure and address the motion. Hip arthroscopy is indicated in patients who develop
cam morphology after growth plate closure [22]. In adoles- painful hips with mechanical symptoms after the resolution
cents undergoing arthroscopy for FAI with a physis-sparing of active LCPD. Intra-articular findings seen as a sequelae
approach, there were significant sustained improvements in of LCPD that can be addressed with arthroscopy include
mHHS, HOS-ADL, and HOS-SSS 8.9 years post-operatively labral tears, osteochondritis dissecans, and ligamentum teres
and the improvements were greater than in a matched adult tears [32, 33]. Although there is limited published literature
cohort [39•]. In non-physeal-sparing femoral osteochondro- on hip arthroscopy for the treatment of sequelae of LCPD,
plasty, ablation of the anterolateral physis during cam resec- initial results show improvement in hip function. At 2-year
tion was utilized by Larson et al. to avoid recurrence, with follow-up, Lee et al. found improved hip range of motion,
good radiographic measurements and functional outcome VAS, and mHHS scores in a retrospective review of patients
scores and no deformity recurrence at 1 year post-op [23]. with late-stage sequelae of LCPD (p < 0.001) at a mean age
Although evidence is limited, other studies of hip arthros- of 26.4 years [36]. In six patients with late-stage LCPD
copy for FAI in skeletally immature patients have not shown and mean age of 15.2 years undergoing arthroscopy, there
any avascular necrosis, growth restriction, or high levels of was improved hip function and symptoms after undergoing

288 Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine (2023) 16:284–294

debridement, loose body removal, and osteochondroplasty For patients with an LCEA < 20 degrees, periacetabular
[37]. In a systematic review and meta-analysis of hip osteotomy (PAO) is often recommended. The use of arthros-
arthroscopy for LCPD, there was a significant improvement copy as an adjunct to PAO to address intra-articular pathology
in post-operative mHHS [38]. Specific technical challenges is increasing and can be done in a combined or staged fashion.
to arthroscopy with prior LCPD include navigating hyper- These procedures are done once growth has stopped, typically
trophy of the greater trochanter, coxa magna, and acetabular in the late adolescent to young adult ages when symptoms
changes [33]. develop prior to the onset of arthritis. Although PAO alone
shows good results in terms of functional outcome and PROMs
Borderline Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip improvements, intra-articular lesions that are a risk factor for
progression of osteoarthritis are not addressed without addi-
Assessment and Diagnosis tion of arthroscopy or open arthrotomy [51, 52]. Up to 59%
of patients undergoing PAO for dysplasia have chondrolabral
Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is a challenging injuries [47]. In concomitant arthroscopy and PAO, the arthros-
problem to manage surgically throughout a patient’s life. As copy is completed first to address any intra-articular pathol-
adolescents and adults, under coverage of the femoral head ogy or cam morphology with capsular closure. This has shown
by the acetabulum can result in impingement on the labrum good results in terms of improvement in PROMs, high return
and micro-instability, and is a risk factor for developing oste- to sport, comparable revision rates, and no increased compli-
oarthritis [40, 41]. Borderline DDH (BDDH) is defined as cations compared to PAO alone [48, 49•, 50•, 54•]. Staging
a lateral center–edge angle (LCEA) of 20–25 degrees [42]. arthroscopy to be done at an earlier surgical date than the PAO
Patients typically present with hip pain of insidious onset, is an emerging concept. In a comparison between staged ver-
although acute onset after a traumatic event is possible, and sus combined hip arthroscopy and PAO, Orner et al. found no
with functional impairment plus mechanical symptoms [43]. differences in the outcomes at 12 months post-op and signifi-
The LCEA is measured from the AP hip radiograph. MRI cantly improved PROMs from pre- to post-op for both groups
or MR arthrogram is a useful adjunct to evaluate for labral [53]. The authors propose that a benefit of staging would be
tears and intra-articular pathology [42]. the arthroscopy could inform operative decision-making for the
PAO, including canceling surgery if the chondral defects were
Indications and Treatment Outcomes sufficiently advanced to be a contraindication for PAO [53].

Arthroscopy alone in the management of symptomatic Arthroscopic‑Assisted Reduction in Developmental

borderline DDH has positive results in the adolescent Dysplasia
population but is not recommended in patients with an
LCEA < 18–20 degrees. Two systematic reviews have eval- Assessment and Diagnosis
uated the PROMs of patients treated with arthroscopy for
BDDH, all finding significant improvements in the mHHS Ultrasound screening for DDH has significantly reduced
and high rates of achieving the MCID (79.5%) for the mHHS the need for surgical management and the likelihood of late
[44, 45]. Meta-analysis by Krivicich et al. found patients presentation [55]. In infants with developmental hip dyspla-
with BDDH had non-inferior outcomes for multiple PROMs sia and failure of treatment with a Pavlik harness, there are
compared to control subjects without dysplasia, further sup- several potential blocks to a closed reduction. Obstacles to
porting arthroscopy as a treatment for patients with symp- reduction in dislocated hips include a hypertrophied liga-
tomatic BDDH [46•]. Many studies included in the system- mentum teres and transverse ligament, a constricted capsule,
atic reviews include patients less than 18 years old in their or the pulvinar [57].
cohorts, but there are very few studies specifically looking at
arthroscopy for BDDH in adolescents. Evans et al. compared Indications and Treatment Outcomes
adolescent patients, mean age 15.5 years, undergoing pri-
mary arthroscopy with BDDH to a control group and found In patients with DDH and failed closed reduction, surgical man-
significant improvements in mHHS, HOS-ADL, HOS-SS, agement is indicated. Traditionally open reduction through a
and NAHS at 2 years post-operatively [43]. All patients in medial or anterior approach has been used. The major concern
this study underwent capsular plication and epiphyseal clo- with open reduction is the risk of avascular necrosis (AVN), with
sure (43). There were no revisions or conversions to total a systematic review finding an overall AVN rate after medial
hip arthroplasty (THA) within the 2-year follow-up window open reduction to be 20% [56]. Arthroscopic-assisted reduc-
[43]. This study supports hip arthroscopy as a viable option tion has been used as an alternative to traditional open reduc-
for mechanical pain in BDDH patients, with low rates of tion. The majority of studies are small retrospective case series
conversion to THA at least in the short term. with 3 to 40 patients [57–61, 63]. All studies showed successful

Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine (2023) 16:284–294 289

reduction in 80–100% of cases, with capsule constriction, hyper- than with arthroscopy; however, the authors felt it was dif-
trophied ligamentum teres, and transverse ligament being the ficult to draw conclusions as the quality of studies was low
most common reason for a block to reduction and requiring [66]. From the available literature, it appears arthroscopy with
release [57–61, 63]. The rate of AVN was reported from 0% at the use of a drain is an effective technique for treating pedi-
60-month follow-up, to 38% at 13.2-month follow-up [57, 58]. atric septic hip arthritis, including very young children from
In a comparison of patients treated with open medial reduc- 6 months of age [67].
tion versus arthroscopic reduction, there were no differences
in acetabular index 26 degrees in both groups or rate of AVN Sequelae of Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphyses
[62••]. These results are comparable to those reported for open
reduction and further studies plus longer term follow-up will Assessment and Diagnosis
help determine if there are any clear differences in the outcome
between arthroscopic and open reduction. Slipped capital femoral epiphyses (SCFE) is the most com-
mon adolescent hip pathology, with an incidence of up to
Septic Arthritis 10 cases per 100,000 [68]. Patients present with either hip/
groin or knee pain and may be unable to weight bear on the
Assessment and Diagnosis affected leg. On physical exam, the leg may be shortened
and held in an externally rotated position and there is limited
Septic arthritis of the hip in pediatrics requires urgent diag- internal rotation, abduction, and flexion of the affected hip
nosis and treatment to prevent long-term sequelae. Present- [69]. Anteroposterior and frog leg lateral radiographs dis-
ing symptoms include inability to weight bear, dysfunction play the posterior-inferior translation of the capital femoral
and pain in the hip, fever, and malaise [64]. Laboratory epiphysis in relation to the metaphysis [69]. Treatment of
studies showing an elevated white blood cell count, CRP, SCFE is initially with either in situ pinning or open reduc-
ESR and blood cultures aid in the diagnosis [64]. Ultrasound tion. Even in cases with mild residual deformity, there is an
and MRI imaging can identify an effusion and support the increased risk of osteoarthritis after SCFE treatment [70].
diagnosis [64]. Arthrocentesis of synovial fluid with positive
cultures and cell count demonstrating a WBC of > 50,000/ Indications and Treatment
mm3 and > 75% polymorphonuclear neutrophils is diagnostic
[64]. Persistent deformity at the proximal femoral epiphysis leads to
FAI secondary to SCFE [71, 72]. The resulting deformity results
Indications and Treatment in loss of sphericity at the anterior femoral neck and results in
an increased alpha angle [71]. Arthroscopy post-SCFE fixation
Once septic arthritis of the hip is diagnosed, treatment with has shown chondrolabral pathology, impingement at the anterior
arthrocentesis, arthroscopy, or arthrotomy is required to drain acetabular rim, and labral tears, with more advanced pathology
and irrigate the joint. Destruction of the articular surface can the longer out from SCFE fixation [72, 74]. At 5-year follow-
begin within 8 hours of inoculation and increased intracapsu- up, a retrospective review of SCFE patients treated with in situ
lar pressure may lead to ischemia and avascular necrosis [64]. pinning and staged arthroscopy showed stable improvement in
Arthroscopy has emerged as an alternative to open arthrot- the alpha angle to within normal range and normal hip internal
omy in the treatment of septic hip arthritis in pediatrics. In a range of motion [73•]. There were signs of progressive cartilage
prospective controlled study investigating arthrotomy versus damage in 4/11 patients at 5-year follow-up MRI [73•]. A system-
arthroscopy for septic hip arthritis, El-Sayed found all infec- atic review by Saito et al. found that in FAI secondary to SCFE,
tions were successfully treated in each group and there were arthroscopic osteochondroplasty improved PROMs at short-term
no difference in the outcomes following surgery [65••]. There follow-up, improved hip internal rotation, and restored the alpha
were significant differences in the length of hospital stay, with angle [74]. In patients with severe slips (> 60 degrees), more
patients treated with arthroscopy having an earlier discharge complex deformities such as acetabular or femoral retroversion
(3.8 versus 6.4 days) [65••]. In a large retrospective database can develop, which are challenging to address with arthroscopy
review, there was no difference in the return to operating room [75]. While there is evidence that FAI after severe SCFE may be
or short-term complications at 30 days between arthrotomy treated successfully with arthroscopy, other research has shown
and arthroscopy [65••]. In a systematic review of drainage poor results in those with severe SCFE [76, 77]. Arthroscopy to
techniques for pediatric septic hip arthritis, patients treated address post-SCFE FAI has good results in mild and moderate
with arthroscopy without a drain required a repeat drainage slips, while further research is needed to determine outcomes in
in 14% of cases compared to 3% risk of additional drainage more severe slips. A short interval between initial SCFE manage-
with arthrotomy [66]. There were worse clinical outcomes and ment and arthroscopy may reduce the long-term sequelae associ-
increased radiological findings at follow-up after arthrotomy ated with post-SCFE FAI [74].

290 Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine (2023) 16:284–294

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