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Spare Time

1. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

- In my free time, I enjoy a variety of activities such as reading, hiking, and trying
out new recipes in the kitchen.
- I love catching up on the latest TV shows, especially binge-watching new series.
It's my way of unwinding and escaping reality for a bit.
2. How much time you spend doing it?
- The amount of time I spend on these activities varies depending on my schedule,
but on average, I'd say a few hours each week.
- I'd say I dedicate a good chunk of my weekends to binge-watching—maybe
around 5-6 hours on Saturdays and Sundays combined.
3. Why do you like doing this activity?
- I find reading to be a great way to unwind and escape into different worlds.
Hiking allows me to connect with nature and stay active, while experimenting
with new recipes satisfies my creative side and results in delicious meals.
- It's a great way to relax, and I get immersed in the plotlines and characters. Plus,
discussing the shows with friends adds a social element to my downtime.
4. Do you usually spend your free time alone or with other people?
- I balance my free time between solo activities and spending time with friends and
family. Reading and hiking are often solo pursuits, providing me with some
personal time, while cooking is something I often enjoy with others, making it a
social activity.
- Binge-watching is typically a solo activity for me. I like having that personal time
to unwind and get lost in the story.
5. Is there any other activity you want to try in your free time?
- There are always new activities I want to try! I've been thinking about taking up
photography or joining a local sports club to meet new people and stay fit. It's all
about exploring new interests and expanding my horizons during my downtime.
- I've been thinking about taking up painting. It seems like a therapeutic way to
express creativity, and I could use a break from screens.

 Binge-watching: maraton menonton, menonton secara beruntun
 Unwind: bersantai, melepaskan lelah
 Immersed: tenggelam, terpaku
 Downtime: waktu luang, waktu istirahat
 Catching up on: mengejar, menonton atau membaca yang terlewatkan
 Screen time: waktu yang dihabiskan di depan layar

 Hit the trails: mulai petualangan, menjelajahi

 Play chef: bermain sebagai koki, mencoba resep baru
 Kick back: bersantai, santai
 Break from screens: istirahat dari layar, istirahat dari teknologi
 Social element: elemen sosial, aspek bersosialisasi
 Personal time: waktu pribadi, waktu untuk diri sendiri
 Creative side: sisi kreatif, bakat dalam kreativitas
 Discussing shows: membahas acara, berbicara tentang film atau seri
 Therapeutic: terapeutik, menyembuhkan
 Outdoor wanderer: penjelajah alam, penggemar alam terbuka
 Chunk of time: sebagian waktu, durasi tertentu


Hobby/Leisure Activity

Describe a hobby that you enjoy doing.

You should say:

 what the hobby is

 how you got interested in it

 what you do when you engage in this hobby

and explain why you enjoy doing this hobby and how it benefits you.

**The Hobby

One of my cherished hobbies is listening to music, a passion that has been with me since my
early years.

**How I Got Interested

My interest in music started when I stumbled upon my parents' diverse vinyl collection. From
classic rock to jazz and everything in between, the variety fascinated me. As I explored
different genres, I realized the power of music to evoke emotions and create unique

**What I Do:

When I engage in this hobby, I often curate playlists to match my mood or the activities I'm
doing. Whether I'm working, exercising, or simply relaxing, there's a soundtrack for every
moment. I attend concerts when possible, enjoying the live experience and the energy of a
crowd sharing the same musical journey.

**Why I Enjoy It and Benefits

Listening to music is a constant source of joy and solace. It serves as a form of emotional
expression, providing a soundtrack to the highs and lows of life. The beats and melodies have
a way of transporting me to different mental spaces, creating a welcomed escape.

Beyond the personal enjoyment, music has practical benefits. It enhances focus when I'm
working, boosts motivation during workouts, and contributes to a calming atmosphere when
winding down. It's a universal language that connects people, and I've discovered and
connected with artists whose lyrics resonate with my experiences.

Furthermore, the hobby has introduced me to a diverse community of fellow music

enthusiasts. Whether it's discussing new releases, debating the merits of different genres, or
attending music festivals together, it's a shared passion that fosters connections.

In essence, listening to music is not just an activity; it's an integral part of my life. It enriches
my experiences, provides comfort in challenging times, and connects me with others who
appreciate the beauty of a well-composed melody.

1. Jam out: To listen to music enthusiastically or for an extended period.

 Example: "I love to jam out to my favorite tunes while I'm working out."
2. Tune in: To focus on or pay attention to a particular music selection.
 Example: "Let's tune in to some calming music to relax after a long day."
3. Playlist curating: Creating and organizing a list of songs for a specific
purpose or mood.
 Example: "I spent the evening playlist curating for the upcoming road
4. Music junkie: A person who is deeply passionate about and knowledgeable in
 Example: "She's a real music junkie; she knows every detail about her
favorite bands."
5. Live experience: Attending a live music performance or concert.
 Example: "There's nothing like the live experience to feel the energy of
the music."


1. Strike a chord: To evoke a strong emotional response.

 Example: "That song really struck a chord with me; it reminded me of my
2. March to the beat of your own drum: To do things in your own way,
 Example: "She has always marched to the beat of her own drum when it
comes to her musical taste."
3. Hit the right note: To do something in a way that is pleasing or effective.
 Example: "The artist really hit the right note with their latest album; it's
getting rave reviews."
4. Off-key: Out of tune or not in harmony.
 Example: "The singer went a bit off-key during the performance, but the
audience didn't seem to mind."


1. Musical journey: The personal experience of listening to and discovering

 Example: "Exploring different genres is a part of my musical journey; it's
so enriching."
2. Soundtrack to my life: Music that holds significant meaning and is closely
associated with one's life experiences.

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