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I. Complete the text with the words below.
actors agent author character charming
journalist part Service thrillers War
The British are not famous for action films, but the Bond films are very successful. The main
__________ , James Bond, is an intelligent 2 __________. He is reckless, but also 3 __________ -
especially with women. Bond first appeared in books by the British 4 __________ lan Fleming.
Fleming was originally a 5__________ worked for the British Intelligence 6 __________ during the
Second World 7 __________ . He started writing 8 __________ in 1953. Six 9 __________ have played
the 10 __________ of Bond in films. The most recent is Daniel Craig.
II. Complete the text with the words below.
working characters good good-looking lives
musical playing plays restaurant actor
1 2
Johnny Depp is an American __________ . He’s 48 and __________ in France, the USA and the
Bahamas. He’s 3 __________ and fashionable. He’s also 4 __________ and he 5 __________ the guitar
- he likes 6__________ rock music. He’s interested in food and he owns a 7__________ in Paris with
some of his acting friends. As an actor, he plays many different 8___________ . They’re often a little
strange but usually 9 __________ , such as Jack Sparrow in The Pirates of the Caribbean. At the
moment, he’s 10 __________ on a film called Dark Shadows.
III. Choose the correct words.
1. The Hobbit is a Hollywood blockbuster / plot by director Peter Jackson.
2. J.R.R Tolkien wrote the original novel in 1930, but he didn’t write the scene /
script for the film.
3. There are a lot of special effects / cast, and most of them are computer
4. The crew / cast includes Ian McKellen, who plays Gandalf, Elijah Wood,
Martin Freeman, and many other famous actors.
5. The London Philharmonic Orchestra performed the music for the plot /
6. The film set / crew for The Hobbit was in New Zealand. The director, who
was born in Pukerua Bay, chose the location because of its natural beauty.
7. However, some of the plot / scenes with Gollum were filmed in Pinewood Studios, UK.

IV. Choose the correct adjectives.

1. The film was too scary / gripping for the children. They hid behind the sofa.
2. The ending was very predictable / moving. A lot of people were crying as they left the cinema.
3. It was a very slow / moving film. Not much happened in the first hour.
4. I’m not keen on war films. They’re too slow / violent for me.
5. I can’t stand romantic comedies. They’re too predictable / serious.
6. The special effects were absolutely spectacular / moving.
7. I didn’t find the characters or the story interesting. It was a very gripping / dull film.
8. It was a really entertaining / serious film - the audience clapped at the end.

V. Read the sentences. What types of film are the people talking about? Then match each
adjective with a type of film.
war film science-fiction film romantic tragedy musical
horror film historical drama comedy
boring entertaining funny gripping moving scary violent
1. ‘The acting was great and I laughed from beginning to end! ’
2. ‘I couldn’t look when Dracula came into her bedroom.’
3. ‘My dad enjoyed it - he’s interested in history. I thought it was terrible.’
4. T cried at the end when he asked her to marry him.’
5. ‘It was about the Gulf War. I didn’t enjoy it. There was too much blood.’
6. ‘The story was fantastic. I didn’t want the film to finish. And the special effects were amazing. The
aliens looked real!’
7. ‘I enjoyed the film. The costumes were lovely, and the singing and dancing were great too.’
VI. Complete the sentences with the film genres below. There is one that you do not need.
romantic comedies documentary film animated films horror films
musicals historical dramas science-fiction films
1. Pixar Studios make excellent_____________________ such as Wall-E. The
drawings are wonderful.
2. My mum loves _____________________, like The Sound of Music.
3. I always think the costumes in_____________________ look a bit silly. Did
people really use to dress that way?
4. Would you rather watch a(n) _____________________ about something real,
or a fictional story?
5. _____________________ are usually about aliens and outer space. I’m just
not interested in that.
6. I’m not very keen on_____________________. I get too frightened.
VII. Complete the meaning with the words below.
dull gripping slow spectacular serious moving funny
1. amazing to see _____________
2. very exciting _____________
3. makes you laugh _____________
4. doesn’t move quickly _____________
5. makes you feel something strongly _____________
VIII. Complete the sentences with the correct adjectives.
1. It’s a very_____________film. I had bad dreams for months.
2. It’s a very_____________film. I laughed a lot.
3. It’s a_____________film. There’s a lot of blood.
4. It’s a very_____________film. Everyone cried.
5. It’s a very_____________film. I was on the edge of my seat!
IX. Choose the correct answers.
1. I haven’t seen much / many films this year.
2. I hope you like black coffee. There isn’t some / any milk.
3. We have a little / a lot of students at our school this year.
4. A few / A little friends are coming round to dinner this evening.
5. I haven’t got much / many time before I catch the train.
6. Do you like some / any songs on their new album?
7. Jack can speak only a few / a little words in Vietnamese.
X. Complete the sentences with the correct determiners.
1. How __________ classmates did you invite to your last birthday party?
2. We’ve only got a __________ DVDs. We usually download films from the Internet.
3. Careful! There are a __________ of pedestrians crossing the road.
4. Are there __________ banks in this street?
5. ‘How __________ money have you got?’ -‘About 1 million VND.’
6. I need to go shopping. There isn’t __________ food in the fridge.
7. There are __________ newspapers on my desk. Take one before you go.
8. We don’t know a __________ of people. We’ve just moved here.
9. There’s a __________ traffic in the village in the morning, but not __________
10. Don’t drink it all. We haven’t got __________ water and everybody’s thirsty.
XI. Complete the sentences with must or mustn't.
1. I’m going to tell you a secret. You __________ tell anyone.
2. You __________ drop cans in the street. The police might fine you.
3. Nam __________ work harder. He’s going to fail his exams.
4. You __________ smoke in restaurants in Viet Nam. It’s against the rules.
5. You __________ start each sentence with a capital letter.
6. Jack __________ be home before 10.30 p.m. on Friday nights.
7. We __________ forget Mai’s birthday. It’s next Tuesday.
XII. Complete the sentences with mustn't or needn't and the correct verbs below.
buy go miss go do give shout
1. We __________ shopping this afternoon. The fridge is full.
2. They __________ another lesson. Mr Brown is angry with them.
3. You __________ ! I can hear you.
4. You __________ the homework tonight. The teacher wants it next week.
5. We __________ Nick a big present. Something small will be OK.
6. I __________ to bed too late tonight. I have to get up early tomorrow.
7. You __________ me a lift to school tomorrow. I’m going with Linda.

XIII. Complete the article with the correct form of must, mustn't, needn’t or don’t have to.
Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
The 80/20 Rule
Cindy works in an expensive designer clothes shop in central London, and she 1 __________ look
good every day - it’s important for her to make a good impression.
‘I 2 __________ look badly-dressed,’ she says. ‘In my shop, the shop assistants 3 __________ wear
smart clothes and look clean and tidy, and they 4 __________ just stand there and look miserable.
After all, people are coming into the shop to buy fashionable new clothes, so
they don’t want to see someone looking bored, untidy and unfashionable. They 5
__________ buy anything, and they won’t if they think that the assistant isn’t
helpful. However, being well-dressed and friendly is only part of the job. In the
shop where I work, we also 6 __________ think about the 80/20 rule. It’s an
important rule in shop sales. It says that 20% of the customers that come into
your shop regularly make 80% of the purchases. So, when regular customers
come in, we 7 __________ make them feel welcome by remembering their
names and telling them what’s new in the shop and what’s on sale. Of course,
we 8 __________ remember the names of customers who don’t come in
regularly - that’s impossible and, anyway, some customers hate it when you start
talking to them. They just want to look at clothes by themselves. What’s more, we 9 __________ say
anything that sounds like we’re trying to persuade somebody to buy something they don’t want. Every
customer hates that. But we 10 __________ offer good advice. It’s important that customers think that
we know about the clothes we’re selling.’

Word Skills
XIV. Choose the correct words.
1. A friendly / An unfriendly person makes a lot of friends.
2. A mature / An immature person behaves like a child.
3. A tolerant / An intolerant person doesn’t listen to other people’s opinions.
4. An honest / A dishonest person always tells the truth.
5. An ambitious / unambitious person tries very hard to be successful.
6. A sensitive / An insensitive person doesn’t think about other people’s feelings.
7. A rational / An irrational person thinks clearly and carefully.
8. A loyal / disloyal friend says nasty things about you when you’re not there.
9. An active / inactive person gets a lot of exercise.
10. A lucky / An unlucky person often gets bad luck.

XV. Complete the sentences. Use the negative form of the words below.
ambitious active grateful sensitive honest patient
1. My friend Sue never thanked me for my help. She’s so __________ .
2. In the daytime, night animals are __________ .
3. Julia is very __________ . I don’t trust her.
4. I’m very __________ . I don’t like long meetings or waiting for things.
5. My brother is __________ . He sometimes says nasty things and hurts people’s feelings.
6. Laura doesn’t want to have a good job or makes a lot of money. She’s totally _____________.
XVI. Complete the adjectives in the sentences with the prefixes below.
dis- im- in- ir- un- un-
1. These jeans are very ______ comfortable. They’re too tight.
2. She was wearing a very ______ usual dress. It had spotty sleeves and a long, checked skirt.
3. I didn’t believe what the man said. It seemed ______ credible.
4. He said he wasn’t going to change his mind. His decision is ______ reversible.
5. We’re not staying at that hotel again. We were quite ______ satisfied with our room.
6. This exercise is ______ possible. I can’t do it.

Use of English
XVII. Complete the text with the words below.
action active actress characters does
flying generous plays charity working
Angelina Jolie is an American __________ . She was bom in 1975 and is attractive, kind, and
intelligent. She 2 __________ many different types of 3 __________ , but she is often in 4 __________
films, such as Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. She also 5 __________ voices for animated films, and at the
moment she’s 6 __________ on Kung Fu Panda 2. She’s very hardworking and 7 __________ and she
does a lot of voluntary work for 8 __________ with the United Nations. She’s very 9 __________ in
her free time too. She likes 10 __________ and she owns a small plane.
XVIII. Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
Television is one of man’s most important 1 ________ of communication. It brings 2 ________
and sounds from around the world into millions of homes. A person with a television set can sit in his
house and watch the President3 ________ a speech or visit a foreign country. He can see a war being
fought and watch statesmen try to 4 ________ peace. 5 ________ television, home viewers can see and
learn about people, places, and things in faraway lands. TV even takes viewers out of this world. It
brings them 6 ________ of America’s astronauts as the astronauts explore outer space.
________ all these things, television brings its viewers a steady stream of programmes that are
________ to entertain. In fact, TV provides many more 9 ________ programmes than any other kind.
The programmes include action- packed dramas, light comedies, sporting 10 ________ , and motion
1. A. procedure B. means C. manner D. technology
2. A. pictures B. images C. visages D. portraits
3. A. compose B. type C. computerize D. make
4. A. bring about B. make out C. bring round D. move around
5. A. In B. Because of C. At D. Through
6. A. covering B. views C. coverage D. looks
7. A. In addition to B. As to C. Beside D. By
8. A. designed B. patterned C. monitored D. built up
9. A. excitement B. distraction C. fun D. entertainment
10. A. happenings B. events C. occurrences D. meetings

XIX. Read the text, and match paragraphs 1-4 with four of the headings (A-E). There is one
extra heading that you do not need.
A. The man who created James Bond __________
B. British action films __________
C. The actors who play Bond __________
D. The Bond books __________
E. What’s James Bond like? __________
1 The British do not make many action films. They are more famous for historical dramas and, more
recently, romantic comedies like Four Weddings and a Funeral. However, in 1962 a film called
Dr No appeared. It was about an intelligence agent called James Bond and was an immediate
success. There are now over twenty James Bond films, and they are some of the most successful
action films ever made.
2 Ian Fleming, the author of the James Bond books, was born in 1908, and went to Eton, one of the
most expensive private schools in Britain. In the 1930s he worked as a journalist and a banker. But
he wanted a more exciting life and in the Second World War he got a job in the British
Intelligence Service. After the war Fleming returned to journalism, but in 1953 he started writing
thrillers, using his wartime experience in the intelligence services. In all, he wrote fourteen Bond
books, selling millions of copies around the world. He died in 1964.
3 James Bond works for MI6, the international part of the British Intelligence Service. His other
name is 007. In the books and early films, Bond is charming, drinks and smokes a lot, and has
many affairs with women. In more recent films, he is more sensitive and less reckless, and the
female characters play a bigger role in the stories. Bond is famous for the way he introduces
himself, ‘The name’s Bond. James Bond.’
4 Six actors have played the part of Bond: Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy
Dalton, Pierre Brosnan and Daniel Craig,
XX. Match the topic sentences A-F with the film reviews 1-5. There is one extra sentence you do
not need.
A. Angel from the inner city is a film biography of a great jazz singer.
B. This film has no plot, no characters, just a handsome male lead.
C. Can a sequel ever be a real success?
D. This is another stunning documentary from Jane Brathwaite.
E. Fans of the disaster movie will be not disappointed!
F. This is a spectacular horror film that will keep you awake all night.
1 __________ They said nothing could be better than the original, but I think they were wrong. The
latest film in the Darkness series is just as gripping as the first story. If the epilogue wasn’t enough for
you and you wanted some, you’ll love this next story.
2 __________ If you’re already a fan, you’ll absolutely like it. If you don’t like musicals, you won’t
choose this film. But you ought to see it anyway, and you might be surprised. A moving story about
the challenges of life. Don’t miss it.
3 __________ Her projects are famous for their amazing scenery and serious message. This film
follows in the path of hurricane Katrina, which brought so much destruction to the coast of Louisiana
last year. It will really make you think.
4 __________ The fast-moving new film from director Seth Goldblum is going to be a hit this winter.
White-out tells the story of a group of skiers who are caught in an avalanche. It’s gripping from the
first minute, and the scenes on the mountain are really scary. You must see this!
5 __________ If that’s enough for you, you’ll enjoy this ridiculous romantic comedy. If you’re
looking for a gripping story, a funny script or you just want some entertainment, you won’t find it
here. It was so dull, my friend asked for a refund.

XXI. Read the text, and choose the best answers.

Every Picture Tells a Story
The filming and photography in news programmes is very important in bringing the stories to life and
making us realise how events affect people. But the traditional techniques of filming are slowly
changing and not everyone is happy with this.
Viewers have recently complained that camerawork on news programmes, while very artistic and
clever, is more suited to feature films and documentaries. Apparently, many of us are distracted by
clever camerawork and our attention is taken away from the real focus, which is the story.
Several techniques have been criticized. One of these is the ‘circling camera’. This is when the
cameraman goes round the person who is talking so that at one point we see the back of his head.
Another technique is when the camera is not held steadily and shakes. It gives the impression of slight
panic and is often used in films today.
The BBC insists that camerawork like this is a sign of artistic and technological progress and is
interesting and attractive, particularly to a young audience. But how appropriate is it to have a circling
camera when reporting on something as ordinary as interests rates by the bank?
1. Pictures are important in the news because __________.
A. it’s traditional to have them
B. they show us important places
C. they help us understand the story
2. Some people today complain that __________.
A. the filming isn’t very good
B. the filming is boring
C. the filming is distracting
3. One modem filming technique is __________.
A. the camera moves in a circle
B. when people stand in a circle
C. there is a circle of cameras
4. The television company __________.
A. thinks it’s OK to film this way
B. has apologized
C. promises to change the way news is filmed
5. What is the writer’s attitude?
A. He likes artistic camerawork.
B. He thinks the filming should suit the subject.
C. He thinks there should be more filming with news stories.

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