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The pollution in the Quito rivers

This essay will examine how the pollution in the rivers around Quito affects the
environment. Quito has five rivers that are really pollute due to the increase of the
population. Firstly, I will explain the risks about having rivers pollution. Then, I will
show the case of Quito and its rivers. Finally, I will make some conclusions.

The rivers pollution is an environmental problem around the world. A lot of rivers have
been contaminated because of the urban development and the growing population. For
example, the factories produce toxic chemicals that are being dumped into the rivers.
Another source of river’s pollution is the solid waste that is created by individual. This
type of pollution includes garbage, plastic, electronic waste and so on. The water
contamination affects the food that is being consumed by people. Also, water pollution
harms aquatic ecosystem and landscapes.

Quito has five rivers named Machángara, Monjas, San Pedro, Pita y Guayllabamba.
Public authority has said that Pita is the only river with low levels of pollution and a
good aquatic ecosystem preservation. The Machángara is the most contaminated river.
This river has been mainly affected by sewage water. The problem is that people use
that water for agriculture, so this can affect people’s health.

Finally, if the authorities have controlled the pollution, the rivers could have been clean.
Currently, authorities should implement public policies to control pollution. Also,
Universities must undertake more research about the problem of river pollution. In this
way, citizens will have awareness of taking care the rivers of Quito.

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