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Our Lady of Mt.

Carmel Montessori
16–20 Camdas Subdivision, Baguio City

Creative Writing (GENYO) First Quarter SY 2022 – 2023 Score 50

C.N.: _______ Name:_______________________________ Section:__________Date: ___________

I. Alternate Response: Write T if the statement is true, and F if the statement is false. (10)
_____1. Lyric poetry comes in many forms such as ode, sonnet, and elegy. (T)
_____2. Recognizing the speaker of a poem prevents readers from fully understanding the poem. (F)
_____3. Poetry is meant to be read by lines, not by punctuation marks. (F)
_____4. Poets encourage readers to use their five senses when reading poetry. (T)
_____5. The tone of a poem is the same as the speaker’s attitude. (T)
_____6. It is not necessary to determine the speaker of every poem. (F)
_____7. Poetry is a distinct kind of writing. (T)
_____8. Poetry can look like prose writing. (F)
_____9. Simile and metaphors are types of figurative language. (T)
_____10. Poetry is defined by a set number of lines, stanzas, and rhythm. (T)

II. Identification: Identify each of the following statements. Write your answer in the space provided before the
number. Use CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY. Choose your answer from the words inside the box. (15)
A. simile F. hyperbole K. irony
B. metaphor G. paradox L. alliteration
C. personification H. onomatopoeia M. oxymoron
D. metonymy I. euphemism N. assonance
E. synecdoche J. allusion O. antithesis
_____1. The storm rages wild. (C)
_____2. The momentary teacher is a learner forever. (N)
_____3. Francis is the Jose Rizal of the class. (J)
_____4. “Chug, chug, chug. Puff, puff, puff. Ding-dong, ding-dong. The little train rumbled over the tracks.” (H)
_____5. I appreciate the hard work of the sanitation workers. (I)
_____6. She is an open book; she has nothing to hide. (B)
_____7. Give them a thousand kisses and a hundred more. (F)
_____8. Oh my love’s like a red, red rose. (A)
_____9. You have nice wheels. (E)
_____10. People who can’t trust, can’t be trusted. (G)
_____11. Karyl read a book by the babbling brook. (L)
_____12. When I enter the room, there is a deafening silence. (M)
_____13. Hope for the best; prepare for the worst. (O)
_____14. A person eats sweets while preaching about healthy eating. (K)
_____15. The pen is mightier than the sword. (D)

III. Matching Type: Match the definitions given in Column A with the words/phrases in Column B. (10)

_____1. It is the underlying truth that is conveyed in A. Antagonist

the story. (F) B. Protagonist
_____2. He/she is the figure who opposes the hero C. Characterization
and creates conflict. (A) D. Dynamic Character/s
_____3. The order of events in the story. (J) E. Static Character
_____4. It is essentially the eyes through which a F. Theme
story is told. (I) G. Conflict
_____5. It is a name for the methods a writer uses to H. Character/s
reveal a character’s values, feelings, and I. Point of View
goals. (C) J. Plot
_____6. Characters have more fully developed
personalities. They express a range of Page Points
emotions and changes throughout the 1
narrative, usually toward greater maturity.
(D) 2
_____7. Characters have no depth and no change 3
during the course of the story. (E)
_____8. The people, animals, or aliens in the story.
_____9. The driving source of tension in your novel,
and it’s what will keep the readers hooked
throughout the story. (G)
_____10. He/she is the central figure with whom we

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usually sympathize. (B)

IV. Reading Comprehension: Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow it. (10 points)
"The Most of It" by Robert Frost (1874-1963)
He thought he kept the universe alone;
For all the voice in answer he could wake
Was but the mocking echo of his own
From some tree-hidden cliff across the lake.
Some morning from the boulder-broken beach
He would cry out on life, that what it wants
Is not its own love back in copy speech,
But counter-love, original response.
And nothing ever came of what he cried
Unless it was the embodiment that crashed
In the cliff's talus on the other side,
And then in the far distant water splashed,
But after a time allowed for it to swim,
Instead of proving human when it neared
And someone else additional to him,
As a great buck it powerfully appeared,
Pushing the crumpled water up ahead,
And landed pouring like a waterfall,
And stumbled through the rocks with horny tread,
And forced the underbrush—and that was all.

_____1. In this poem, the speaker perceives that for human beings nature is most like which of the following?
A. Nurturing and supportive C. Hostile and violent E. Unpredictable and unknowable
B. Unaware and indifferent D. Oppressive and sinister
_____2. Which of the following is the best interpretation of "He thought he kept the universe alone" (line1)?
A. He maintained a detached attitude toward society.
B. He felt that he was utterly alone in the world
C. Through contemplation, he merged his whole self with nature.
D. Because of special insight, he felt he alone knew the essence of the universe.
E. He kept to himself entirely and avoided any contact with other living things.
_____3. The echo is "mocking" (line 3) because the speaker _____.
A. had hoped for some response to his call D. is being ridiculed by other travelers in the woods
B. is cynical about other human beings E. has despaired of the existence of God
C. is humorously criticizing himself and his aloneness
_____4. The primary implication of lines 5 through 8 is that _____.
A. human beings are possessed of a primal need for one another
B. life is richer when one knows who one's antagonist is
C. one understands oneself well only after being measured against others
D. life and nature eternally oppose and frustrate the essential needs of human beings
E. each human being is like a copy of a masterpiece whose essence remains a mystery
_____5. Which of the following is the critical transition point in the poem?
A. "He would cry out .." (line 6) C. "Unless it was ..." (line 10) E. "As a great buck. .." (line 16)
B. "He would cry out .." (line 6) D. "But after a time ..." (line l3)
_____6. Which of the following is the most accurate statement about the word "embodiment" (line 10)?
A. It is an indirect reference to the ''universe'' (line 1). D. It is a pronoun foreshadowing the "him" in line 15.
B. It is a simile for the "echo" (line 3) of the speaker. E. It is an abstract noun denoting the "buck" (line 16).
C. It is a metaphor for boulders and "talus" (line 11).
_____7. The figure of speech in line 18 is _____.
A. a simile B. personification C. a symbol D. an extended metaphor E. allegory
_____8. As the buck is presented in lines 16-20, the effect is one of a
A. beautiful and enchanting presence C. hostile and destructive power
B. primeval and impervious force D. curious and animated intelligence
C. cunning and deceptive spirit
_____9. The rhyme scheme of the poem is _____.
A. ababcdcdeeeefefeegeg C. ababcdcdeeeefefeeggg E. abbbcccdeeeeffffegeg
B. ababcccceeeefefeegeg D. ababcdcdeeeeffffegeg
_____10. The words cried, crashed, splashed, and neared are examples of _____.
A. Personification D. metaphor E. simile
B. Rhyme E. imagery

V. Poem Composition: Write a short poem (with 3 stanzas) and identify the various literary devices you used. Your
output will be graded based on the rubric below. (15)
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Category 5 4 3 2
Content The poem has a The poem has a The purpose and The poem lacks a
clear purpose and clear purpose and theme of the purpose and
theme that is theme, but may poem is theme.
carried out have one or two somewhat muddy
throughout the elements that do or vague
work not seem to be
related to it
Mechanics: There are no There are 1-3 There are 4-5 There are more
spelling, grammar, errors in spelling, errors in spelling, errors in spelling, than 5 errors in
and punctuation grammar, and grammar, and grammar, and spelling, grammar,
punctuation in the punctuation in the punctuation in the and punctuation in
final draft of the final draft of the final draft of the the final draft of
product product product the product
Imagery Sensory and The author uses The author uses Five or more
descriptive words one or two “filler” 3-4 “filler” words. “filler” words are
are used words that could used.
throughout to have been
create images in reworked to
the reader’s mind create images

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