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When conducting Safety, Health, Environment, and Quality (SHEQ) site inspections, there are various

duties and responsibilities to fulfill. The specific duties may vary depending on the organization and
industry, but here are some common tasks associated with SHEQ site inspections:

1. Pre-inspection Planning:

a. Review applicable regulations and standards: Familiarize yourself with relevant safety, health,
environmental, and quality regulations, as well as industry-specific standards.

b. Identify inspection objectives: Determine the specific focus areas and objectives for the inspection,
such as identifying hazards, assessing compliance, or evaluating the effectiveness of control measures.

c. Determine inspection frequency: Establish a schedule for regular inspections based on risk
assessments, legal requirements, and organizational policies.

d. Prepare inspection checklist: Develop a checklist to guide the inspection process, including specific
items to be observed, checked, and documented during the inspection.

e. Coordinate with relevant personnel: Communicate with site managers, supervisors, and workers to
ensure their availability and cooperation during the inspection.

2. Conducting the Site Inspection:

a. Document observations: Record and document all observations made during the inspection,
including hazards, non-compliance issues, and areas of good practice.

b. Inspect facilities and equipment: Assess the condition and functionality of safety equipment,
machinery, tools, personal protective equipment (PPE), emergency systems, and other relevant assets.

c. Identify hazards: Identify and evaluate potential safety, health, environmental, and quality hazards
present on the site, such as unsafe working conditions, hazardous materials, ergonomic issues, or non-
compliant practices.

d. Assess compliance: Evaluate adherence to relevant safety, health, environmental, and quality
policies, procedures, and regulatory requirements.

e. Review documentation: Examine records and documentation related to safety, health, environmental,
and quality management, such as training records, incident reports, permits, licenses, and certifications.

f. Interview personnel: Engage with workers, supervisors, and other personnel to gather information,
understand their roles and responsibilities, and address any concerns or questions they may have.

g. Follow safe work practices: Adhere to appropriate safety protocols, wear required personal protective
equipment, and ensure your own safety during the inspection.

3. Reporting and Follow-up:

a. Prepare inspection report: Compile all findings, observations, and recommendations into a
comprehensive report, clearly outlining the identified issues, their severity, and suggested corrective

b. Prioritize corrective actions: Evaluate the urgency and significance of identified issues and prioritize
them based on the level of risk and potential impact.
c. Communicate findings: Share the inspection report with relevant stakeholders, including
management, supervisors, and employees, to raise awareness and ensure understanding of the identified

d. Track and monitor corrective actions: Ensure that corrective actions are assigned, tracked, and
monitored until they are effectively implemented.

e. Provide recommendations: Offer suggestions and recommendations for improvement in safety,

health, environmental, and quality practices and systems.

f. Conduct follow-up inspections: Schedule and conduct subsequent inspections to verify the
implementation and effectiveness of corrective actions and monitor ongoing compliance.

4. Continuous Improvement:

a. Analyze trends and data: Evaluate inspection findings, incident reports, near-miss data, and other
relevant information to identify trends, patterns, and areas requiring further attention or improvement.

b. Provide feedback: Share feedback and recommendations with relevant departments, managers, and
employees to encourage continuous improvement and proactive hazard identification.

c. Participate in improvement initiatives: Collaborate with the SHEQ team and other stakeholders to
develop and implement initiatives aimed at enhancing safety, health, environmental, and quality

d. Stay updated: Stay informed about evolving regulations, best practices, and industry standards
related to SHE

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