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Burning Angels

Fagan was tired of seeing so much blood. His thin, strong diamond armour was painted red
with it. His mate, Sophia, standing next to him had streaks of dried blood in her honey coloured hair making it look like fire. And she too wore body armour similar to his, plain but elegant. They stood hand in hand watching the war rage around them, humans and angels clashed on the ground with short-ranged weapons. Even in the air they fought, aircrafts shooting down angels or many angels combining their strength to bring one to the ground with a twisting screech of metal. Sophia had a pained look on her face when a human man ran toward her with a sharpened piece of metal, murder and hatred in his eyes, intent on killing her. She simply waited for him to get closer and then put her index finger on his throat and with a blast of energy, snapped his neck. It took only a second. For the past century and nineteen years everything had been a blur for Fagan. He only remembered the twisting, killing dance he and his wife had danced for countless of days. They never let go of each others grasp, nor did they have any weapons, just their angelic power. Sophia was fast like wind, gliding around his body, striking at enemies with a slender hand through the heart or her power through the skull. Fagan didnt use his power as often as his lover so he lent her his own, one of the reasons for their never severed grip. All he needed to kill was his strength that matched none other. A single blow to the chest made the ribs pierce the heart or straight at the nose, thrusting it through the brain. Dodge, jab, spin, cut. It was mindless to him; Fagan didnt need to think about it. Block, twist, thrust, kill. Both of them didnt like killing but they had to. To survive. He didnt realize he was clutching his mothers locket until Sophia put her hand over his and looked up into his eyes. She spoke quietly but Fagan could still hear her beautiful voice over the battle. I know that you want to use it, and I know that you think that by using it youll weaken your mothers memory. But it might end this war, if you use it right. He sighed, but he knew she was right. How did you know I was thinking that? I didnt feel you in my mind. He gave her a quizzical smile. She rolled her eyes to the death darkened sky and smiled back at him. Your thoughts are written on your face, and weve known each other for many decades, my love. Fagan hugged her close to his chest and she buried her face in his shoulder, and then whispered in his ear, Athans coming. Athan landed on the ground next to them just as they separate. His white wings have several singed feathers while others have splashes of blood on them. Even his short, brown hair is a little burnt. On his cheek was a long, horizontal gash that has blood dripping off his jaw. But as Athan speaks to the angel couple the skin knits itself back together just leaving the blood on his face. This is madness! he yells at Fagan, There has to be a way to end this war! I know you Fagan!

I know you have some trick up your sleeve. Too many of us are dying and Im sick of all this death! He wipes away the blood on his cheek and stares at the ground trying to control his fear. Fagan sees the desperation in his friends eyes so he grabs Athan shoulders and says, Athan I do have an idea, I just dont know if it will work. The silver in Athans eyes flash with hope. Show me! Fagan hesitates but Sophia sends him her thoughts, Show him Fagan, your plan might work. If you want to put it to action Athan is the person to trust. Hes your oldest friend. When you put it that way, he replies. Using his touch on Athan he sends his thoughts through. Athans eyelids flicker close for a second then open wide staring at Fagan. Now the hope is mixed with surprise. Youve had a weapon like that all this time?! And you, you, he pauses looking for the right word as his facial expression changes to outrage, you idiot! What in all hell made you make up your mind all this time!? Agitated he starts pacing. Athan, it was about my moth Yes, yes I know all about it! Youve shown me everything. Look, Fagan, Im sorry about your mother. We all loved her. But she died thirty years ago. We have to focus on the future; we angels deal with the future. Why do you think most of us have visions of what is to come? Now we just have to figure a way to put your plan to action, hmm. He resumes his pacing while muttering under his breath. Surrender. Sophias self-assured voice cuts straight to the answer. Both heads snap up to look at her with incredulity. She could see in their eyes that they thought she had lost half her mind. As much as she herself hated the idea it was the only possible outcome to stop the killing. Angel pride was lethal when toyed with, but Sophia thought that some angels could put it aside for a while. Athan stopped pacing when she had said this. And keeping the astounded look on his face he turns to his friend. Fagan your wife is completely mad. Her idea is so mad that it might just work. He turns back to her and smiles widely. Yes! Thats exactly how we shall do it! Ill go take this to the elders. Sophia you are amazing, never change. Then he walks up to Fagan and puts his hands on his shoulders. My friend, your plan will be put into action. This war will be ended I promise you. Keep hope and keep strong. May the winds forever keep your feathers free, he added in the customary angel farewell. Fagan embraced Athan. The same to you, my friend.

Both Sophia and Fagan take a step back as Athan spreads his damaged wings entirely, takes a huge stroke and shoots skyward, toward the angel city. Back in the angels city of diamond Sophia and Fagan stand in the garden centre, holding each other. The garden was the only outdoor place in the city with a floor. All the colours of the rainbow were in the flowers, plants and trees. Sunlight magnified every colour, making it shine and sparkle in a strange beautiful way. Taking in their partners warmth and presence they try to enjoy the one day that they have free from the killing. Sophia reached up on her toes to kiss him. His lips tasted sweet. The sunlight was warm on her face and his arms were warm around her. The light gave his black hair a glossy shine. "Let's have a child," she whispered. He pulled back, startled to look into her face. "Now? In the middle of all this war?" "There are ways for the child to be protected. And this is the first day in months where I have seen the sun out. This may be our only chance." He sighed then smiled at her. He brushes a strand of long blonde hair from her face but holds it between two fingers to marvel at the softness. "You've thought about this for a while haven't you?" "Of course I have, I've thought it through very thoroughly. My love for you has kept the thought in my mind constantly. Surely you feel the same?" He laughed. "What kind of question is that?! Of course I love you, with my whole being." "Then give me a reason not to have a child." She smiled at him to let him know that she knew that she had him trapped. Again he laughed. "Why do I ever argue with you? Okay, let's have a child." She places her right hand on his chest over his heart. He places his left hand on her breast over her heart while taking her other hand in his right. Palm to palm, they close their eyes and concentrate on the warmth of the sun and their love. Power flows between the two angels, making their hands white hot. The pain is lost on them when they are in this state of serenity. They both feel something warm climb up their throat so knowing what to do next, they put their lips together to join the two half-souls from inside them. After a moment the two half-souls connect to form one. Blinding light shapes a small, crouched winged figure next to the angel couple. After the shell is complete, the soul of two souls enters through the mouth of the angel child. Sophia and Fagan separate and look at the angel kneeling before them. The angel is already clothed in a simple white dress that matches her feathered wings. Her long black hair hides her face as she takes her first breath. She has her father's hair colour. She raises her head and opens her eyes of red, purple and turquoise. Her eyes are her own, and the first thing she sees is her parents. Sophia takes the girl by her shoulders and lifts her close to whisper

her purpose in her ear. "You shall judge who will live and who will die among the humans when they feel death's breath upon them." The child's strange eyes widen but she smiles at her mother and whispers something that Fagan can't hear. As Fagan watches, he thinks to himself that when the young angel smiles, she looks like her mother. When Sophia steps back to his side he goes to embrace his daughter and whispers her name in her ear. "I give you the name of Clara." She whispers back, "Thank you." And Athan, the actual definition of bad timing in Fagan's mind, lands heavily in the garden making the ground shudder with impact. His companion is a bit shorter than him but she has the same length and colour of hair, to the shoulders and a light brown. The only twins among angels, Athan and Maria walk hand in hand toward their friends and their new child. When Athan first saw Clara he almost stopped in his tracks but Maria pulled him along. Fagan could see the troubled looks on the brother's and sister's faces. Athan didn't want to say what he had come to say in front of Clara so he sent a thought to all in the garden except her. There is something you both need to hear but I don't want the child to know. Maria take her away and show her a few tricks with the flowers, tell her what she wants to know except of what you have heard. Messages of understanding answer back as Maria goes up to the angel child, crouches to her eye level and introduces herself and Athan. "Hello, my name is Maria and this is my brother Athan. How would you like to see a couple of tricks?" Her mouth smiles while her eyes pierce straight to the matter at hand. "Hello Maria, my name is Clara. Hello Athan, I'll go with Maria while you talk to my parents. You were smart enough not to mention what you wanted to talk about, I like that. And I promise that I won't ask Maria." She takes hold of Maria's hand and goes to the far side of the garden, dragging the shocked Maria out of earshot. Fagan, Sophia and Athan all look to each other with troubled expressions. Fagan asked the question they had on their minds. "How was she able to do that? We were the only ones able to hear, it works on every angel, something called selective thoughts or directive thoughts." "I don't know either Fagan. She is powerful, but youre right. It should work on every angel." Sophia clutched at his arm as she said this. "I'm afraid that I know the answer." They look at Athan and he sighs, "Amelia gave a prophecy, the first one I saw in person. I believe it has something to do with Clara." Fagan made a face of dislike."Amelia? The only angel that favors human company over her own kind, is she the one youre talking about? The first and only time I met her she gave me shivers." "I don't understand. Is she a prophet, this Amelia?" The confusion in Sophia's voice was clear.

Athan answered, "Yes, this prophecy she gave was disturbing. I didn't want Clara to hear it because I didn't want to frighten her. But you both should know it." Fear replaces Sophia's confusion. "Just get it out Athan." He gives a longer sigh then retells it, Winged child born from the ashes of war Put on this earth to settle the score, Exposed to a week of conflict The new era she'll direct, Power known by none she'll possess This shall lead to her great success, Windows of the soul humans will take Darkness shall spread her hate, Severe pain she must endure To figure out the final cure. Sophia sags into Fagan's arms as she cries, "Oh what have we done? It can't be about Clara, please it can't. Severe pain-." She chokes off unable to talk anymore she buries her face into Fagan's chest. He strokes her hair, trying to comfort his wife with his words. "Sophia youre focusing on the negative parts of the prophecy. This shall lead to her great success. Whatever will happen to our daughter she will be strong enough to overcome the problem. It might not even be about Clara." Athan coughs directing their attention. "I hate knowing all the answers, but I'm sure that this prophecy is about Clara." "How do you know?" He winced at the sharp tone in Fagan's voice. "Power known by none she'll possess. Clara demonstrated this when she heard my hidden thoughts, and I told the elders of your plan. They're trying to reason with the human leaders to get an audience with them. The war is almost over, but killing is still going on. Clara will have to be protected, hidden. She might have great power but she doesn't know how to use it. I'm sorry that I'm always the bearer of bad news but I'm just the messenger. I'll have Maria look after Clara for the next month or two, as long as it takes to end this damn war." Sophia puts herself back together and hugs Athan. "Thank you Athan. You are a good friend by telling us this and you will be a good friend to Clara. And I'm sure that she and Maria have already gotten to be friends." Athan hugs her back briefly then releases her. She then hugs Fagan. "And your right as always Fagan, I'll try not to focus on the negative." "Well Maria and I should return to earth, we'll be back soon though. Maria will look after Clara for the next month or so," said Athan as he saw Maria and Clara come back.

Clara looks at Maria, "Youre leaving? Will you be back soon?" "Of course, Clara, I'll be with you for some time while your parents sort things out." The next day when Maria was with Clara, Fagan and Sophia were down fighting on earth again. They dance their deadly dance early in the afternoon while human enemies come at them from every direction. Weapons flashing in the sun drop to the ground as their owners' lose their grip on them as they die. In all the confusion of blood, bodies and blades he never saw the lucky knife that stabbed him through the heart. He heard Sophia's scream, felt the shock from her hand that held his. Pain tore in his heart and soul as he spun and caught her in his arms, he felt her pain, since they were connected. The hilt and two inches of the blade was visible from where it protruded from Sophia's breast. Anger, pain and sorrow he let loose in his power with a scream. Every human within a fifty foot radius was killed instantly. Fagan sank to the ground with her still in his arms, still breathing, but only just. She looked up at him with her golden eyes circled with green and flecks of the same green in the centre. She takes his hand and puts it on the hilt. "Pull it out." Tears streaming silently down his face he does as he is asked. She utters a soft scream and arches her back slightly. He puts a hand onto the wound to stop the bleeding. "Let me heal you." A single tear rolls into her hair. "No, the wound is too great and too deep. I'm sorry, my love. Please watch over Clara, I'll see her again I know. I know." Her breath flutters for a second then she says more, "I love you Fagan, tell her that I love her too." Her voice fails her after she says that but Fagan knows what she wants, so he bends his head over her and kisses her and with her last breath she kisses him back. He crushes her to him as he weeps in earnest. Athan finds him still crying after the sun went down and when he sees why Fagan's crying silent tears start down his face too and the two friends embrace seeking comfort. After an hour Fagan turns her over to stroke her spine. Sophia's pure white wings unfold on of their own accord. They lay Sophia's still, cold form on the ground, fold her hands over her stomach, and spread out her wings underneath her. They make her lift from the ground a couple feet, her hair barely touching the ground and her wings stretching out. Fagan's strength fails him when he tries so Athan does it for him. Soon Sophia is burning above the ground, her feather's burning easily. That is what angels do to their dead, they cremate them in midair. It only takes ten minutes for her to burn completely and then there is nothing left of her. "Oh God, what am I going to tell Clara?" "She already knows." "How do you know?" "Maria told me that the child felt it. She's trying to comfort her but she's been asking for you." Fagan stands on his weary legs, wipes the tears from his face, closes his eyes and takes a few deep breaths. He tries to control himself but it takes him sometime because he felt slightly

hollow after losing the other half of his heart. Then he feels warmth spreading throughout his body and mind. Filling him with calm thoughts and Clara's delighted smile, so much like her mother's. He breathes in and welcomes the warm happiness that envelops him. He opens his eyes and sees Athan before him, a hand on his chest. Athan's healing touch remains as he takes his hand off of Fagan. "Thank you, my friend." "You needed it. Now come, Clara needs her father." It was weeks later when the angel council could discuss surrender with the human leaders. At first the humans didnt want to hear anything the angels had to say, but with a little nudging from Fagans mothers locket each side had a chance to listen and speak. The fighting stopped and it took many months to smooth out all the details. Many angels died over the course of the hundred and twenty years but not as many humans. Around three quarters of the original human population was killed in the century but only five hundred were killed in the last twenty years. The angels agreed to help restore the earth and humans to the way it was before but some things were to never be brought back. Another thing the angels agreed to help with was with the wounded humans. The only thing that Fagan regretted was letting Clara see the last week of fighting, the prophecy rang in his mind only at the end of all the discussions between the two races. So the prophecy truly was about his daughter, he thought. He could only hope that it didn't happen too soon and that everything would end right.

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