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I would say
of course
for sure
I’m afraid so
sure, why not? I mean who doesn’t like….
certainly, I would definitely say that
In general, I would probably say…

a huge/ big /dedicated fan of….

a great lover of
a keen admirer of…
to be crazy about
to be keen on
to be interested in
st is my all-time favorite.
to be my thing
I cannot imagine my life without it
I have a particular liking for…
I get great/sheer enjoyment of Ving….
It gives my pleasure when I….
I take pleasure in Ving
It’s not like I’m a big fan or what, but I am quite interested in…..

Explain why?
I suppose the reason for this is that….
This might be because…..
I guess the reason is
The reason behind this is….
the most obvious explanation/ compelling reason for this is….
I’ll put it down on st
I’d attribute it to the fact that….
It’s all thanks to….. / due to……

Explain how?
specific kind: especially…
frequency: all the time, whenever…
popularity: all over the place

Do you like reading?/ Do you like holidays?

In,…. I often lounge about, put on some movies or spend some me-time in tmy bedroom, which is,
for me, the heaven on Earth. Howerver, in extended holiday, I often long for ~ want to go
somewhere to escape from my normal life
seek relief for the soul
for some people, they would that book is boring, dull/ but for me, book is a relief for the soul/

I’m afraid not
not really,
not at all,
no way,
certainly not/ of course not/
you must be kidding….
not a hude/ big/ fan….
not my thing
not my cup of tea
have an intense/instant dislike for…
have a huge/ strong aversion to….
have a deep/deep-rooted hatred of st….

stand st

in lieu of/ in stead of

difficulties in maintaining my attention
books never draw/ grab my attention
=> so? I never make it to the second page of any books.
I would be much greater comfort watching movies or hanging out with my friends

were I to choose/ If I had to choose
I never actually weigh up these two, but If I had to choose…..
personally, given the choice…..
to be honest….
for me

I would lean towards Ving X/ X

I would go for st….
X takes the cake
The pick of the bunch would have to be X
X is head and shoulders above others
X run rungs around the others
X is streets ahead of the rest
X put the rests to shame

Meanwhile, Y appears to be….

Do you like watchig film at home or at the cinema?

at home:
- cheapstake
- flexible: pause film/ rewatch/ rewind
- f&b
- disturb others/ other people
meanwhile at the cinema:
- expensive/ exorbitant
- disease/ infected
- ruin my experience

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