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Lab # 05

Finding Open Reading Frames using ORF Finder

Name: Iman Saba
Roll no: SU91-BSFSM-S23-004
Submitted to: Dr. Rabia Nawaz
T.A: Miss Mehak
Date: 19-Feb-2024


ORF Finder, or Open Reading Frame Finder, is a bioinformatics tool used primarily in
molecular biology and genomics to identify open reading frames (ORFs) within a DNA
sequence. Here are some uses of ORF finder:
1. Identification of Coding Regions: The primary purpose of ORF Finder is to locate regions
within a DNA sequence that could potentially code for proteins. By identifying these open
reading frames, researchers can pinpoint the parts of the DNA that are likely to be transcribed
and translated into proteins.
2. Annotation of Genomes: When scientists sequence a genome, one of the crucial steps is to
annotate it, i.e., identify where the genes are located and what functions they might have. ORF
Finder can aid in this process by identifying potential protein-coding regions within the genome.
3. Gene Prediction: In organisms where the genome has not been fully annotated or is poorly
understood, ORF Finder can be used to predict the location and structure of genes. This
prediction is based on the presence of open reading frames and the patterns of start and stop
4. Comparative Genomics: ORF Finder can be used to compare DNA sequences from different
organisms. By identifying and analyzing the open reading frames present in these sequences,
researchers can gain insights into evolutionary relationships and functional similarities between
5. Tool for Molecular Biology Research: ORF Finder is a valuable tool for molecular
biologists working on gene discovery, functional genomics, genetic engineering, and related
fields. It provides a quick and efficient way to analyze DNA sequences and identify potential
protein-coding regions
1. Google was opened.

2. Typed ORF finder in search bar and searched.

3. Following page appeared. Clicked on the first link

4. Following page appeared.

5. Typed 0K075101 in the search box. This was gene id of SARS-COV-2 spike protein.

6. Scrolled down and tapped SUBMIT.

Found 2 ORF Finders (ORF1& ORF2) in our required gene of SARS-COV-2 Spike protein
using ORF Finder

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