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Assignment - Web Scraping Using Python

Use the Worldometer website link and solve the following question.

1. Scrape the Worldometer website using the BeautifulSoup and

Requests library.
2. Collect the data of Country wise Population, World_Share(%)
and 'Land_Area_Km².
3. Analyze the data by using matplotlib and seaborn library.
a. Make a Scatter plot by using Seaborn and Matplotlib of
'Population(2020) vs Land_Area_Km²' and apply the
following customization.
● Make the Figure size (8,6)
● Make a scatter plot such as
● Add a title to the Plot with fontsize = 15 and color =
purple as 'Population(2020) vs Land_Area_Km²'
● Add Grid to the plot using grid() function
● Also Show the plot using matplotlib show() function

b. Create a Line plot of 'Country vs Land_Area_Km² for top 5

countries by population' and apply the Following
customization to the plot.
● Make the Figure size (15,8)
● Make line/markers color 'indigo'
● Make line width as 2 and line style as '-.'
● Add label as Land_Area_Km²
● Add markers as 'o' with markersize = 10
● Add a title to the Plot with fontsize = 15 and color =
● Add X-Label as Country & Y-Label as Land_Area_Km²
● Add Grid to the plot using grid() function
● Show the legend for the plot using legend() funct

● Also Show the plot

c. Create a Line plot of 'Country wise Population(2020)' of

top 5 countries based on population and apply the
Following customization to the plot.
● MMake a plot by setting figure size (10,6) using
seaborn set() function.
● Set the color palette for the plot using the
set_palette() function as "tab10".
● Set the style for the plot using the set_style()
function as "darkgrid".
● Set the context for the plot using set_cotext()
function with following customization ("paper",
font_scale = 2, rc={"grid.linewidth": 0.5}).
● Make a Bar plot using seaborn barplot() function
setting x='Country',y='Population(2020)'.
● Add the title to the plot as 'Country wise
● Add X-label as 'Country' and Y-label as 'Country wise
● Make the Xticks rotate 45 degrees.
● Show the plot using show() function of matplotlib

This is a Take Home Assignment. Hence, Please solve the

assignment for your practice and Knowledge Building ,
Assignment Solutions will be Released as usual to enhance
your learning.

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