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NAME ....................................................................... SEC ............... ROLL NO. ..........


1. The vision that the little match girl saw when she lit the first match was of –
i. An iron stove ii. A beautiful Christmas tree iii. A delicious meal laid out on a
table iv. Her kind and loving grandmother
2. The vision that the little match girl saw when she lit the second match was of –
i. An iron stove ii. A beautiful Christmas tree iii. A delicious meal laid out on a
table iv. Her kind and loving grandmother
3. The vision that the little match girl saw when she lit the third match was of –
i. An iron stove ii. A beautiful Christmas tree iii. A delicious meal laid out on a
table iv. Her kind and loving grandmother
4. The vision that the little match girl saw when she lit the third match was of –
i. An iron stove ii. A beautiful Christmas tree iii. A delicious meal laid out on a
table iv. Her kind and loving grandmother
5. The Little Match Girl is a –
i. Pathetic story ii. Happy story iii. Horror story iv. Fairy story
6. ‘The Little Match Girl’ story related to –
i. Hot summer ii. cold winter iii. Spring iv. Monsoon time
7. Which day was related to the story?
i. Little girl’s birthday ii. 1st January iii. New Year’s Eve (December 31) iv.
None of them
8. The flakes of snow covered little girl’s –
i. Eye ii. Hand iii. Hair iv. Arm
9. Little girl could smell the delicious smell of ____ being cooked every window in New Year’s Eve.
i. Dal ii. Chicken iii. Mutton korma iv. Roast goose
10. The little girl huddled down in a heap in ____ formed by two houses.
i. Top of roof ii. A corner iii. Front of iv. None of them
11. The little girl was trying to sell matches in order to earn money because –
i. Want to buy slipper ii. Want to eat Christmas dishes iii. She was ordered to do so by her
strict father iv. None of them
12. The little girl was found dead because –
i. Due to cold and hunger ii. Her grandmother called who was no more iii. Both
iv. None of them
13. Who say that “take me with you” in the story and with whom?
i. Grandmother to little girl ii. Little girl’s father to her iii. Little girl to Granny iv.
Little girl to the author
14. Why did the girl light the match?
i. Warm her fingers ii. Remove darkness iii. To see path of the way iv. None of them
15. The girl moved along the street –
i. Wearing a cap ii. Barefooted iii. With woolen cloth iv. With beautiful dress
16. The little girl had been wearing slippers when she left home.
i. True ii. False iii. Not sure iv. None of them
17. The little girl had lost ____ as she ran across the street to escape from two carriage that were being driven
terribly fast.
i. Match ii. Money iii. Memory iv. Slippers
18. One slipper could not be found because –
i. A boy had run off with the slipper ii. Move with carriage iii. He could not see iv. None of
19. Why had a boy run off with one slipper?
i. Want to play with slipper ii. He needs very much iii. A cradle some day when he had
children of his own iv. None of them
20. Which colours show the cold?
i. White and black ii. Red and blue iii. Blue and black iv. Only red
21. The little girl carried a great many matches in her –
i. Coat ii. Old apron iii. Jacket iv. Cap
22. She did not dare to go home for she had sold no matches because –
i. Her father would be sue to beat her ii. It was so cold at home iii. Both a and b iv. None
23. “The wind whistled through that, even though the largest cracks were stuffed with straw and rags” what
shows this line?
i. Hole in the wall ii. Wind blowing very fast iii. Very cold at her house iv. None
24. She lit the match whose bright flame was like a –
i. Build ii. Sun iii. Candle iv. None
25. A great iron stove was polished –
i. Beautiful colour ii. With brass knobs and ornaments iii. Red colour iv. Blue colour
26. She struck another match, the light fell upon the wall, the bricks became transparent like –
i. Glass ii. Water iii. Air iv. Gauze
27. Christmas tree much larger and much lovelier than the glass doors of the –
i. Restaurant ii. Her house door iii. Her friend’s house iv. Rich merchant’s house
28. “Now someone is dying” who said this?
i. The little girl ii. Her grandmother iii. Her father iv. Her mother
29. “Whenever a star falls, a soul goes up to God” who said this?
i. The little girl ii. Her grandmother iii. Her father iv. Her mother
30. The girl quickly struck all the rest of the matches she had in the pocket because –
i. Wanted to keep her grandmother with her ii. Wanted to bright like a day light
iii. Wanted to finish all matches iv. None of these
31. “She was evidently trying to warm herself” – who said this?
i. The little girl ii. Her grandmother iii. Her father iv. The people
32. How many matches does the little girl sell?
i. One dozen ii. Only two match box iii. 1 only match box iv. Zero match box
33. Why are rags and straw stuffed into gaps in the girl’s roof at home?
i. To stop the wind ii. Due to culture iii. Both iv. None of them
34. Hans Andersen was known for his …….
i. Sad story ii. Happy story iii. Fairy tales iv. None
35. What is the central idea of the story?
i. The girl never gave up hope ii. She walked in cold winter iii. She sold the matches iv. All
of these
36. What does a shooting star mean to the little girl?
i. Someone is dying ii. Someone is flying iii. Someone is enjoying iv. None
37. What colour is the little girl’s hair?
i. Brown ii. Black iii. Blonde iv. Red
38. The visions seen by the little girl reveal the four things she needed the most. They were –
i. Warmth, food, love and freedom from fear ii. Food, shelter, warm clothes and a mother
iii. roast goose, new slippers, candy and a warm cup of tea iv. A warm over coat, food, a scarf, a
pair of socks
39. Why did the young girl sell matches?
i. To earn money ii. To earn money to help her poor family
iii. To buy new slippers iv. To buy a roast goose
40. What did the visions represent to the little match girl each time she lit a match?
i. Each match represented member of family ii. Each match is a vision of her hopes and dreams iii.
Each match represented joy of New Year iv. None


i. What did the little girl do to escape the cold?

Ans. The little girl huddled down in a heap of corner formed by two houses to escape the cold. She tucked
her little feet underneath herself. In spite of this she felt colder and colder.

ii. Why was she scared of her father? When would her father beat her?

Ans. She was scared of her father because he was very harsh, strict and cruel.

Her father would beat her when she failed to sell the matches and earn money.

iii. How were the largest cracks in the roof of the little girl’s house stuffed with?

Ans. The roof above the little girl’s home had many cracks through which the wind whistled. The largest
cracks in the roof were stuffed with straw and rags. Even then the cold wind passed through them.

iv. What did the little girl do to warm her fingers?

Ans. Due to extreme cold the little girl’s fingers had become numb. She lit a match to warm her fingers. The
match had a warm bright flame like a tiny candle. When she held her hand over the flame she felt its
comforting warmth.

v. What did the fire produced by lighting a match give out?

Ans. The fire produced by lightening a match gave out a warm bright flame. It looked like a tiny candle. The
girl held out her hand over it and felt its warmth.

i. When did the stove vanish from the little girl’s sight?

Ans. The stove that she had visualized in the light of the burning match vanished when the flame of the match
went out.

ii. What did she visualize when she lit another match?

Ans. She visualized that she was sitting under the most beautiful Christmas tree. It was much larger and
lovelier than the one she had seen last year through the glass doors of the rich merchant’s house.

iii. What did she visualize when she lit another match?

Ans. She visualized that thousands of candles were burning on the green branches and little painted figures,
like she had seen in shop windows, looked down on her.

iv. What happened to the candles on the Christmas tree that she imagined?

Ans. The candles on the Christmas tree rose higher and higher through the air. Then they turned into bright

v. Why did the little girl say ‘Now someone is dying’?

Ans. The little girl said that someone was dying because her grandmother had told her that whenever a star
fell, a soul went up to God. Now that she had seen a star falling, she concluded that someone was dying.


i. How was the Christmas tree that she visualized better than the one she had seen last year
through the glass doors of a rich merchant’s house?

Ans. The Christmas tree that she visualized was better because there were many candles on the tree. They
were shining brightly. As soon as she reached forward with both hands the match went out and the tree

ii. What change did she observe in the candles on the Christmas tree that she imagined?

Ans. She observed that the candles on the Christmas tree rose higher and higher through the air and then they
turned into bright stars.

iii. What had the little girl’s grandmother told her about the star when it fell?

Ans. The little girl’s grandmother who was now old, had told her that whenever a star falls a soul goes up to

iv. How did the little girl’s grandmother look when she visualized her after lighting another match?

Ans. The little girl lighted another match and visualized her grandmother who stood before her, a bright and
shining figure looking extremely kind, gentle and loving.
v. What did the little girl tell her grandmother? Why did she quickly strike all the matches she had
in the packet?

Ans. The little girl told her grandmother that she knew that she (grandmother) would disappear when the
match was burnt out. She quickly struck all the matches because she wanted to keep her grandmother with


i. How did the grandmother look when the matches flared up with a blaze?

Ans. When the matches flared up, it was brighter than broad daylight. In this light, the grandmother appeared
extremely beautiful and majestic.

ii. Where did the grandmother take the little girl?

Ans. The grandmother took the little girl in her arms and flew high up to heaven, the world of glory and joy
where God lived.

iii. Why did cold, hunger and fear have no effect on the grandmother and the little girl?

Ans. Cold, hunger and fear had no effect on the grandmother and the little girl because they were both now
in heaven with God.

iv. What happened to the little girl on the last evening of the year?

Ans. On the last evening of the year, the little girl could not endure the biting cold of winter night and she got
frozen to death.

v. What did people say about the little girl? What did they not know about the girl?

Ans. People said that the little girl was trying to warm herself. They did not know what beautiful visions the
girl had seen and in what a blaze of glory she had entered into the heavenly joy of a new year with her

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