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Research Proposal

To: Gourgen Karapetyan

From: Ruzanna Grigoryan

Date: 22.10.2021

Subject: Research Proposal for Writing Skills

Faculty: TIC, English-Armenian translation,

Year: 4th

Group: 2nd

Proposed Research Topic: Single sex education.

Project description
It is a well-known fact that schools nowadays can be either only for girls or for boys. Single sex
education is known as the practice of conducting education male and female students in separate
The aim of this project is to:
a) Provide an outline of a research proposal.
b) Enable a prospective student to prepare a research proposal.
Expected outcomes, significance or rationale:
The expected outcomes are:

 to understand whether children learn better in boys-only and girls-only schools or

 to understand whether they need to be separated from each other,
 to discover all the consequences that single sex educational institutions have on the future
life of children.


 I will study reliable sources.

 I will interview my compatriots what they think of single sex education and compare the
results with that of the foreigners.
Prepare proposal by: 22.10.21
Complete literature review by: 05.11.21
Prepare annotated bibliography by: the 4th week of October
Prepare thesis statement and outline by: the 2nd week of November
Submit the first draft by: the 1st week of December
Submit works cited page by: the 2nd week of December
Submit final draft by: the third week of December

Because of the length restrictions I will not include in my paper the research of all the countries’
single sex education. I will concentrate on one or two particular countryies and its education


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