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Beacon Services Plus 1201-23

This certifies that

Nandarasana Constance Kamureru

has completed the
Safe Handling and Administration of Medicines Course Level 2
provided by Beacon Services Plus Ltd in
Legislation and Guidance

Control of Substances hazardous to Health regulations 2002

The Controlled Drugs (Supervision of Management and Use) Regulations 2013
Data Protection Act 1998; Mental Capacity Act 2005; Deprivation of Liberties Safeguards 2009 & other related
The Medicine Act 1968; Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 + Amendments; Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulation 1999; COSHH 2002; Hazardous Waste Regulations 2005
Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) 2019
Health and Social Care Act 2008; Care Act 2014; Data Protection Act 2018; GDPR 2018
Royal Pharmaceutical Society Guidelines; Handling of Medicines in Social Care
NMC guidelines of the Administration on Medication; National Institute of Health Care Excellence

Roles and Responsibilities

Know, understand and explain the roles and responsibilities of healthcare professionals who support people with
medication needs.

Classification, Types, Names and Forms of Medication

Classify, type, names and forms of medication

Supply, Storage and Disposal

Know, understand and explain the procedures for the safe supply, storage and disposal of medicines
Procedures for the Safe Handling and Administration of Medicines
Know, understand and explain the procedures for the safe handling and administration of medicines

Errors and How to Deal with Them

Identify errors and explain how to deal with them

Side-Effects/Adverse Reaction

Recognise medication side-effects or adverse reaction and explain how to deal with them

Delegates were also able to:

State why it is not allowed to share medications, tamper or crush medication unless authorised by prescriber.
Identify why consent must be gained before administering medication. Completed an Assessment Test.

Signed: Kudzai Masaka (BSc Engineering) Venue: Ginio Crossing Mall, Kamfinsa, Greendale, Harare
Date (Valid for one year): 12/01/2023

Website: Email: Tel: 01582317833

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