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The most popular sport in the United States is baseball, which can be said that
for them it is like a national sport and a symbol of the United States.
This is played on a large (larcht) grass field (fillllt), and your goal is to hit a ball
shoot by the opposing team as far as possible.
Other most famous sports from the United States are American football,
basketball, ice hockey, volleyball, tennis, etc.


The typical food of the United States is a reflection of its culture, since this is
the basis of its illustration.
1. The hot dog is one of the most popular dishes of all, since for example you
cannot watch a baseball game without eating one of these.
2. Apple pie, once created in England, starting in the 16th century, the recipe
quickly spread to the United States, where it already has a great tradition.
3. Barbecue ribs, these are some ribs, which are a very typical food in the
United States.
4. The hamburger (jamberger) is a national symbol of this country, it is much
more than a typical food. This comes from Germany, this happened to be a big
part of the American gastronomy.

Finally, the beer is America's favorite drink. It is that more than half of the
population consumes it.

The most listened(lisendt) to music in the United States are rock music,
although marche, jazz, country, hip hop, rock and roll, etc. Some of the most
famous singers born in the United States actually are: Selena Gomez is a pop
singer, Nicki Minaj is a rapper, Ariana Grande or Travis Scott.


The United States grew (grow) out of the British colonization of America.
Which was led by the waves of British immigrants between the seventeenth
and eighteenth centuries, and these founded the Thirteen Colonies on the
Atlantic coast.
In summary, the United States was created by the 13 British colonies, which
years later, the Americans won the war of indecency which was a conflict that
pitted (pided) the thirteen colonies against the kingdom of Great Britain. The
United States, after this war had a great democratic growth, or on the other
hand, managed (menitch) to displace the Indians or use the West as an escape
valve (valhf) for the unstable (onsteibol) situation that the colonies were
experiencing (exspiriens) at that time.

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