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WF044 - Word Formation Sentences

What's the name of that __________ you were singing earlier (SING).

I started playing the piano , but I don't think I have much __________
talent (MUSIC)

My dad used to be really fit and he was in his college __________

team (ATHLETE)

When you were young did you ever play with other _________ in your
neighbourhood (CHILD)

Alan wants to be an __________ but I don't think he's got much talent

They have a wonderful __________ of stamps. (COLLECT)

You have to practice a lot if you want to work as a __________


My friend wants to become a __________ football player


Why are cats such __________ animals ? (PLAY)

Lots of people get __________ just from watching someone perform.


There are many forms of __________ . You just have to find the right
kind . (ENTERTAIN)

In his youth my dad was a __________ . He worked on a big ship for

two years (SAIL)

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