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Questions for lesson one

1. According to the Westminster Shorter Catechism, what is the chief end of

Man's chief end is to glorify God and enjoy him forever.
2. What are the four arguments that the author uses to prove that Reformed
Theology is the best theology?
a. Reformed Theology is biblical (authoritative)
b. Reformed theology is Theo-centric (God-centered)
c. Reformed Theology is based on the total sovereignty of God
d. Reformed Theology is practical (disciplinary) and heartfelt (true piety)
3. Where at in Scripture does it prove that human authors were inspired by the
Holy Spirit to write?
a. 2 Peter 1:19-21
4. According to R. Laird Harris, what does inerrant and infallible mean?
a. Inerrant means without mistake.
b. Infallible means incapable of error.
5. Do you believe that the Bible is the actual Words of God? Why or why not,
less than 25 words, please?
Yes. Because of the powerful inner work of the Spirit, I came to a full persuasion
and assurance of the infallible truth and divine authority.
6. What are the four ways that we can study God?
a. Through the general (natural) revelation
b. Through the special revelation
7. What does the Theocentric Theology mean?
It means that the theology is centered on God.
8. What does Anthropocentric Theology mean?
It means that the theology is centered on man.
9. In your own words, why is it important to believe in the “Total Sovereignty of
God”? Less than 50 words please.
Because it gives to me peace and comfort in any hardship; if God rules over all
the world and all things as a Supreme ruler, it will quiet my anxiety. So if Iset out
to do something, I rest in the Lord knowing “if the Lord wills”.
10. True or False: the Reformed Faith places special emphasis on living for God’s
glory, through the intentionality of holy living.
It’s true.

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