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During the 2nd Quarter, I gained knowledge that I could apply in my life.

I learned that self-

discipline means having the ability to control your own behaviour, impulses, and actions in order
to achieve goals. It is all about sticking to your plans and not letting distractions win over you.

I also learned about unity, its challenges and how it can affect us. There are five enemies of
unity; Apathy, Crab Mentality, Fault Finding, Procrastination and Doubts and Unbeliefs. I
realized that unity is great, it brings connection to one another. With unity, if there is a small
cause in us and we come together, we can make it bigger.

Having these knowledge, I also acknowledge the culture and traditions of Filipinos. We are fond
of smiling, fun-loving and family oriented. This characteristics are part of being Filipino, in
every problem we face, we can’t help but just see that almost everyone is still smiling. Such as
family oriented, we value our family over ourselves. Spending quality time with them is such a
big part of having importance to them. The concept of pakikipagkapwa reflects how we
communicate and get along easily. It highlights the fair treatment with everyone we meet. As the
part of our culture, it is considered as a good moral.

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