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Q.1 What was the mode of the boys as they entered the caves? Why did they not have any fear of
entering cave complex?

Ans:- The mode of the boys was happy and they had many explorations before. So, they were not afraid.

Q. 2. How critical was the role of coach Ake in keeping boys safe?

Ans. He kept calm by using his own training and guided them in difficulties.

Q. 3 Why was coach Ake “unlucky rather than foolish”?

Ans, He was “ unlucky rather than foolish as flood came earlier and trapped there?

Q. 4 Why did the Thai Authorities have to call in assistance from abroad?

Ans. Although they were having some divers but they couldn`t dive in cave, so, they had to call.

Q. 5 What the difference between SPIRTUAL and PRACTICAL help?

Ans. SPIRTUAL- To ask help from Allah Almighty

PRACTICAL- Is used to help by using your own resources.

Q. 6 Why was the divers sense of smell so important in the search for boys?

Ans. The sense of smell, was crucial for finding the smell of boys trapped in the cave.

Q. 7 Give at least two ways in which the tragic death of SAMU KUNAN affected the people?

Ans. WAYS- 1) He saddened them

2) It raised their concern about boys.

Q. 8 Why did the rescue teams suddenly bring forward the planned attempt to bring the boys out.\?

Ans. As the flood level was raising quickly so there was a need of quick action to save the boys.

Q. 9 How did they manage to get each one of them out?

Ans, They brought out the boys one by one and on the stretchers through the tricky cave conditions.

Q. 10 What was some the difficulties which the divers guiding the stretchers out had to overcome?

Ans. The challenges which were faced by divers were diving in the dark water and cramped spaced they
also had to resource the boys on stretchers.
Q.1 Pahom is confident and strong when he sets off? Explain how is feeling change as the day progress?

Ans:- When he processed further, he got more and more greedy and finally he got scared.

Q. 2. What were the Bashkir`s team for selling the land? Why do you think they were offering it for sale
so cheaply?

Ans. a) They offered a great deal which was that, “he could by as much as land as he could walk
around the day for every loop raise”.

b) They might wanted to teach a lesson a greedy person.

Q. 3 In what directions did Pahom intend to walk when marking out the land? Why did he keep changing
his intended route?

Ans, He planned to walk straight, but he kept changing his intention as he proceeded further, because he
wanted more and more land.

Q. 4 To which too different uses did Pahom put his spade?

Ans. Firstly, he used spade to mark the land and later on he used for support, when he got tired.

Q. 5 Why was the Chief laughing as he watched Pahom?

Ans. He was laughing that Pahom was so greedy but he ran himself to death and Chief found it funny
in sad way.

Q. 6 The story is called “ How much land does a man need? How much did Pahom think he needed?

Ans. Pahom thought that he needed a lot of land, but in the end he only needed enough for a grave.

Q. 7 What answer to the question “ How much land does a man need”? Is given at the end of the story.

Ans. The story`s answer is that a man only needs a land that is enough for his grave.


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