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2ndSEMESTER SESSION 2023 – 2024

Subject: Islamiyat Worksheet # 1 (Pg.1)
Unit: 4,7 Pillars of Islam( Zakat) The Character of our Prophet (SAW)

Name: ______________________ Grade: IV Sec: ______

Q1: Fill in the blanks using suitable words from the word bank.

poor purifying compulsory needy

honest trustworthiness 2.5 truthful
business Zaid Muslims Syria

1. Zakat is the __________________ charity which all well-to-do Muslims must give.

2. Muslims give ______________ percent from their annual savings as zakat.

3. Zakat is given to the _______________ and ______________ Muslims.

4. Zakat means the act of _____________________.

5. _________________ purify not only their wealth but also their souls.

6. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was a very _______________ and __________________ person.

7. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was famous for his ________________________.

8. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) chose __________________ as his profession.

9. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) went on his first business trip to __________________.

10. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) adopted one of his slaves, named ___________, and treated him

like his son.

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