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Your Catholic Faith & Social Justice

- The gospel proclaims that human beings are made in the image and likeness of God

- Made in a divine image, we are endowed with a human soul with two great powers

1.) Intellect

- Enables us to recognize and understand God’s command to do good and avoid evil

2.) Free will

- Enables us to choose good with the guidance of our conscience and to obey God’s law of love

- Original sin has weakened us, inclining us to commit evil by making bad judgments and choosing lesser

Catholic Social Justice Teaching

- The church doctrine (teaching) attempts to understand how societies work

- It makes moral judgements about economic and social matters in light of revealed truth

CST flows primarily from the life and words of Jesus Christ - Catholic Social Justice - Rooted in teachings
of the Hebrew prophets

3 Aspects of Catholic Social Justice Teaching

1. See - it gives us principles for reflection

2. Judge - it provides criteria for judgment

3. Act - it gives guidelines for action

Sharing Catholic Social Teaching

- Purpose is to alert Catholics that the Church’s teaching on social justice is an essential part of our faith

- The wheel of justice presents the principles of Catholic social justice.

• Our ultimate destination is God’s kingdom

• Along the way there are obstacles

• The principles on the wheel need to be applied to smooth out the road that leads us to God.

1.) Principle of Dignity of the Human Person

- Every person deserves respect

- Our dignity does not come from what we do or what we have, it comes from being God’s special

2.) Principle of Respect for Human Life

- Every stage of a human’s life is precious and worthy of our respect and protection

3.) Principle of the Call to Family, Community, & Participation

- People have a right and duty to participate in society seeking together the common good and well-
being of all

4.) Principle of Rights and Responsibilities

- The essential, fundamental right is the right to life

- Every person has the right to the necessities that make for human decency

• Faith

• Food and Shelter

• Education

• Health care

5.) Principle of the Common Good

- Social conditions that permit people to reach their full human potential and to realize their human

- Essential elements

1.) Respect for the person

2.) Social well-being and establishment of the group

3.) Peace and security

6.) Principle of the Preferential Option; Love for the Poor and Vulnerable

- Poor and Vulnerable are our brothers and sisters

- They deserve respect, the protection of their rights, and justice

7.) Principle of Dignity of Work; Rights of Workers

- Economy must serve the people, not the other way around

- Workers’ rights

8.) Principle of Solidarity

- We need to commit ourselves to the common good

- We must work for peace and justice in the world marked by violence and war

9.) Principle of Stewardship (Care for Creation)

- We respect our loving Creator by being good stewards of the earth

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