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Uliana Gordeiko

Assignment 2. Reading
Read the text and answer the questions – a, b or c. Each question – 4 points, total – 40 points.
Navigating Change: Artificial Intelligence and Employment

In our ever-evolving world, a force that stands out as a harbinger of change is Artificial Intelligence
(AI). This technology, encompassing machine learning and automation, is reshaping the landscape of
employment, provoking discussions about its implications for the workforce. As we delve into the
nuanced facets of this transformative journey, we witness both opportunities and challenges

AI, with its capacity to automate routine and repetitive tasks, emerges as a boon for efficiency in the
workplace. Imagine a scenario where mundane tasks are seamlessly handled by AI systems,
liberating human workers to engage in more creative and intricate aspects of their jobs. The promise
of increased productivity is undeniable, yet it casts a shadow of uncertainty on job security,
particularly in occupations defined by repetitive responsibilities.

The heart of the matter lies in the concern over potential job displacement, particularly in industries
where routine tasks constitute a substantial portion of the workforce's duties. While AI promises
efficiency, the fear is that it might inadvertently lead to a reduction in employment opportunities for
individuals engaged in tasks that AI can perform with speed and accuracy.

This technological shift prompts us to ponder the evolving nature of work and the skills demanded by
the job market. Reskilling and upskilling become key considerations as individuals seek to adapt to
the changing landscape. Learning new skills or enhancing existing ones is not just a proactive
response but a necessity to ensure relevance in a job market influenced by AI.

Beyond the professional realm, the ethical dimensions of AI's impact on employment become
apparent. Governments and businesses find themselves at the crossroads of decision-making,
contemplating the ethical implications of introducing AI systems that may alter the livelihoods of
individuals. Striking a balance between the undeniable benefits of AI and the ethical responsibility
towards those affected becomes a critical challenge.

In essence, the ongoing dialogue revolves around finding equilibrium in the utilization of AI to
enhance efficiency while safeguarding the well-being of the workforce. The quest is not to resist
change but to navigate it responsibly, ensuring that as we embrace the advantages of AI, we also
prioritize the resilience and adaptability of the human workforce.


1. What is reshaping the landscape of employment in the passage?

a) Globalization
b) Artificial Intelligence. This
c) Industrialization
2. What is the boon for efficiency mentioned in the passage?
a) Increased manual labor
b) Automation of routine tasks. This
c) Creative and intricate tasks

3. What does the passage suggest is a shadow of uncertainty related to Al?

a) Increased productivity
b) Job displacement in repetitive tasks
c) Enhanced job security. This

4. In which industries does the passage mention potential job displacement due to Al?
a) Creative industries
b) Those with routine and repetitive tasks. This
c) Service industries

5. What is emphasized as key considerations in response to the evolving job market?

a) Routine task execution
b) Learning new skills or enhancing existing ones. This
c) Avoiding adaptation to change

6. Beyond the professional realm, what is highlighted in the passage?

a) Economic challenges
b) Ethical dimensions of Al's impact on employment. This
c) Technological advancements

7. What becomes a necessity to ensure relevance in the job market influenced by Al?
a) Routine task execution
b) Proactive response. This
c) Ignoring skill development

8. What is described as a critical challenge in the passage?

a) Embracing change
b) Navigating the ethical dimensions of Al. This
c) Resisting the benefits of Al

9. What is the primary focus of the ongoing dialogue mentioned in the passage?
a) Job security
b) Finding equilibrium in Al utilization. This
c) Resisting technological advancements

10. What is the quest described in the passage?

a) To resist change
b) To navigate change responsibly. This
c) To prioritize routine tasks

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