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Name: ___________________________________ Group: __________ Date: _________

Write the word for each definition, and then find them in the word search.

1. ___________: changing language or variation depending on situation or audience

2. ____________: the study of where speech sounds can go in words

3. ____________: speech sounds

4. ____________: a speech sound that uses the vocal cords is called this

5. ___________: two vowel sounds in one syllable

6. ____________: the study of language and speech sounds

7. ____________: a unit of speech, can be free or bound

8. ____________: a change to word that changes form or usage, such as cat→cats

9. _______________: a word that is pronounced the same as another but has a different

10. _______________: the study of how situation and context changes meaning
Name: ___________________________________ Group: __________ Date: _________

Write the word for each definition, and then find them in the word search.

1. ___________: changing language or variation depending on situation or audience

2. ____________: the study of where speech sounds can go in words

3. ____________: speech sounds

4. ____________: a speech sound that uses the vocal cords is called this

5. ___________: two vowel sounds in one syllable

6. ____________: the study of language and speech sounds

7. ____________: a unit of speech, can be free or bound

8. ____________: a change to word that changes form or usage, such as cat→cats

9. _______________: a word that is pronounced the same as another but has a different

10. _______________: the study of how situation and context changes meaning

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