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What I Know

Directions: True or False. Identify if the statement is a TRUE or FALSE.

_______1.A figure of speech has to be interpreted by the reader or listener.
_______2. Simile and metaphor are two figures of speech that involve a comparison.
_______3. Oxymoron is a figure of speech that makes an obvious exaggeration
_______4.The words “like” and “as” typically appear in metaphor.
_______5. Knowing the type of figure of speech is more important than understanding the
meaning of it.
_______6.A figure of speech is something only writers use.
_______7.Figures of speech mean exactly what the words say.
_______8.When words are literal, they mean exact.
_______9. Non human or non living things are spoken about as if they were human in
_______10. “I bombed the Biology Test. I wish I had studied hard for it. “ The sentence
means- I failed the test.
What I Know
Directions: True or False. Identify if the statement is a TRUE or FALSE.
_______1.A figure of speech has to be interpreted by the reader or listener.
_______2. Simile and metaphor are two figures of speech that involve a comparison.
_______3. Oxymoron is a figure of speech that makes an obvious exaggeration
_______4.The words “like” and “as” typically appear in metaphor.
_______5. Knowing the type of figure of speech is more important than understanding the
meaning of it.
_______6.A figure of speech is something only writers use.
_______7.Figures of speech mean exactly what the words say.
_______8.When words are literal, they mean exact.
_______9. Non human or non living things are spoken about as if they were human in
_______10. “I bombed the Biology Test. I wish I had studied hard for it. “ The sentence
means- I failed the test.
Name: ______________________________ Section:_________________________ Score:____________

Directions: True or False. Identify if the statement is a TRUE or FALSE.

_______1.A figure of speech has to be interpreted by the reader or listener.
_______2. Simile and metaphor are two figures of speech that involve a comparison.
_______3. Oxymoron is a figure of speech that makes an obvious exaggeration
_______1.A figure of speech has to be interpreted by the reader or listener.
_______2. Simile and metaphor are two figures of speech that involve a comparison.
_______3. Oxymoron is a figure of speech that makes an obvious exaggeration
________1. A figure of speech has to be interpreted by the reader or listener.
________2. Simile and metaphor are two figures of speech that involve a comparison.
________3. Apostrophe is a figure of speech that makes an obvious exaggeration.
________4. The words “like” and “as” typically appear in metaphor.
________5. Knowing the type of figure of speech is more important than understanding the meaning of it.
________6. A figure of speech is something only writers use.
________7. Figures of speech mean exactly what the words say.
________8. When words are literal, they mean exact.
________9. Non-human or non-living things are spoken about as if they were human in personification.
________10. “I bombed the English Test.” The sentence means – I failed the test.

Simile Hyperbole Onomatopoeia

Metaphor Apostrophe Repetition
Directions: Determine what type of figure of speech is present in the following statement. Choose your answer
from the box.
1. I heard the wind whistling. _______________
2. Her mother works as a sanitary engineer in our school.________________
3. That story is music to my ears. ___________________
4. I’ll die if he doesn’t ask me on a date.________________
5. She is as beautiful as her mother. _________________
6. Parting is such sweet sorrow. _________________
_________________1. I heard the wind whistling.
_________________2. That story is music to my ears.
_________________3. I’ll die if he doesn’t ask me on a date.
_________________4. A figure of speech in which a thing, a place, an abstract quality, an idea, a dead or
absent person, is addressed as if present and capable of understanding is called.
_________________5. Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re going to get.
_________________6. My grandchildren are the flowers of my garden.
_________________7. Her alarm hummed in the background.
_________________8. Witch, witch where do you fly?
_________________9. Car, please let me get to work today.
_________________10. It is a figure of speech that utilizes extreme exaggeration to emphasize a certain
quality or feature.
________________11. Oh, rose, how sweet you smell and how bright you look!
________________12. Oh, Christmas tree, oh, Christmas tree, how lovely are your branches.
________________13. I wandered lonely as a cloud.
________________14. Give me a thousand kisses, then a hundred,
Then another thousand, then a second hundred,
Then still another thousand, then a hundred
Directions: Construct your own sentence using the different figures of speech that you have learned. (2pts
B. Directions: Identify what figure of speech is being describe in each item.
________________1. It replaces words or phrases that considered harsh, impolite, or unpleasant.
________________2. It is a common figure of speech that uses the words “like” and “as” to
compare two things that are not related by definition.
________________3 It refers to two words that have contradictory meanings. Some common
examples include
________________4. It is an inanimate object or abstraction is endowed with human qualities or
________________5. It is a figure of speech that utilizes extreme exaggeration to emphasize a
certain quality or feature.
________________6. It compares two different things without the use of the terms “like” or
C. Directions: Construct your own two sentences following the figures of speech listed

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