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1st Quarter Exam – Grade 2


I. Choose the correct answer from the words below and write on
the blanks.

pleased loves Rules Instructions hiding

Sin obey good Nothing sees

1._____________________ help me to do what is right.

2. ____________________ help me how to do things.

3. I am happy when I _______________ the rules.

4. God is __________________when I listened to instructions.

5. ____________________ is anything that does not please God.

6. ____________________is hidden from God.

7.Covering sin is the same as __________________ sin .

8. God ____________________ everything I do.

9. God still _______________ me even when I do bad things.

10. God is pleased when He sees me doing _________________.

II. From the words in the box on the right, choose the correct answer.
1.2. To get a ____________ picture in my mind, I must use
_______________ words.
3. We must use action words in our______________________.
4. _____________words tell us the order by which things happened.

5. We add ______ to the “what kind word: to change it to”how”

words. characters
6. ____________words tell us the place by which the story happened. action

7. ____________ words tell us how the action has been done.

8. The ________________ tells us something about the story and When

usually found at the upper part of the story. Title

9. The people in the story are called the ________________________.
10. The _______________ tells us what happened in the story.

III. A. Underline the best action words.

1. Thunder ( moved, sounded, crashed ) loudly in the sky.

2. Sunshine ( beat, came, was) down upon the tired travelers.
3. She wanted to ( smell, feel, sniff) the white daisies.
4. Booker ( pedaled, went, goes) up and down the sidewalk on his bike.
5. Your obedience ( warms, makes, saw) God’s heart.

B. Using different colors of your crayons, match the words in column A

with the words on column B.

Column A Column B
6. cry punch
7. drop sob
8. hit plop
9. walk prowl
10.drink gulp

IV. Rewrite each sentence by adding “ly” to the underlined word to

change it to “how: words.

1. Our powerful God created this awesome world.


2. The bright stars sparkle in the sky tonight.


3. Outstanding students are awarded because of their hard work.


4. A generous man donated all of his riches to charity.


5. The loving Lord watches all of us while we are sleeping.


V. Story Review.
Chapter One





Plot.: Arrange the following events that happened in the story using
numbers 1-5.

___________ Ace was bored.

___________Dad asked Ace to help Mother in the garden.

___________Racer came and helped Ace.

___________Both of the boys worked hard.

___________They got hungry but forgot that they brought mud to Mrs.
Virtueson’s floor.


Chapter 2




Plot: Arrange the following events in the story using numbers 1-6.

__________It rained so they ran indoors.

_________ They had a sleep over and Daddy watched over them.

__________The family enjoyed their supper

__________Susie came to play with them and was unfriendly

__________ The girls built a house using blankets and ropes

__________The girls shared a tea party.


Chapter 3




Plot: Arrange the following events in the story in order using numbers 1-7.

______ Pudge watched but did not really listen.

______Grandfather Resource brought home some old fence boards.

______Grandfather showed Pudge how to nail boards

______ Pudge had to do the work over but he learned an important lesson

_____The next day , Pudge nailed some boards in place, but they were not

_____Pudge and Grandfather carried the boards to the backyard.

_____Grandfather was not pleased with Pudge’s work.

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