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3, es PR Ss i: Soy ape - 193
4. Yepewiance 55579"... .. «ada cs eee ae. - 194
5. Basserules of pleadings: Rule2 i... .. seid, 2s). . 195
@y Fects and notigw.:.......<«suekue SIR, ee. - 195
(Material facts a1... -.:. + agleeet. Sse DIMES . - 196
(5) Pacts and notevyidente™ «.) Me OG el, ee. . 198
(4) (Concise form..u....-. . . SeGRRU2s 2 ee, Ze). - 200
6. Other rules of pleadings: Rules 418.5. ...5..4.. 201
9. Fomeeot pleading s.,.......cmgyee ~~ sae oe). - 203
8. Pleading in writ petijens:. .o7 SGRRa 2 le ay. . 203
9. Alternative and inconsistent pleadings ........... 203
10. Construction of pleadines .... ito Ss). sR gm). . 206
11. Signing and verification of
Dieaames: Rulesaqae..... .°. cae. S. wes Ge es. - 208
12. Striking out pleadmigs: Rule 2637 eiyet bss) Ss ss - 209
13. Variance between pleading and proof ............ 210
14,1@migenion to‘pleadigee......ite0n~-..-. Ge ap. . 211
15. Amendment of pleadings: Rules 17-18 ............ 211
(ap iGeneral .. .. gM sss: 12s S.A Se). - 211
(Degmele 17 .:. ieee SS eee. SO PQ. . 212
(eeepyect . Oj Rrement se pee CSI SRE 212
(Ghemmescretiol Uemonter.2s. ONG Pm b se ieee. - 213
(e) Applicability to other proceedings ............ 213
(f} “Rule17> Whetherexhaustiveic'g Won... be. 214
(g) Leave to amend when granted .............. 214
(h) Leave to amend when refused .............. 216
(Ey smeDSCQUETICCVUEMas. . . sn UN is me eas 221
(panserits not teGegensideredsvigies 4. . owl da). . 221
(K} WO tay apps ...... . ies. . mia. . 221
(Il) Who may grantamendment? ............... 221
(i) JNOtice to OoppOsie party ... .aidtiewy).
wal a). . 221
Ui) Geecerding ofraaeRs . . whiten. ose, a. . 222
GO) teiples . ,.00%.. or eel. oat, ge). . 222
(p) Atany stage of proceedings ...........00.. 223
(q) Amendment after commencement of trial: Proviso .. 224
¢) Moctrine of “remtion back” 1G Wes ws . 4 Ve de). . 224
@) manitation Sas.
. s CG...
se Ge Gad). . 224
() Bes jUdkee as. ewe babes. cs Se 225
(u) Successive applications 0... 55s ee ee 225
(v) Onsuch terms as may bejust............... 225
a Be. ee OO ee Se 226
Op HVIBION «ctu eee. tke Oe & ee eS 226
(J) Wrest peu Ace... ee ss es 226
(2) Failure to afi@na: Rule 18... dives « cool. - 226

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