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(2). Plaint Gale... ge oo 6 SR ce. . |x 36
Seen fFlaintitl a. cs «ss. CEs 36
fer SUit ..; SR ss xcca Un ish> «ce + +. 36
Pe) SUMMONS +)<< 6 os > cca nee 36
ee, Written giant... «.dais: nce ns « 37

Chapter 1
JURISDICTION OF Give COURTS Shee f°... SR ws kt 41
So ceeerieral ¢\. Meas . « « SURE, « . ) SM g's ss 41
Se erisdictionneme, ws ss sw ss 42
So) werisdiction @mmmmmeent Gs... os es ne 43
4. Lack of jurisdiction and irregular
EMOTCISC OF MNNEIOT, cn AMEN 0 so 5 osGS 6s ss 44
5. lmasis to detemuumme Mirisdictiog gw». . se ae ess se 46
ee Ges RE oe, eR a a 48
7 GAePeCISION GR GRICCION .cc sg 5 ss oI os ss 48
Geeourts and Gees ww Sk. sg 49
G. ‘Jurisdiction Geen COUTfA ee... ces «ss 49
TO, weinS Of JUTE... .. ces oc +2 a MER os 8 49
G@) Civil angigemmal jurisdiemon..... scene ss. 50
G@) Territoriai@miocal jurisGicme.. . eee ws 50
a) PeCunigmeCICtION cam... . oe aeeiee oe ee 50
(4) Jurisdiction as to subject-matter .............. 50
(5) Original and appellate jurisdiction ............ 50
(6) Exclusive and concurrent jurisdiction ........... 51
() Generabeieeepecial juriscmemon ... .osteme ss. 51
(8) Legal and equitablejurisdiction .............. 51
(9) Municipal and foreignjurisdiction ............ 51
(10) Expounding and expanding jurisdiction ......... 51
3a, PrisdictiongeeeeecOUrts « Gee, . « » sie teeta ws ss 52
Go A Tt eee 52
eee: lle Ne 52
(4) Sti ACTOS. wn I ws es 52
(Db) Coee NOt Datta ss .. sun eee 55
ee VV, , EI ws. «pM we 56
@) Presumption astojurisdicgon... .... Sees... 57
oP DTCC NOEs) i ae > Ew fe 57
Oe ODjCCimmmeEJUITISCICtIEn ss. oe www es ee ee 57
@) Exchisiometjurisdiction: Dimitations ........... 57
(8) Exclusion of jurisdiction of civil court: Principles .... 59
UT. ss I we 62

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