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Imagine you are on board Utopia in charge of all communications.

Utopia is made
fast to the shore with a mooring scheme of 4-2-3 forward and aft and has three shackles
in the water of the starboard chain. She is about to leave Dixieville harbour.

1) - Dixieville Port Control, Dixieville Port Control, Dixieville Port Control. This is
Utopia, Utopia, Utopia. Over.
- Utopia, Utopia, Utopia. This is Dixieville Port Control, Dixieville Port Control,
Dixieville Port Control. Over.
- Dixieville Port Control. This is Utopia. Question. Do I have permission to get
underway? Over.
2) - Utopia. This is Dixieville Port Control. Answer. Yes, you have permission to get
underway? Over.
3) - Utopia Forward Station. This is Utopia Bridge. Is the cable leading before the
starboard beam? How is the cable growing? Over.
- Utopia Bridge. This is Utopia Forward Station. Yes, the cable is leading before the
starboard beam. The cable is growing tight/slack. Over.
4) - Utopia Forward Station. This is Utopia Bridge. Single up forward to head lines.
- Utopia Bridge. This is Utopia Forward Station. I will single up forward to head lines.
5) - Utopia Aft Station. This is Utopia Bridge. Single up aft to stern lines. Over.
- Utopia Bridge. This is Utopia Aft Station. I will single up aft to stern lines. Over.
6) - Utopia Forward Station. This is Utopia Bridge. Put the windlass in gear. Shorten
your cable to one shackle. Over.
- Utopia Bridge. This is Utopia Forward Station. I will shorten my cable to one shackle.
7) - Utopia Forward Station. Utopia Aft Station. This is Utopia Bridge. Let go fore and
aft. Over.
- Utopia Bridge. This is Utopia Forward Station. I will let go forward. Over.
- Utopia Bridge. This is Utopia Aft Station. I will let go aft. Over.
8) - Utopia Forward Station. This is Utopia Bridge. Heave up anchor until it is home.
- Utopia Bridge. This is Utopia Forward Station. I will heave up anchor until it is home.
9) - Utopia Bridge. This is Utopia Forward Station. The anchor is home. I am let go
forward. Over.
- Utopia Bridge. This is Utopia Aft Station. I am let go aft. Over.
10) - Dixieville Port Control. This is Utopia. Information. I am underway. My
destination is … . I am trimmed by the head. Intention. I will get underway. Over.
11) - Utopia. This is Dixieville Port Control. Information. Forecast issued at 0-0-0-0
hours. Fresh to moderate breeze from north veering to northeast. Fair sky to partly
cloudy. Possible isolated drizzle. Good visibility. The tide is rising. There is an outbound
vessel. Over.
12) - Dixieville Port Control. This is Utopia. Information. Message understood.
Question. Is it clear for me to enter the fairway? Over.
13) - Utopia. This is Dixieville Port Control. Answer. Yes, it is clear for you to enter the
fairway. Over.

You proceed towards the river mouth and the vessel proceeding in the same
direction sends a distress message.

14) - Pan Pan, Pan Pan, Pan Pan. This is Gargantua. I have lost a person overboard in
position … . I require a helicopter with doctor and assistance with search and rescue
operations. Over.
15) - Utopia, Utopia, Utopia. This is Coast Guard Radio, Coast Guard Radio, Coast Guard
Radio. Over.
- Coast Guard Radio, Coast Guard Radio, Coast Guard Radio. This is Utopia, Utopia,
Utopia. Over.
- Utopia. This is Coast Guard Radio. Instruction. Take command of search and rescue
operations. Over.
16) - Coast Guard Radio. This is Utopia. Intention. I will take command of search and
rescue operations. Over.
17) - Gargantua, Gargantua, Gargantua. This is Naval Helicopter, Naval Helicopter, Naval
Helicopter. Over.
- Naval Helicopter, Naval Helicopter, Naval Helicopter. This is Gargantua, Gargantua,
Gargantua. Over.
- Gargantua. This is Naval Helicopter. Instruction. Make identification signals with
search lights. Indicate the pick-up area. Question. What is the relative wind direction
and force?. Over.
- Naval Helicopter. This is Gargantua. Information. I am making identification signals
with search lights. Intention. I will identify the pick-up area. Answer. The relative wind
direction is … ,force .... Over.
- Gargantua. This is Naval Helicopter. I have identified you. Over.
18) - Gargantua, Gargantua, Gargantua. This is Utopia, Utopia, Utopia. Over.
- Utopia, Utopia, Utopia. This is Gargantua, Gargantua, Gargantua. Over.
- Gargantua. This is Utopia. Question. How do you read me? Over.
19) - Utopia. This is Gargantua. Answer. I read you excellent with signal strength five.
20) - Gargantua. This is Utopia. Information. I am coming to your assistance. Over.
21) - Utopia. This is Gargantua. Information. Your assistance is not required. Over.
22) - Gargantua. This is Utopia. Information. Message understood. Over and out.
23) - Utopia. This is Gargantua. Information. I am in the inshore-traffic zone. I am not
obstructing other traffic. Over and out.
24) - Coast Guard Radio. This is Utopia. Information. My assistance is not required.
Intention. I will proceed. Over.
When you reach the river mouth, the Pilot prepares to disembark.

25) - Utopia, Utopia, Utopia. This is Pilot Boat, Pilot Boat, Pilot Boat. Over.
- Pilot Boat, Pilot Boat, Pilot Boat. This is Utopia, Utopia, Utopia. Over.
- Utopia. This is Pilot Boat. Information. I am coming to you. Request. Make a lee for
me. Over.
- Pilot Boat. This is Utopia. Intention. I will make a lee for you. Over.
26) - Utopia. This is Pilot Boat. Request. Rig the accommodation ladder in combination
with the pilot ladder on leeside, two metres above water. Over.
- Pilot Boat. This is Utopia. Intention. I will rig the accommodation ladder in
combination with the pilot ladder on leeside, three metres above water. Over.
27) - Utopia. This is Pilot Boat. Request. Rig the pilot ladder two, repeat, two metres
above water. Over.
- Pilot Boat. This is Utopia. Intention. I will rig the pilot ladder two metres above water.
28) - Utopia. This is Pilot Boat. Request. Stand on. Over.

The Pilot disembarks and the Pilot Boat goes away.

29) - Pilot Boat. This is Utopia. Question. What course do you advise? Over.
- Utopia. This is Pilot Boat. Advice. Advise you course … Over and out.

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