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Art therapy

Hello this is dev and today I will be making you

understand why art therapy is important. what is art
therapy and what does it do?
Let me answer that question-art therapy helps in
different ways such as relives from depression,
helps you concentrate and keeps you busy and away
from negative things. One more thing, you might be
thinking that this is drawing and doodling but you are
wrong as it’s considered a new art form itself! That’s the
reason why I think that us CIS students should get one
period away from any studies and try to learn more
about tis art form, as if we learn it can help us in the
future too. He should engage not only Grade 6 but the
prior classes too in which we will have a particular day on
which we would convey this activity, as- can be done
monthly, weekly etc. PS-I would love this idea which can
lead us to a concentrated, focused and disciplined class
and would help us in the ideas for the Grade 6 exhibition.
Thank you

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