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• The pushdown automata is

essentially a finite automata with
control of both an input tape and a
stack to store what it has read.
PDA :The PDA will have 3 things ,
4. An input tape
5. A finite control
6. A stack
• A pushdown automata is a 6-tuple
M= ( Q,Σ, Γ, δ, s, F) where
• Q :non-empty finite set of states
• Σ :non-empty finite set of input
• Γ :is finite set of pushdown symbols
• s :is the initial state ,s Є Q
• F :is the set of final states and F
belongs to Q
• δ :It is a transition function or
transition relation which maps
• ﴾ QxΣ*xΓ* ﴿ →﴾ QxΓ* ﴿
1: Design a pda for the language
L= {wcw R /w:w Є {a,b}*}
Solution :Let pushdown automata be P
P = (Q,Σ, Γ, δ, s, F)
where Q={s ,f }
transition relation δ is defined as follows
:(1)((s, a, Є),(s, a))
(2)((s, b, Є),(s, b))
(3)((s, c, Є),(f, Є))
(4) ((f, a, a), (f, Є))
(5) ((f, b, b), (f, Є))
• As PDA reads the first half of its input, it
remains in initial state and uses transition 1
and 2 to transfer symbols from the input
string on to the pushdown store.
• When machine sees a ‘c’ in the input string, it
switches from state s to state f without
operating on the stack.
• Thereafter only transition 4 and 5 are
operative; these permit the removal of the top
symbol on the stack provided that it is the
same as the next input symbol.
The operation of P can be seen by
following table, taking string abacaba
for example

S.No. State Unread input Stack Transition

1 s abacaba Є -
2 s bacaba a 1
3 s acaba ba 2
4 s caba aba 1
5 f aba aba 3
6 f ba ba 4
7 f a a 5
8 f Є Є 4
2. Design a pda for the regular
r=0*1 .
Solution :The language for given regular
expression is,
L= {0 m1n /m ≥0, n ≥1 }
Let PDA be P
P = (Q,Σ, Γ, δ, s, F)
Q = {s, f}
F = {f}
Σ = {0,1}
• Transition relations are defined as
follows :
(2) ((s, 0, Є ), (s, Є ))
(3) ((s, 1, Є ), (f, Є ))
(4) ((f, 1, Є ), (f, Є ))
• Initially machine is at state s when it
reads 0’s then it does nothing.
• As soon as 1 is encountered then
state changes to final state.
3. Design a pda for the language
L= { a nb 2n /n>0}
Solution : Let PDA be
P = (Q,Σ, Γ, δ, S, F)
Where Q = (p, q, f, r )
S = {p}
F = {f}
transition relations are :
(1) ((p, a, Є), (p, a))
(2) ((p, a, a), (p, a))
(3) ((p, b, a), (q, b))
(4) ((q, b, ba), (r, Є))
(5) ((r, b, a), (q, ba))
Here two transitions 4 and 5 represent
the looping and works on the value of
(6) ((r, Є, Є), (f, Є))
Example: aaabbbbbb
• First, we pushed all the a’s by the help
of moves 1 and 2.
• As first b is encountered then it is
pushed on the stack by move 3.
• When next b is encountered then we
pop the ba from the stack and change
the state from q to r.
• Finally when input becomes empty
and stack also becomes empty then
state r changes to final state f ,i.e.
string is accepted.
4. Design a pda for the regular
r=0*1* .
Solution : Let pushdown automata be P
P = (Q,Σ, Γ, δ, s, F)
Q = {s, p, r}
F = {s, p}
Σ = {0,1}
Γ = {Є}
transition relations δ are defined as :
(8) ((s, Є, Є), (s, Є))
(9) ((s, 0, Є), (s, Є))
(3) ((s, 1, Є), (p, Є))
(4) ((p, 1, Є), (p, Є))
(5) ((p, 0, Є), (r, Є))
• First, any number of 0’s can be
accepted by move 2.
• As soon as 1 is encountered state s is
changed to p from s by move 3.
• Now any number of 1 can be accepted
by the machine with move 4.
5. Design a pda for the language
L= {a n b m /n>m≥0}
• Solution :
Let PDA for the language is P
P = (Q,Σ, Γ, δ, S, F)
Where Q = {s0,s1,s2,s3,f)
S = {s0}
F = {f}
Σ = {a, b}
(1) (( s0, a, Є), (s1, a))
(2) ((s1, a, a),(s1, a))
(3) ((s1, b, a),(s2, Є))
(4) ((s2, b, a),(s3, Є))
(5) ((s3, b, a),(s2, Є))
(6) ((s2, Є, a),(s2, Є))
(7) ((s2, Є, Є),(f, Є))
(8) ((s1, Є, a),(s1, Є))
(9) ((s1, Є, Є),(f, Є))
Example :aaabb
• Move 1 and 2 provides us to push all
the a’s on the stack.
• As soon as b is encountered an a is
poped up and state is changed to s2,
move 4 and 5 are showing loop for
poping a’s when b’s are encountered.
• Move 6 helps us to empty stack from
the a since there is no the input tape.
• Finally move 7 makes the string

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