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Objective: To write about a job. Include advantages, disadvantages, and requirements for it.

Include vocabulary about Jobs, especially adjectives that describe what the job is like.

e.g. Businessperson

So you want to be a businessperson?

Like any job, it has advantages, disadvantages, and requirements.

One advantage is that you work for yourself. You decide when you work and when you rest.
You can work with different products and services. You can sell your product or service to a
person or to a company. It is interesting and you can work independently.

A disadvantage is that it is demanding. Sometimes you want to take a break. For example, one
week or one month. The customers can call you anytime and ask for your services. You will
have to postpone your break.

A requirement for this job is that you have to be knowledgeable. If your clients ask you
questions about your products and services, you have to answer in a satisfactory way. You
cannot hesitate when you are doing business.

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