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There are 5 options:

1. Make a poster with photos from a party that you attended. Write and act out dialogues for the people
in the pictures. (Group of two or three)

2. Write your own fable or fairy tale and illustrate the pages to make a book.
Use time expressions and descriptive adjectives. (Individual)

3. Role-play a job interview in which you discuss the qualities that are necessary for the job.
The interviewer mentions the qualities and why they are necessary.
Both must know the qualifications that are necessary for the job. (Group of two)

4. Describe your favorite holiday/festival through a poster. Tell why it is celebrated and how it is celebrated.

5. Write to a friend to decline an invitation that he or she made. At first, you accepted but something unexpected
happened and you cannot attend. Explain what happened and why you cannot attend. Another alternative is
to role-play the situation. (Individual / Group of two).

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