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Vaksin Anakku user guide

1) Registration
a. Schools to register for MyVas account by going to kjbhkjh
Password: kana854297992
b. Fill in details. All are compulsory except "School Code" (fill if available from
c. It is recommended that the person-in-charge (PIC) is the person who will be
directly involved with vaccination program.
d. Use an email address that is not already attached to a MySejahtera account
(recommended: non-personal gmail/work email)
e. All enrolment details must be filled. Put 0 if no enrolment for that cohort.
f. A unique Login Code and Password will be generated to allow schools to login.

3) MyVas Activation
a. Within 24h, a link to activate MyVas for your school will be sent to the email
registered in Step 1 (please keep in contact with your PPD/PKD/JKN to ensure this
step is completed)
b. Using the link sent, follow steps until MyVas account activated. Seek help from
PPV Managers and MyVas Admins who have experience with MyVas if needed.

4) Uploading linelist
a. Login with the Code and Password from 1(f) at:
b. Download the Excel template on the page and read the instructions.
c. Fill in the template and upload it as per the instructions.
d. Note that the consent column is considered as consent to upload names into system
(although consent for vaccination must be taken later). 1 for yes, 0 for no. Any
record with 0 will not be uploaded.
e. Note that if your student will be vaccinated elsewhere (e.g. if Sekolah Berasrama
Penuh), the ‘vax elsewhere’ column should be filled with 1 so that their record will
not be uploaded.
Deadline to upload students appt list into Vaksianaksi is before 1am of vaccination day, but
the earlier the better. Those with MySejahtera accounts will be able to see the appointment

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