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Writing a thesis, especially on a complex and multifaceted topic such as Environmental Management

Accounting, is a challenging endeavor that demands a significant amount of time, research, and
dedication. This type of thesis requires the student to not only have a deep understanding of
accounting principles but also to be well-versed in environmental policies and sustainability practices.
The integration of environmental concerns with financial accounting to promote eco-friendly
business practices adds an additional layer of complexity to the research.

The process involves extensive literature review, data collection, analysis, and the ability to synthesize
information from various sources to create a coherent argument or set of recommendations. It's a
task that can be overwhelming due to its detailed nature and the specific expertise required in both
the environmental and accounting fields. The challenge is further compounded by the need to adhere
to strict academic standards and formats, making the process a rigorous academic exercise.

For students facing time constraints, lacking access to resources, or struggling with the technical
aspects of writing a thesis, seeking professional help can be a valuable solution. In this context, it's
recommended to consider services like ⇒ ⇔, which specializes in providing
assistance with academic writing, including thesis projects on complex topics like Environmental
Management Accounting. Opting for professional help can provide students with the support they
need to navigate the difficulties of thesis writing, ensuring that they can submit a well-researched,
professionally written document that meets academic standards and contributes valuable insights to
the field of Environmental Management Accounting.
The second, multifactor productivity (MP), can be extended to bring in measures of environmental
inputs and outputs. Environmental costs are often hard to define from a business stand point. By
using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. Predominant
systems were identified using the Cropping Practices Survey (Daberkow and Gill, 1989) developed
by the National Agricultural Statistical Service and Economic Research Service (ERS) and the Farm
Costs and Returns Survey developed by the National Agricultural Statistical Service. Wherever
cases of violating of standards of water or air pollution have been detected, show cause notices have
been issued to industrial units and all such units are being kept under constant surveillance.
Environmental pressures and impacts are unintended consequences of current production and
consumption systems. While environmental policies aim at conserving natural resources and reducing
waste and emissions while increasing well-being and material standards of living, such sustainability
policy issues become increasingly complex. Some countries do not incorporate these goods in their
national accounts. There is a large amount of co-operation between the Ministries and with the
institutions associated with them. 2) Environmental Orientation to School Education (EOSE): EOSE,
most EE programmes are designed and implemented with National and State level perspectives,
hence the full intent to environmental education will not be achieved because environmental
concerns and problems may be locale specific and therefore do not include consideration of global
solutions. Business income is defined as the maximum amount that a firm could pay out in current
dividends without reducing net worth. Environmental Management Reporting and Corporate
Performance Evidence from Na. Sub Systems: This type of accounting can be further classified in
the following sub Systems: a) Segment Environmental Accounting (SEA): This is an internal
environmental accounting tool to select an investment activity, or a project, related to environmental
conservation from among all processes of operations, and to evaluate environmental effects for a
certain period. The Internet has also provided everybody an equal opportunity to put information on
any topic irrespective of which part of the world one is geographically located in. As the best
available approximations, we used estimates prepared by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and
reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget. Environmental Cost Disclosure and Corporate
Performance of Quoted Foods and B. Input for EA is not easily available because costs and benefits
relevant to the environment are not easily measurable. 4. Many business and the Government
organizations even large and well managed ones don’t adequately track the use of energy and
material or the cost of inefficient materials use, waste management and related issue. All over the
world there has been much concern regarding management of environment for ensuring sustainable
economic developments. Sign up for email notifications and we'll let you know about new
publications in your areas of interest when they're released. It is important for people, regions, and
administrations involved in enterprises to correctly. Today MFA provides fundamental environmental
indicators informing policies, and a substantial branch of research applying MFA analyses has been
established One of the key MFA indicators, the material footprint, enables monitoring outsourcing of
material-intensive stages of the supply chain and quantifying material demand of final consumption.
The following figure exemplarily shows the interplay between the SDGs, thereout arising challenges
and the relevance of these in the policy cycle, highlighting thorough information on environmental
and economic issues as a fundamental part of evidence-based policy making. The objective of this
system are to provide national environmental information service to the users of originators,
processors and disseminators to build up storage, retrieval and dissemination capabilities to promote
support and assist education and personnel training programmes designed to enhance environmental
information processing and utilising capabilities: to promote exchange of information amongst
developing countries. The main activities of both the Centres are the development of environmental
resource materials, organisation of training programmes and creation of environmental awareness
among teachers, students and the general community. 4) National Environmental Awareness
Programme (NEAC): The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MOEF), Government of India
started National Environment Awareness Campaign (NEAC) in 1986 with the aim of creating
environmental awareness at all levels of society. International Journal of Business Marketing and
Disclosure and Corporate Performance of Quoted Foods and B. Also, most definitions of agricultural
sustainability have failed to incorporate productivity of the natural resource base when calculating
agricultural productivity. The following figure depicts the various components of environmental-
economic accounts, depicted around the European accounting framework of the “Integrated National
Accounting Matrix including Environmental Accounts (NAMEA)”. Apart from the general concern
for construction of the environment, the concern for the management of hazardous substances for the
protection of the forest wealth and wild life and for preventing biological degradation have also
brought about some restrictions which the existing industrial units and also entrepreneurs wishing to
set up new plants and factories should keep in view. Is the higher quality financial reporting improves
csr investment efficiency. This inescapable fact directs attention to a neglected dimension of
economic productivity: productivity in the use of the environment. Especially for SDG 8 and SDG
12 the material footprint is a core indicator. In order to maximize wealth, it takes support of social
and ecological systems. Environmental accounting helps in measuring the extent to which a
corporate enterprise has utilised the environmental resources.
These include two case studies of alternative corn-soybean production systems in Pennsylvania and
Nebraska, rice-wheat-maize production systems in India, lowland irrigated rice in the Philippines,
and a comparison of upland and lowland wheat production in Chile. Environmental Cost Disclosure
and Corporate Performance of Quoted Foods and B. Using your mobile phone camera - scan the
code below and download the Kindle app. Finally, the extended model was used to test a variety of
policies, including different levels of flexibility and green-payment options for improving the
environmental performance of agricultural policy. They should take account of its most significant
external environmental impacts and in effect, to determine what profit level would be left (if any) if
they attempted to leave the planet in the same state at the end of the accounting period as it was in
the beginning. Is the higher quality financial reporting improves csr investment efficiency. The
business activities of every enterprise are affected by a nation's natural resources, viz, water, air,
minerals, forests, etc. It can be observed through their accounts that mainly the following types of
information are given: i) What type of devices installed for pollution control. EMA converts many
environmental overhead costs into direct costs. It has become clear today that economic development
must be environmentally sustainable. Structured questionnaire were used and collected as primary
data. The Internet has given us the World Wide Web, the E-mail and the Internet Relay Chat
amongst many others. Environmental reporting choices may influence stakeholders’ interpretation of
firms’. The alternative was that marginal damages increased in real terms in proportion to real GNP
(Index B of Table 5 ). In this respect, comparability of data from environmental and socio-economic
domains is of high relevance. Procedures include physical procedures for material and energy
consumption, flows, and final disposal, and also monetarized procedures for costs, savings, and
revenues related to activities with a potential environmental impact. Advantages and Limitations of
Environmental Accounting. Environmental cost accounting and cost allocation (a study of selected
manufa. The following figure depicts the various components of environmental-economic accounts,
depicted around the European accounting framework of the “Integrated National Accounting Matrix
including Environmental Accounts (NAMEA)”. The data required for the study have been collected
from primary and various secondary sources. In addition, the financial statements include a Cash
Flow Statement. As a possible solution to the limitations of traditional accounting system an
environmental accounting has emerged as a new concept. American Journal of Agricultural
Economics 63(1):521-531. Environmental Accounting includes the data relating to Environmental
Conservation Cost. So environmental accounting is gaining continuous popularity. IRJET-
Implementation of Green HR Practices for Environmental Performance IRJET- Implementation of
Green HR Practices for Environmental Performance Factors Affecting the Implementation of Green
Manufacturing- A Case Study Ana. It spoils human health, reduces economic productivity and leads
to loss of amenities. By that means the above-mentioned integration of environmental and economic
information can be achieved. Environmental Management Reporting and Corporate Performance
Evidence from Na. Today MFA provides fundamental environmental indicators informing policies,
and a substantial branch of research applying MFA analyses has been established One of the key
MFA indicators, the material footprint, enables monitoring outsourcing of material-intensive stages
of the supply chain and quantifying material demand of final consumption.
EMA converts many environmental overhead costs into direct costs. Using a sample of companies
registered as of December 31, 2011, this paper determines the extent of environmental accounting
practices employed by large companies in Bacolod City. Green accounting or environmental
accounting is a new challenge of accounting system. The following aspects are included in
environmental accounting 1) Internal Point of View: From Internal point of view investment made
by the corporate sector for minimization of losses to environment. In order to be a good corporate
citizen a firm has to adopt policies and take action that become environment friendly. Meaning
Environmental Accounting: The term environment includes everything in all its manifest forms. On
the earth, beneath the earth and above the earth. Alexander Decker Green accounting and practices
Green accounting and practices deshwal852 Green supply chain management Green supply chain
management Alexander Decker Environmental management accounting practices Environmental
management accounting practices Alexander Decker Managerial Accounting Assignment Managerial
Accounting Assignment Md. Factors that significantly affect the companies’ environmental
accounting practices are likewise identified. In fact, the results from the Indonesian case study show
that the adjustment for natural resource asset changes is large in many years relative to GDI. All
over the world there has been much concern regarding management of environment for ensuring
sustainable economic developments. Environment includes all living and non-living objects. The
objective of this study is to know how we can handle the environment. To develop industries the
concerns need raw material which is provided by the environment. It has become clear today that
economic development must be environmentally sustainable. Is the higher quality financial reporting
improves csr investment efficiency. Ongoing processes at national, European and global levels aim at
realising this necessary next step. Business income is defined as the maximum amount that a firm
could pay out in current dividends without reducing net worth. Environmental Management
Reporting and Corporate Performance Evidence from Na. In addition, productivity in the industry
increased more rapidly in the 1970s, when emissions were being reduced more rapidly, than it did in
the 1980s, when the rate of decline was more modest. If we want to account for the environment, it
is necessary to look ahead. One way of resolving this apparent anomaly would be to account
separately for additions and subtractions from natural resource assets. Because costs and benefits
related to the environment itself depend upon the results of the financial accounting, management
accounting, cost accounting, tax accounting, national accounting, etc. 9. The user of information
contained in the EA needs adequate knowledge of the process of EA as well as rules and regulations
prevailing in that country either directly or indirectly related to environmental aspects. These
representative estimates were based on the principal land resource regions (LRRs) for each of the 10
U.S. production regions and the predominant soils in those LRRs ( Figure 1 ). GIFs Highlight your
latest work via email or social media with custom GIFs. Among the first established accounts were
the air emission accounts, due to the political need for data required to monitor climate targets in the
Kyoto Protocol. Income support was excluded because these transfer payments do not alter the net
economic value. The government should bring a notice to enroll more corporates and motivate them
to contribute more to environmental accounting. Methodology: the methodology used comprises a
literature review, where recent works were used in order to expose the current scenario of the
Brazilian context, as well as waste management techniques used more widely. This includes
particularly financial flows such as environmental and resource management expenditures, transfers
that are associated with environmental impacts (e.g. environmentally relevant taxes), and the
production of environmental goods and services. In addition, the financial statements include a Cash
Flow Statement.
A country could exhaust its mineral resources, cut down its forests, erode its soils, pollute its
aquifers, and hunt its wildlife and fisheries to extinction, but measured income would not be
affected as these assets disappeared. No record is kept or appears in the national income and
investment accounts of this loss of capital as natural resources are used beyond their capacity to
recover. The. It should be called as Corporate Environmental Reporting. To develop industries the
concerns need raw material which is provided by the environment. Because these numbers were
calculated (Ribaudo, 1989) based on gross erosion and gross damages, sediment delivery need not
be estimated. Social disclosure in general and environmental disclosure in particular reflects the
changing business climate and social, economic and political environment in which they Occur.
Describe the purpose of environmental accounting and explain its role in business and society. 2.
What is a place of environmental accounting within the financial and management accounting? 3.
Only alternative production practices that improve farmers' bottom line are assumed to be adopted,
and the alternatives represented are being used by small numbers of farmers or being developed and
field tested by agricultural scientists. Accordin g to the Annual Report of the Ministry 1997-98, out
of 1551 large and medium industries identified in the 17 categories of highly polluting industries,
1261 have installed the requisite pollution control facilities and 165 units are in the process of
installing such facilities. In addition to material flows, also other environmental pressures and related
impacts as well as socio-economic data can be set in context and analysed. At the European level, the
Eurostat database provides data on a series of environmental accounts, such as, for instance, on
Material Flows and Resource Productivity. Studies revealed a concentration of the production
residues on the manufacturers due to the vertical process of the production stages. A careful analysis
of costs and the benefits of the environmental pollution are very important now days. Download
Free PDF View PDF Ecology, Environment and Conservation Role of environmental accounting in
enterprises Hamid Saremi Environmental accounting is an important tool for understanding the role
played by the Natural environment in the economy. Consequently, in Austria, Germany, and several
other countries, footprint accounts are already in place for many years. These representative
estimates were based on the principal land resource regions (LRRs) for each of the 10 U.S.
production regions and the predominant soils in those LRRs ( Figure 1 ). By using our site, you
agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. Apart from the methodological
standards, capacity building is needed to ensure that statisticians around the globe acquire the skills
to compile physical accounts and policy designers have knowledge in interpreting the results. Sub
Systems: This type of accounting can be further classified in the following sub Systems: a) Segment
Environmental Accounting (SEA): This is an internal environmental accounting tool to select an
investment activity, or a project, related to environmental conservation from among all processes of
operations, and to evaluate environmental effects for a certain period. We also analyzed the financial
value to farmers and the economic value to society of each farming practice under five policy
scenarios. Evaluate such attempts by the enterprises and be able to prepare the system that can
support the attempts for the entire society. A second Centre, the C.P.Ramaswamy Environmental
Education Centre at Chennai was set up in 1988 under the same scheme. The concern of the Ministry
for protecting the environment in the coastal wat ers and the coastal belt has led to the imposition of
a no-construction belt of 300 meters beyond the high water tidal limit on the Indian coast line. Also,
most definitions of agricultural sustainability have failed to incorporate productivity of the natural
resource base when calculating agricultural productivity. A broader measure, multifactor productivity
(MP) (sometimes also called total factor productivity), measures output per unit of an index of labor,
capital, and intermediate materials inputs. Factors Affecting the Implementation of Green
Manufacturing- A Case Study Ana. Indian corporate. When the Environmental Costs are ignored in
the general accounting. Guidelines have been issued and all such projects are expected to obtain
environmental and anti-pollution clearance before they are actually set up. Traditional double entry
financial accounting is more concern about quantification of business transactions in terms of money.
All alternative systems that our agronomic team could identify for which experimental or field data
exist were included in the database.
Meaning: Environmental Awareness is an awareness and subsequent desire to preserve natural
resources and the environment. In 1971 and 1974, the adjustment is positive, due to additions to
petroleum reserves. 1 In most years during the period, however, the depletion adjustment offsets a
good part of gross capital formation. Traditional double entry financial accounting is more concern
about quantification of business transactions in terms of money. The professional organization of the
accountants can also do its share by conducting seminars and conferences regarding the matter and
training people who will become “experts” in this field. In fact, the results from the Indonesian case
study show that the adjustment for natural resource asset changes is large in many years relative to
GDI. In this respect, comparability of data from environmental and socio-economic domains is of
high relevance. Not consenting or withdrawing consent, may adversely affect certain features and
functions. Read instantly on your browser with Kindle for Web. Advantages of Environmental
Accounting: i) Discloses Utilisation of Natural Resources: Environmental accounting is helpful in
presenting in a transparent manner, the utilisation of natural resources of the country, the costs
incurred to use them and the income earned therefrom. Environmental cost accounting and cost
allocation (a study of selected manufa. This baseline was then extended to take into account
alternative production practices and long-term changes in soil productivity. Rajaraman 2001
observed that Activity Based Costing is significant. Thus, FA activities include data collection,
account balancing, auditing of the financial statements and external reporting. Real capital gains (as
distinct from those resulting from price changes) can be accounted for as gross income and gross
capital formation. Conventional measures of productivity change are misleading indicators because
they do not account for environmental inputs and outputs, which may be as large as other factors of
production. Because the upland population is unlikely to be smaller in the future than it is now, soil
erosion represents a transfer of wealth from the future to the present. CEE has, therefore, developed
a strategy of working with others. From Internal point of view investment made by the corporate
sector for minimization of losses to environment. It reviews current approaches, evaluates structures
for business decisionmaking, and includes a matrix for determining the environmental performance
of industrial facilities. Countries such as Indonesia that are heavily dependent on exhaustible natural
resources must diversify their asset base to preserve a sustainable long-term growth path. Column 2
of Table 3 shows a conventional financial analysis of net farm income per acre per year. Early
initiatives by individual countries, e.g. Austria and Germany, and specific European research projects
started first attempts to develop and implement footprint methodologies, mainly based upon
environmentally-extended input-output analysis. The first example provided in this paper looks at
adjustments to the national accounts using NRA as a way to measure the economic value of resource
depletion in Indonesia. In the extended baseline, soil erosion is reduced nationally by 7 percent and
damages by 10 percent. The present paper aims to discuss the significance of environmental
accounting in Indian university curriculum. This study has also focused on the important role of
sustainable environmental accounting which is dealt with by corporate sectors. Unawareness of the
companies about this new development contributes to this low result. If 1971, a year of significant
additions to petroleum reserves, is excluded, the respective growth rates from 1972 to 1984 are 6.9
percent and 5.4 percent per year for gross and net domestic product, respectively. Finally, the
extended model was used to test a variety of policies, including different levels of flexibility and
green-payment options for improving the environmental performance of agricultural policy. Digital
Sales Sell your publications commission-free as single issues or ongoing subscriptions.
Input for EA is not easily available because costs and benefits relevant to the environment are not
easily measurable. 4. Many business and the Government organizations even large and well managed
ones don’t adequately track the use of energy and material or the cost of inefficient materials use,
waste management and related issue. Describe the Various Governmental Measures for
Environmental Educations and Awareness. This credit was omitted in the analysis because the NO x
's smog-inhibiting effect is temporary and spatially limited. Today, under the school-cluster
programme supported by MoEF year-round programmes go on in schools through,55 NGO-school
clusters covering all States. Environmental cost accounting and cost allocation (a study of selected
manufa. In any case, it has to be seen that a business enterprise in the course of their business
activities does not vitiate, pollute or endanger environment. Social disclosure in general and
environmental disclosure in particular reflects the changing business climate and social, economic
and political environment in which they Occur. Especially for SDG 8 and SDG 12 the material
footprint is a core indicator. The business activities of every enterprise are affected by a nation's
natural resources, viz, water, air, minerals, forests, etc. All over the world there has been much
concern regarding management of environment for ensuring sustainable economic developments.
Income support was excluded because these transfer payments do not alter the net economic value.
See our Methods section for more information on the methodology of MFA and the Relevance
section to learn where MFA is used in political initiatives and processes. RELATED PAPERS in
Cambridge Companion to To the Lighthouse, ed. CEE has, therefore, developed a strategy of
working with others. Again, this follows from a key omission in an important economic indicator.
Under NEAC, the Ministry provides financial assistance to selected non governmental organisations,
education and training institutes, community organisations, etc. The following figure exemplarily
shows the interplay between the SDGs, thereout arising challenges and the relevance of these in the
policy cycle, highlighting thorough information on environmental and economic issues as a
fundamental part of evidence-based policy making. Other alternatives reported in this study include
bioremediation, recycling and composting. Register for a free account to start saving and receiving
special member only perks. As flows always cause a change in stocks, these are also depicted as so-
called “environmental assets”. It includes the evaluation or natural resources measuring the income
therefrom, keeping a record of the cost relating to them, estimating their quantities and providing
depreciation on them. It is a pleasure, challenge and duty of the commerce and management faculty
throughout the world in particular in India to understand the importance of implementation of
environmental accounting as a part of university curriculum as a nation building exercise. This study
applied an NRA framework to analyze the economic and environmental impacts of alternative
policies and production systems (Faeth, 1995). It is clear that conventionally measured GDP
substantially overstates net income and its growth rate, because it does not account for consumption
of natural resource capital. C) Cost Accounting Record Rules: Cost Accounting Record Rules for
various industries made by the Central Government also require disclosing monetary and quantitative
values in Cost Accounting. The analysis estimated several variables for each policy scenario for each
region, including commodity production, commodity prices, farm income, net economic value of
agricultural production, fiscal cost of income support, value and level of agricultural trade, land use,
gross soil erosion, value of soil depreciation, value of soil carbon sequestered, and value of off-farm
surface water impacts. Wherever cases of violating of standards of water or air pollution have been
detected, show cause notices have been issued to industrial units and all such units are being kept
under constant surveillance. Basically, a company has to fulfill following environmental
responsibilities. In order to maximize wealth, it takes support of social and ecological systems.
Environmental accounting helps in measuring the extent to which a corporate enterprise has utilised
the environmental resources. Environmental cost accounting and cost allocation (a study of selected
In any case, it has to be seen that a business enterprise in the course of their business activities does
not vitiate, pollute or endanger environment. Green accounting or environmental accounting is a new
challenge of accounting system. In the past decade, there has been a huge demand on financial and
economic data about environment and natural resources. The larger effect in the baseline extension
comes from including the alternative practices in the set of practices that the model can choose from.
Among the first established accounts were the air emission accounts, due to the political need for
data required to monitor climate targets in the Kyoto Protocol. Input for EA is not easily available
because costs and benefits relevant to the environment are not easily measurable. 4. Many business
and the Government organizations even large and well managed ones don’t adequately track the use
of energy and material or the cost of inefficient materials use, waste management and related issue.
Targeted subsidies adjusted to account for the value of regional damages achieve lower program
costs and have the greatest benefits. This research deals with the scope, challenges and prospects of
environmental accounting. Sustainable economic environmental development may be defined as the
development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs. The following aspects are included in environmental
accounting 1) Internal Point of View: From Internal point of view investment made by the corporate
sector for minimization of losses to environment. The main activities of both the Centres are the
development of environmental resource materials, organisation of training programmes and creation
of environmental awareness among teachers, students and the general community. 4) National
Environmental Awareness Programme (NEAC): The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MOEF),
Government of India started National Environment Awareness Campaign (NEAC) in 1986 with the
aim of creating environmental awareness at all levels of society. It is therefore relevant to compare
the figures for GDI with those representative of natural resource depletion. Despite their awareness
and consent over environmental reporting by industries is it very poor. In collaboration with ERS,
WRI produced an NRA version of the USMP model by extending it to include alternative
commodity production systems, soil depreciation allowances, soil carbon sequestration, energy
budgets, and regional natural resource damages ( Figure 2 ). Responsibility towards environment has
become one of the most crucial areas of social responsibility. The following figure exemplarily shows
the interplay between the SDGs, thereout arising challenges and the relevance of these in the policy
cycle, highlighting thorough information on environmental and economic issues as a fundamental
part of evidence-based policy making. Incidents like the Cuyahoga fire raise an important question:
Can catastrophes-in-the-making be detected early enough to be prevented. Accounting, Benefit
Assessment and Strategic Planning for Environmental Management. The concern of the Ministry for
protecting the environment in the coastal wat ers and the coastal belt has led to the imposition of a
no-construction belt of 300 meters beyond the high water tidal limit on the Indian coast line. The
apparent lag in productivity growth in the U.S. economy, relative to other industrial countries and to
our own past record, has generated many diagnoses and diverse policy prescriptions. Apart from the
general concern for construction of the environment, the concern for the management of hazardous
substances for the protection of the forest wealth and wild life and for preventing biological
degradation have also brought about some restrictions which the existing industrial units and also
entrepreneurs wishing to set up new plants and factories should keep in view. The objective of most
businesses is to earn a profit. All alternative systems that our agronomic team could identify for
which experimental or field data exist were included in the database. Only alternative production
practices that improve farmers' bottom line are assumed to be adopted, and the alternatives
represented are being used by small numbers of farmers or being developed and field tested by
agricultural scientists. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely,
please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Advantages of Environmental Accounting: i)
Discloses Utilisation of Natural Resources: Environmental accounting is helpful in presenting in a
transparent manner, the utilisation of natural resources of the country, the costs incurred to use them
and the income earned therefrom. Prior to this effort, the model covered predominant production
practices only and did not include any environmental impacts. Green Business Best Practices for
Enterprises Sustainability in South-South. Not consenting or withdrawing consent, may adversely
affect certain features and functions. Indonesia's economic performance from 1965 to 1986 is
generally judged to have been successful: its per capita GDP growth averaged 4.6 percent per year, a
rate exceeded by only a handful of low- and middle-income countries and far above the average for
those groups.

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