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TLE REVIEWER(3rd Quarter)

Lesson 1: Kitchen Tools, Equipment and Premises

Kitchen Terminologies:
Kitchen Utensil: A small hand-held tool used for food preparation.
Kitchen Equipment: Items that handle the bulk of preparation and cooking.
Cutting Tools and Equipment: Chopping, slicing, and pounding ingredients.
Measuring Tools and Equipment: Measuring dry, liquid and solid ingredients
and temperature.
Mixing Tools and Equipment: Blending, straining and flattening ingredients.
Cooking tools and Equipment: Preparing the ingredients.
Baking Tools and Equipment: Baking.
Other Tools and Equipment: Storing, transferring, or a container for
ingredients and food.

Cleaning Terminologies:
Cleaning: Process of removing dirt, that can be seen by the naked eye using
cleaning agents.
Cleaning Agents/Hard-Surface Cleaners: Used to remove dirt, dust, stains,
and bad smells.
Sanitizing: Removing microorganisms that remain on the tool or equipment
despite cleaning by heat, radiation and chemicals
Disinfecting: Removing microorganisms but the solutions used are stronger.

Cleaning Agents:
Water: Is the most powerful and popular solvent
Detergent: Comes in liquid, bar and powder. Used for washing dinnerware, table
surfaces, tools, utensil and equipment.
Solvent Cleaners: Known as Degreaser, used for cleaning tools where grease has
Acid Cleaner: Removes mineral deposits and other soil that cannot be removed using
Abrasive Cleaner: Used to remove heavily soil in tools that cannot be removed using
Carbon Tetrachloride: Colorless organic compound with a sweet smell and used in
fire extinguishers.
Ammonia: Colorless gas with a pungent smell. Contributes to the nutritional needs by
serving as a precursor to foods.
Borax: Known as sodium borate, consists of soft colorless crystals that dissolve easily
in water
Sodium Bicarbonate: White solid Crystalline, that appears as a fine powder.
Dishwashing Detergent: Removes food and grease, used in a washing machine.

Proper Dishwashing:
1. Remove leftover food
2. Stack the dishes in: Glassware, Silverware, Chinaware, Utensils
3. Pre-rinse
4. Wash
5. Rinse
6. Sanitize
7. Air-dry

Different Methods of Cleaning:

Foam: It is sprayed on the surface and produced through the introduction of air to a
detergent solution
High Pressure: Increases force aiding in dirt removal.
Clean In Place: Utilize to clean the interior surface of tanks and pipelines
Clean Out of Place: Is utilized to clean parts of filters.
Lesson 2: Food Packaging

Purpose of Packaging
Packaging: Process and materials used for containing, protecting, delivering,
and preserving goods after preparation.
- It keeps the products clean and provides a barrier
- Prevents losses and provides convenience
- Provides Identification

Types of Food Packaging

Glass Containers: Ideal for food packaging because they do not react with
the food product.
Metal Packaging: Heated for sterilization.
Paper and Paperboard: Environmentally-friendly, main source is wood and can
be replaced.
Plastic: Light in weight, unlimited sizes, unbreakable, and resistant to
Cotton: A wrapper for flour, grains, legumes, coffee beans, and sugar that uses
Calico(strong plain cotton fabric).
Leaves: Cheap and readily available, common/widespread

Packaging Type
- Primary, Secondary, Tertiary

Methods of Food Packaging

Canned Packaging: Sealed in metal container and treated thermally
Bottled Packaging: Plastic container that has a body bigger than the diameter.
Vacuum Packaging: Removes air from the package prior to sealing.
Edible packaging: Thin layers of material that can be eaten.
CAP&MAP: Atmosphere is altered and allowed to change over time during
Septic Packaging: Pre-sterilized food product is filled and sealed in a sterile
Environment without reheating.
Home Canned Foods: Preserving food and packing them into glass jars and
being heated to create a vacuum seal.
Freezing: Preserving food by lowering the temperature to inhibit MO growth.
Foil Packaging: Used in food containers, bins, bottle caps that protect against
Sunlight exposure that can lead them to go bad.
Nano Technology: A high-barrier packaging that can detect trace
contaminants, or microbes in packaged foods

Materials of Food Packaging

- Synthetic Plastic
- Active and Intelligent Packaging
- Nano Composites

Food Labels
Labelling: Process of writing or pasting details about the product.
- Name of Food, List of Ingredients, Net contents, weight, information of
manufacturer, nutritional information.
Lesson 3.1: Preparing Appetizer

Appetizer: small amount of food or drink usually taken before the main course
to stimulate appetite. Enhances the taste buds.
Hot Appetizer: served in higher temperature, soup-based, made from bread
or sizzling
Cold Appetizer: served in a lower temperature

Classifications of Hot appetizer

Brochettes: Called “kebab” that that comes with a dipping sauce. Served on a
Small skewer.
Filled pastry Shells: shells made form boat shaped shell. Called a
“barquette or tartlet.”
Meatball: ground beef, poultry, vegetables or pork, etc.
Rumakis: blanched bacon that are wrapped around vegetables.
Stuffed Potato Skins: Hollowed out potatoes that are filled with combination
of ingredients.
Chicken Wings: Is dipped in spicy coating of seasoning then deep fried.
Classifications of Cold appetizer
Blue Cheese and Sundried Tomato Dressing(Cordon bleu): Combined blue
Cheese and tomatoes that result to smooth and creamy mixtures.
Pita Salad: Filling of crunchy vegetables inside a pizza sandwich.
Baba Ganoush: Uses Pita bread, shellfish dip, and prepared by flaked crab
Traditional Salsa with Baked Chips: Is made up of vegetables and served best
with tortilla chips.

Classification of Appetizers
Canapes: Small pieces of bread, toast or cracker spread and topped with a
Seasoned food mixture.
Cocktails: Kind of appetizer in the form of a fruit, mixed with alcoholic drink.
Vegetables Hors D’OEUVRES: Salty, tart or crispy food that uses vegetable
slices as base and the inside part is scooped and stuffed with fillings.
Over the Coal Appetizer: Served outside and the guests attend the grilling.
Skewered on fine barbecue sticks.
Soup and Consommés: Liquid food made of meat.
Party or pastry Bread: Different fillings and different shapes
Chips and Dips: It is a bite size foods that are dipped into the product.
Petite Salad: Display the characteristic found in a salad.
Relishes: Cooked and pickled product made of chopped vegetables.
Lesson 3.2: Salad and Dressing

Salad: Leafy vegetables as main ingredients, served with a dressing.

Salad Dressing: sauce used to enhance the flavor to make a salad tastier.

Parts of a Salad:
Base: bed of leafy greens properly cut and laid on top of the plate
Body: main ingredient of the salad or main attraction
Dressing: gives the salad its flavor, sauce to enhance.
Garnish: consists of food elements that add form, texture and color.

Types of Salad Dressing

Vinaigrette: known as “French dressing” a combination of vinegar, oil and
seasoning. Accentuates flavor and gives moisture.
Emulsified Dressing: Mixture of two liquids that do not mix.
Mayonnaise: cold sauce that is an emulsion of oil and vinegar.

Oil: Carrier of Flavor

Vinegar: adds a pronounced flavor
Mustard: adds a sharp flavor.

Classifications of Salad: Appetizer, Side, Main, or Dessert.

Types of Salads acc. Ingredients

Garden Salad: Known as green salads or tossed salads, leafy veggies
Vegetable Salad: Largely for vegan and for starter.
Bound Salad: Dressing used is thick and binding.
Dinner Salad: Main courses and heavy intake
Fruit Salad: Involves fruits and vegetables
Dessert Salad: Sweet salad served as a dessert.
Chicken Salad: Composed of chopped chicken meat.
Coleslaw: Shredded raw and white cabbage.
Egg Salad: High-protein or high-carbohydrate.
Potato Salad: Boiled Potatoes
Tuna Salad: Tuna, mayonnaise, and eggs.
Serbian: A vegetable salad with roast meat and other dishes

Lesson 4: Sandwiches
Sandwiches: made up of one or more slices of bread.
Bread: Kind of food made of flour that is mixed with water and milk.
Types of Bread:
Loaf Bread or Pullman: Most commonly used bread for sandwiches.
Quick bread: Used for a sweeter tasting sandwich
Wraps: Very thin, flat breads used for sandwich wraps.
Flat Breads: Flattened unleavened breads that come around from the globe.
Buns and Rolls: Excellent choice for making Sandwiches.

Spreads: Adds moisture, flavor and richness to the sandwich and act as a
Barrier between the filling and bread.
- Sealant for the bread
- Flavor
- Moisture
(Butter, Mayonnaise, Purees)

Filling: Heart of the sandwich. Provides the body of the sandwich.

Garnishes: Makes sandwiches visually more appealing.

Hot sandwiches: Hot fillings, usually meats, May contain non-hot items.(Parmesan
tuna sandwich)

Cold Sandwiches: pre-cooked fillings and fresh vegetables.

Types of Sandwiches
Closed Sandwiches: adding filling to two bread slices, placed one on top.
Open-Face Sandwiches: Applying fillings while allowing the bread to stand
Triple-Decker or Multi-Decker Sandwich: Three or more slices of bread
Finger Sandwiches: sliced into bite size pieces for appetizers.
Wraps: Flat-folded bread with fillings tucked inside.

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A reward for everyone showcasing greatness within cheer dance Hehe
When you’re overwhelmed by the sheer definitions,
don’t give up!!!

References: Self Learning Guide by Mrs. Evangeline A. Villamater

Test for Definitions:


1. Kitchen Utensil, Other, Measuring, Cutting, Cooking, Kitchen Equipment


2. Cleaning, Sanitizing, Disinfecting, Cleaning Agents, Solvent Cleaners

Dishwashing Detergent, Sodium Bicarbonate, Ammonia, Water, Detergent
Abrasive Cleaner, Borax, Carbon Tetrachloride, Acid Cleaner

3. Foam, Clean Out of Place, Clean In Place, High Pressure

4. Cotton, Plastic, Packaging, Metal, Glass Containers, Paper and Paperboard

5. Vacuum, Homed Canned, Nano, Freezing, CAP&MAP, Edible, Bottled, Septic,


6. stuffed potato skins, Chicken Wings, Meatballs, Brochettes, Rumakis

Filled pastry Shells

7. Pita Salad, Blue Cheese and Sundried tomato dressing, baba Ganoush
Traditional Salsa with Baked Chips,

8. Party or Pastry Bread, Chips and Dips, Over the Coal, Cocktails, Canapes
Petite salad, Soup and Consommés, Vegetables Hors D'OEUVRES, Relishes

9. Salad, Body, Salad Dressing, Dressing, Base, Garnish

10. Mayonnaise, Vinegar, Mustard, Emulsified Dressing, Vinaigrette, Oil

11. Egg, Coleslaw, Fruit, Potato, Serbian, Chicken, Garden, Dinner, bound,
Dessert, Vegetable, tuna

12. Flat, Quick, Buns and Rolls, wraps, Loaf or Pullman

13. Garnishes, Spreads Filling, Finger, Multi Decker, Open Face, Closed, Wraps
Kitchen Terms
- A small hand-held tool used for food preparation.
- Items that handle the bulk of preparation and cooking.
- Chopping, slicing, and pounding ingredients.
- Measuring dry, liquid and solid ingredients and temperature.
- Blending, straining and flattening ingredients.
- Preparing the ingredients
- Storing, transferring, or a container for ingredients and food.

Cleaning terms
- Process of removing dirt, that can be seen by the naked eye using cleaning
- Used to remove dirt, dust, stains, and bad smells.
- Removing microorganisms that remain on the tool or equipment despite
cleaning by heat, radiation and chemicals
- Removing microorganisms but the solutions used are stronger.

Cleaning Agents
- Is the most powerful and popular solvent
- Comes in liquid, bar and powder. Used for washing dinnerware, table
surfaces, tools, utensil and equipment.
- Known as Degreaser, used for cleaning tools where grease has burned.
- Removes mineral deposits and other soil that cannot be removed using
- Used to remove heavily soil in tools that cannot be removed using detergents.
- Colorless organic compound with a sweet smell and used in fire
- Colorless gas with a pungent smell. Contributes to the nutritional needs by
serving as a precursor to foods.
- Known as sodium borate, consists of soft colorless crystals that dissolve
easily in water
- White solid Crystalline, that appears as a fine powder.
- Removes food and grease, used in a washing machine.
1. Rinse
2. Wash
3. Pre-rinse
4. Stack the dishes in: Glassware, Silverware, Chinaware, Utensils
5. Sanitize
6. Remove Left over food
7. Air-dry

Different Methods of Cleaning

- It is sprayed on the surface and produced through the introduction of air to a
detergent solution
- Increases force aiding in dirt removal.
- Utilize to clean the interior surface of tanks and pipelines
- Is utilized to clean parts of filters.
Types of Food Packaging:
- Process and materials used for containing, protecting, delivering, and
preserving goods after preparation.
- Ideal for food packaging because they do not react with the food product.
- Heated for sterilization.
- Environmentally-friendly, main source is wood and can be replaced.
- Light in weight, unlimited sizes, unbreakable, and resistant to degradation.
- A wrapper for flour, grains, legumes, coffee beans, and sugar that uses Calico
- Cheap and readily available, common/widespread

Methods of Food Packaging

- Sealed in metal container and treated thermally
- Plastic container that has a body bigger than the diameter.
- Removes air from the package prior to sealing.
- Atmosphere is altered and allowed to change over time during storage.
- Pre-sterilized food product is filled and sealed in a sterile Environment
without reheating.
- Preserving food and packing them into glass jars and being heated to create
a vacuum seal.
- Preserving food by lowering the temperature to inhibit MO growth.
- Used in food containers, bins, bottle caps that protect against Sunlight
exposure that can lead them to go bad.
- A high-barrier packaging that can detect trace contaminants, or microbes in
packaged foods
- Process of writing or pasting details about the product.

Classifications of Hot Appetizers

- Called “kebab” that that comes with a dipping sauce. Served on a Small
- shells made form boat shaped shell. Called a “barquette or tartlet.”
- ground beef, poultry, vegetables or pork, etc.
- blanched bacon that are wrapped around vegetables.
- Hollowed out potatoes that are filled with combination of ingredients.
- Is dipped in spicy coating of seasoning then deep fried.

Classifications of Cold Appetizer:

- Combined blue Cheese and tomatoes that result to smooth and creamy
- Filling of crunchy vegetables inside a pizza sandwich.
- Uses Pita bread, shellfish dip, and prepared by flaked crab
- Is made up of vegetables and served best with tortilla chips.

Classifications of Appetizers
- Small pieces of bread, toast or cracker spread and topped with a Seasoned
food mixture.
- Kind of appetizer in the form of a fruit, mixed with alcoholic drink.
- Salty, tart or crispy food that uses vegetable
slices as base and the inside part is scooped and stuffed with fillings.
- Served outside and the guests attend the grilling. Skewered on fine barbecue
- Liquid food made of meat.
- Different fillings and different shapes
- It is a bite size food that are dipped into the product.
- Display the characteristic found in a salad.
- Cooked and pickled product made of chopped vegetables.

Salad and Dressing

- Leafy vegetables as main ingredients, served with a dressing.
- sauce used to enhance the flavor to make a salad tastier.

Parts of A Salad
- bed of leafy greens properly cut and laid on top of the plate
- main ingredient of the salad or main attraction
- gives the salad its flavor, sauce to enhance.
- consists of food elements that add form, texture and color.

Types of Salad Dressing

- known as “French dressing” a combination of vinegar, oil and
seasoning. Accentuates flavor and gives moisture.
- Mixture of two liquids that do not mix.
- cold sauce that is an emulsion of oil and vinegar.
- The Carrier of Flavor
- Adds a pronounced Flavor
- Adds a sharp Flavor

Types of Salads according to Ing.

- Known as green salads or tossed salads, leafy veggies
- Largely for vegan and for starter.
- Dressing used is thick and binding.
- Main courses and heavy intake
- Involves fruits and vegetables
- Sweet salad served as a dessert.
- Composed of chopped chicken meat.
- Shredded raw and white cabbage.
- High-protein or high-carbohydrate.
- Boiled Potatoes
- Tuna, mayonnaise, and eggs.
- A vegetable salad with roast meat and other dishes

Types of Bread:
- Most commonly used bread for sandwiches.
- Used for a sweeter tasting sandwich.
- Very thin, flat breads used for sandwich wraps.
- Flattened unleavened breads that come around from the globe.
- Excellent choice for making Sandwiches.

Flavors of Salads
- Adds moisture, flavor and richness to the sandwich and act as a Barrier
between the filling and bread.
- Heart of the sandwich. Provides the body of the sandwich.
- Makes sandwiches visually more appealing.

Types of Sandwiches
- adding filling to two bread slices, placed one on top.
- Applying fillings while allowing the bread to stand apart.
- Three or more slices of bread
- sliced into bite size pieces for appetizers.
- Flat-folded bread with fillings tucked inside.

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