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a réussi

English for Career D evelopment

un cours en ligne sans crédit, autorisé par University of Pennsylvania et proposé par
l'intermédiaire de Coursera

Brian McManus Robyn Turner

Language Specialist Senior Language Specialist
English Language Programs English Language Programs
University of Pennsylvania

Veri f y a t :
coursera .org /veri f y/J5JB 8PB M F7S R
Cour se r a a conf ir m é l' ide nt it é de ce t t e pe r sonne e t sa
pa r t icipa t ion a u cour s.
The online course named in this certi cate may draw on material from courses taught on-campus, but it is not equivalent to an on-campus course. Participation in this online course does not constitute enrollment at the
University of Pennsylvania. This certi cate does not confer a University grade, course credit or degree, and it does not verify the identity of the learner.

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