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Can you provide more detail on how you operationalized the sub-variables under self-
confidence and readiness for tertiary education?

2. How do you ensure that the statements in your questionnaires accurately capture the constructs
you aim to measure?

3. Did you encounter any challenges in obtaining a representative sample, particularly in sections
with smaller populations?

4. Can you elaborate on the validation process of the adapted questionnaires, particularly
regarding content validity?

5. You mentioned using Cronbach's alpha to assess reliability. What cutoff value did you
consider acceptable for internal consistency, and how did your instruments perform in this

6. How did you ensure the confidentiality and anonymity of respondents' data during the survey
administration process?

7. Were there any factors that could have influenced respondents' answers, and if so, how did
you mitigate them?

8. Have you considered using other statistical methods, such as regression analysis, to explore
the relationship between self-confidence and readiness for tertiary education more

9. How do you plan to interpret the results if Spearman's rank order correlation coefficient
indicates a significant relationship between the variables?

10. How might the findings of your study be generalized beyond Carlos F. Gonzales High
School, considering the specific context and demographics of the school?

11. Can you elaborate on why you chose stratified random sampling and how you ensured that it
adequately represented the population of grade 12 students at Carlos F. Gonzales High School?

12. How did you ensure the content validity of the adapted questionnaires, especially considering
the modifications made to fit the context of your study?
13. Could you provide more details on how you assessed the reliability of the survey
instruments, particularly regarding the Cronbach's alpha analysis?

14. Did you encounter any ethical challenges during the data collection process, and if so, how
were they addressed?

15. Besides descriptive statistics and Spearman's rank order correlation coefficient, are there any
other statistical analyses you plan to conduct on the data?

16. How do you plan to handle missing data or outliers during the data analysis phase?

17. Are there any potential limitations or assumptions inherent in your research design that could
affect the generalizability or validity of your findings?

18. How do you plan to address or mitigate any potential biases that may arise during data
collection or analysis?

19. Are there any specific factors or variables you did not include in your study that you believe
could influence self-confidence and readiness for tertiary education?

20. Can you provide specific examples of the indicators used to measure each aspect of self-
confidence and readiness for tertiary education?

21. Why did you choose academic performance, social interactions, and speaking with people as
dimensions to measure self-confidence among grade 12 students?

22. What factors influenced your decision to focus on post-secondary education, persistence and
grit, and interpersonal maturity as indicators of readiness for tertiary education?

23. How do the sub-problems identified in your statement of the problem align with the overall
objective of investigating the relationship between self-confidence and readiness for tertiary

24. Can you explain how addressing each sub-problem contributes to achieving the main goal of
the research?
25. How did you determine the specific aspects of self-confidence and readiness for tertiary
education to include in your study?

26. Were there any factors or variables that you considered but ultimately decided to exclude
from your investigation, and if so, why?

27. How do you ensure that the results of your study remain relevant beyond the specified
timeframe and context of Carlos F. Gonzales High School?

28. How did you ensure that the questions in the questionnaire were clear and easily
understandable to the grade 12 students?

29. Can you describe the process you followed to ensure that the questions were relevant to the
concepts of self-confidence and readiness for tertiary education?

30. Could you elaborate on the validation process of the questionnaire? What criteria were used
to determine the validity of the questions?

31. Did you conduct a pilot test of the questionnaire with a small group of students to identify
any potential issues or ambiguities? If so, how did you address them?

32. What considerations guided the selection of the Likert scale format for the questionnaire?
Were there any alternative formats considered?

33. How did you decide on the number of response options for each question in the Likert scale
(e.g., 4-point scale)?

34. How did you address potential sources of bias in the questionnaire, such as leading questions
or assumptions about students' experiences?

35. Were there any sensitive topics or areas covered in the questionnaire, and if so, how did you
ensure that they were approached with appropriate sensitivity and respect for the respondents'

36. Did you provide respondents with an opportunity to provide feedback on the questionnaire
after completing it? If so, how was this feedback collected and incorporated into the final version
of the questionnaire?
37. How do you plan to address any issues or concerns raised by respondents during or after the
data collection process regarding the questionnaire's content or structure?

38. How did you ensure that the questions in the survey questionnaire directly addressed the
research objectives outlined in the Statement of the Problem?

39. Can you provide examples of how specific questions in the questionnaire correspond to the
aspects of self-confidence and readiness for tertiary education mentioned in the SOP?

40. Did you encounter any challenges or discrepancies when translating the broad research focus
outlined in the SOP into specific questions for the survey questionnaire?

41. How did you ensure that the questionnaire remained focused on investigating the relationship
between self-confidence and readiness for tertiary education, as stated in the SOP?

42. Was the survey questionnaire adapted from existing instruments or developed entirely from
scratch? If adapted, what criteria were used to select or modify the questions to fit the context of
the study?

43. Were there any specific modifications made to the survey questionnaire based on the unique
characteristics or needs of the grade 12 students at Carlos F. Gonzales High School?

44. How do you believe the survey questionnaire's content and structure contribute to effectively
addressing the research questions posed in the SOP?

45. Can you describe any validation processes or measures undertaken to ensure that the survey
questionnaire accurately captures the intended constructs and variables outlined in the SOP?

46. Did you receive any feedback or suggestions from stakeholders, such as teachers or school
administrators, regarding the alignment between the SOP and the survey questionnaire?

47. How did you incorporate any feedback or suggestions received during the development of
the survey questionnaire to ensure its alignment with the research objectives outlined in the
48. Based on your experience with developing the survey questionnaire for this study, do you
foresee any adjustments or refinements that may be needed in future iterations of the
questionnaire for similar research endeavors?

49. How might the alignment between the SOP and the survey questionnaire influence the
interpretation and implications of the study findings for addressing self-confidence and readiness
for tertiary education among grade 12 students?

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