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A. Read the text.

The Amish are a group of people who believe inliving separately

from the modern world. Theylive in Canada and the USA in small
farming communities of about 300 people. These people do not
drive cars or fly in aero planes, but simply drive horses and carts.
As a result, their communities are small and close, and their
children do not usually move to another area when they grow up.
Family values and traditions are very important to the Amish. At
home, they speak a very old-fashioned version of German,
although they also speak English when it is necessary.

They wear very simple clothing. The men wear wide black hats,
plain trousers, and shirts. After they marry, the men grow beards. The women, and even the little
girls, wear bonnets (a kind of old-fashioned hat) and long dresses. They make their living from
farming, using old traditional methods. Their houses do not have electricity or telephones.

Their children finish school at about the age of 12 or 13; after that they work on their farm.
All other children in the USA must attend school for another four years.

Many people do not understand the simple and slow way of Amish life. But the Amish believe that
modern society is too stressful and materialistic.

B. Answer the questions according to the text.

1. How many people live in a typical Amish community?

A typical Amish commünity about 300 people

2. How do the Amish travel?

The amish travel by driving horses

3. Which languages do they speak?


4. When do Amish children finish school?

Amish children nish school at age 12

081eng-hw-w3-(thursday homework)

PART TWO: Complete the conversation with “somebody, anybody, nobody, everybody”.

Man 1: Hi. Can I speak to 1. _________________ in the Human Resource office, please?
Man 2: I am sorry, sir. It’s after 6:00. There isn’t 2. ________________ in the office now.
3. ________________ has closed for the day.

Man 1: But I must speak to 4. ________________ today.
Man 2: I am sorry. There is 5. _________________ here. Can you phone back in the morning? There
will be 6. ___________________ here then.

PART THREE: The sentences on the right follow those on the left. Which sentence goes with
which? Match the sentences.

1.Please don’t make so much noise. a I’m getting hungry.

2 We need to leave soon. b They’re lying.
c It’s starting to rain. 3.___
3 I don’t have anywhere to live right now.
4 I need to eat something soon. d They’re trying to sell it.
5 They don’t need their car any more. e It’s getting late. 5.___
6 Things are not so good at work. f I’m trying to work. 6.___
7 It isn’t true what they say. g I’m staying with friends. 7.___
8 We’re going to get wet. h The company is losing money. 8.___

PART FOUR: Fill in the gaps with the correct form of PRESENT SIMPLE or CONTINUOUS TENSE.

l ves
Meet Alex, a typical teenager who 1. ______ (live) in a suburban neighborhood. On a regular school day,

Alex 2.________ (wake up) early, usually at 6:30 AM, to get ready for classes. They 3. ________ (catch)
the school bus with a backpack full of textbooks and notebooks, just like every other student in their

neighborhood. Today, however, things are a bit different. Alex 4. ________ (not be) at school; instead,

araptay y
they 5. ________ (participate) in a community service project. Currently, they 6. ________ (plant) trees
in the local park with a group of volunteers. Alex 7. sd gg n(dig) a hole for a young sapling and carefully
8. ________ (place) it in the ground. The sun 9. ________(shine) brightly, and they can feel the soil
ssh n n
between their fingers. Apart from school and community service, Alex 10. ________ (have) a passion for
music. Teenagers like Alex 11. _______ (often balance) academics, extracurricular activities, and personal
interests, making their lives both dynamic and filled with exciting moments amidst their daily routines.

081eng-hw-w3-(thursday homework)



Read this email from your English-speaking friend Alex and the notes you have made.

Write your email to Alex using all the notes in about 100 words.

From: Alex
Subject: My sister’s birthday

Hi Me too!

It’s my sister’s birthday next week! I am excited about celebrating with her on Sunday.
You said you wouldn’t mind helping me choose a present for her. Are you free tomorrow Yes- suggest
where to go
morning to come shopping with me? shopping

I have a couple of ideas for presents. Do you think it’s a good idea to buy her something to
wear, or should just get her a $20 gift card so she can spend it on what she wants? Explain
Shall we have lunch together after shopping?
Anyway, let me know!
Sorry, but…

From: ____________

Alex De Souza ğa

Yout sisters birthday

Subject: _____________________________

Hello Alex,
I love you so much, l think somethink and we can go
shopping tomorrow, we will go to the Fenerbahçe’s museum
than we will go to the Fenerium. We will purchase a football
shirt, than we will arrive home. We will make a cake


081eng-hw-w3-(thursday homework)

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