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 DRILL (15-20 Q’s): Here we’re simply reviewing the directions.

1.) Teacher: Tell me to take off my watch.

Student: Take off your watch.
2.) T: Tell me to put it back on.
S: Put it back on.
3.) T: Tell me to pick up the pen.
4.) T: Tell me to put it back down.
5.) T. Tell me to stand up.
6.) T: Tell me to go to the door.
7.) T: Tell me to open the door.
8.) T: Tell me to close the door again.
9.) T. Tell me to come back to the table.
10.) T: Tell me to sit down.
11.) T: Tell me to fold my arms.
12.) T: Tell me to pass you my pen.
13.) T: Tell me to write my name on the board.
14.) T: Tell me to wipe the board.

T: Tell me to repeat what I said.

How old was...? Practice was and were.

1Ask how old my mother was when I was born (23)

2Ask me how old my father was when I was born (34)

3Ask him/her how old his father was when he/she was born

4Ask me how old I was when my sister was born

5Ask me how old my brother was when my sister was born

6Ask me hold old I was when my older niece was born (34)

7Ask me how old I was when my younger niece was born (39)

8Ask me how old my youngest aunt was when I was born (3)

9Ask me how old Madonna was when I was born (15)

10Ask me how old I was when you were born (I don't know)

11Ask him/her how old his/her mother was when he/she was born

12Ask me how old Obama was when I was born (20+-)

13Ask me how old I was when my best friend was born (4)

14Ask me how old the King of Spain was when I was born (18)

List 2. Do you know anyone who...?

Ask someone if they know anyone...

1...who plays the piano. Yes, I know someone. No, I don't anyone who...

2...who speaks Chinese

3...who knows how to fly

4...who lives in Japan

5...who can ride a motorbike

6...who has a hamster

7...who can use a computer

8...who can speak German

9...who can sing very well

10...who sings very badly

11...who can cook paella

12...who can't cook

13...who works at the weekend

14...who has a ferrari

15...who lives in Italy

16...who can paint

17...who plays poker

18...who doesn't have a mobile phone

19...who knows how to use a computer

20...who knows how to dance the tango

Here are 15 short sentences using "should" with simple business vocabulary suitable for a B1 ESL English

1. Employees should arrive at the office on time.

2. We should send the invoices to clients promptly.
3. You should answer phone calls professionally.
4. Managers should provide clear instructions to their teams.
5. We should schedule a meeting to discuss the project.
6. Sales representatives should follow up with potential customers.
7. To stay organized, you should use a calendar.
8. We should order more office supplies soon.
9. You should double-check your work for errors.
10. To save money, we should reduce unnecessary expenses.
11. Employees should dress appropriately for business meetings.
12. We should create a budget for the upcoming quarter.
13. You should keep your workspace neat and tidy.
14. Managers should listen to employee feedback.
15. To improve communication, we should use email for updates.
Translation lists

1. Spanish: Debería analizar esta propuesta. English: You should analyze this proposal.
2. Spanish: Deberíamos considerar nuevas estrategias de marketing. English: We should consider
new marketing strategies.
3. Spanish: Deberían invertir en tecnología de vanguardia. English: They should invest in cutting-
edge technology.
4. Spanish: El deber de confidencialidad es fundamental en los negocios. English: The duty of
confidentiality is crucial in business.
5. Spanish: Cumplir con los plazos de entrega es una obligación. English: Meeting delivery
deadlines is an obligation.
6. Spanish: Deberá presentar un informe detallado la próxima semana. English: You should
present a detailed report next week.
7. Spanish: Deberíamos mejorar nuestras relaciones con los clientes. English: We should improve
our customer relationships.
8. Spanish: Los empleados deben seguir las políticas de la empresa. English: Employees should
follow company policies.
9. Spanish: Deberían tomar medidas para reducir los costos operativos. English: They should take
measures to reduce operational costs.
10. Spanish: Tener un plan de negocios sólido es esencial. English: Having a solid business plan is
11. Spanish: Debería ser proactivo en la resolución de problemas. English: You should be proactive
in problem-solving.
12. Spanish: Deberíamos hacer un seguimiento de las métricas clave. English: We should track key
13. Spanish: Los líderes empresariales deben inspirar a sus equipos. English: Business leaders
should inspire their teams.
14. Spanish: Deberían evaluar las oportunidades de expansión. English: They should assess
expansion opportunities.
15. Spanish: Cumplir con los estándares de calidad es una prioridad. English: Meeting quality
standards is a priority.

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