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Life Priorities

Main purpose: To help people manage their priorities with different methods.

Introduction: give a brief explanation about the topic, explain the issues that most
peoples are facing with managing their priorities. (We all suffer from managing
our life priorities because we are college student, with heavy load and pressure
from assignments and exams, we somehow forget to manage what’s important and
what’s not, and end slipping away from our priorities, so this should help you
figure out how to manage your priorities with a couple of steps.

Issue encountered: in order to manage and prioritize what’s important we have to
let go of fun from time to time, yes we enjoy having fun with our friends and
family but we have to focus on our priorities so that we don’t end piling endless
tasks on top of our heads, here are a couple of steps on how to do it.
 Methods used:

1. Phone notes: writing down notes on what to do every day, and whenever a
task is done, it gets marked with a green sign.

2. White board: writing daily notes on a white board is a good idea to manage

what’s important to do for the day and once you are done erase it on put a

mark on it.

3. Setting a reminder on your phone or your smart watch to remind you on

when to do stuffs is not a bad idea, as it could help a busy person to not

forget what he wants to do.

Conclusion: We have reached our conclusion finally so a piece of advice for

everyone listening, prioritize yourself, let go of fun but not completely, and I hope

everyone did learn something from my speech.

Name: Fadhel Alsari


Sec 04

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